[wordpress插件] Breezing Forms微风形式

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-11 12:40 641 0 全屏看文



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专业版 |

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Form Themes |

表单主题 |

Pre-Made Forms |

预制表格 |

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Breezing Forms is a professional form builder to create contact forms and any kind


of custom forms for WordPress you can think of.


Breezing Forms is suited for both, beginners and experts.


You may create from simple to very sophisticated and complex multi step forms as it provides a clever interface to add and manage form elements quickly — while quick means easy.


Breezing Forms supports responsiveness and theme support but it also gives you the ability to display your form optimized for mobile devices.


As example, open this form with your desktop and mobile browser:


Mobile Form Demo


The admin ui feels like home in WordPress and helps you to keep track of your form structure.


No matter if simple or complex forms, you never get lost in the process and this makes it a huge advantage over classic drag-from-left-to-right form builders.


See the demo forms for a some examples and you will get an idea


of what is possible.


All kinds of forms are possible: contact forms, job application forms,


feedback forms, order forms, questionnaires, payments, pay to download files and anything else you can think of that requires to collect data from your visitors.


BreezingForms is well supported, frequently updated and one of the most popular form builders.


We also add new features if demanded.


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you find something is missing.


Key Features


    • Unlimited Fields in Pro Version (up to 5 fields in free version)
    • 专业版中的无限字段(免费版中最多5个字段)

    • Mobile Forms (Pro Version)

    • 移动表格 (专业版)


    • em>

    • Business/CRM: Salesforce® integration (Pro Version)
    • 企业/客户关系管理:Salesforce®集成 (专业版)

    • Sharing: Dropbox® integration (Pro Version)
    • 共享:Dropbox®集成 (专业版)

    • Upload image preview (Pro Version)
    • 上传图片预览 (专业版)

    • 25+ pre-made, great looking form themes (Pro Version)
    • 25个以上预制的精美主题主题 (专业版)

    • Pre-made form samples (Pro Version)
    • 预制表格样本 (专业版)

    • Responsive forms
    • 响应式表单

    • Multi step / multi page forms
    • 多步/多页表单

    • MailChimp Newsletter integration
    • MailChimp新闻通讯集成

    • Conditional Fields
    • 条件字段

    • Responsive forms
    • 响应式表单

    • 18 and counting form items (from simple input to captcha items)
    • 18个并计数表单项(从简单输入到验证码项)

    • Ajax file uploads with progress bars
    • 上传带有进度条的Ajax文件

    • Native Captcha and reCaptcha
    • 本地验证码和reCaptcha

    • Summary item: Create summary pages quickly (including calculations if you need them)
    • 摘要项:快速创建摘要页面(包括计算,如果需要的话)

    • Maxlength for textareas including “chars left” display
    • 包括“剩余字符”显示在内的文本区域的最大长度

    • Calendar item
    • 日历项

    • PayPal and Direct Payment (sofort.com)
    • PayPal和直接付款(sofort.com)

    • “Pay to download file” feature
    • “付费下载文件”功能

    • Custom email subjects
    • 自定义电子邮件主题

    • Reply-to fields
    • 回复字段

    • File attachments from uploads for admin and reply-to emails
    • 来自上载的用于管理员和回复电子邮件的文件附件

    • Reply-to files: attach files from your server to reply-to addresses
    • 回复文件:将服务器中的文件附加到回复地址

    • Reply-to for select lists
    • 选择列表的回复对象

    • Reply-to addresses as sender addresses
    • 回复地址作为发件人地址

    • Data filter for reply-tos
    • 回复的数据过滤器

    • Multiple recipients for the admin notification mails (themeable)
    • 管理员通知邮件的多个收件人(主题化)

    • User data email notifications
    • 用户数据电子邮件通知

    • PDF, CSV & XML export (in records and as attachments)
    • PDF,CSV和XML导出(以记录和附件形式)

    • Many pre-defined validations and actions
    • 许多预定义的验证和操作

    • Custom scripting
    • 自定义脚本

    • Database storage of all submitted data
    • 所有已提交数据的数据库存储

    • Package system: Create your forms once and export them to other sites
    • 打包系统:一次性创建表格并将其导出到其他网站

    • Developer friendly: Extend your forms within BreezingForms by using its PHP & Javascript API — no hacking required.
    • 对开发人员友好:通过使用其PHP和Javascript API在BreezingForms中扩展表单-无需黑客。

    • Documentation/tutorial videos
    • 文档/教程视频

    • Scripts and CSS only printed when there is a form on the page (not in the entire site as this often happens with plugins)
    • 仅当页面上有表单时才打印脚本和CSS(不是在整个站点中出现,因为插件通常会出现这种情况)

    • Widget Support
    • 小部件支持

    • Shortcode helper for posts and pages
    • 帖子和页面的简码助手

    If you got any questions on the pro, please don't hesitate to contact us at sales@crosstec.

    如果您对专业人士有任何疑问,请随时通过 sales @ crosstec与我们联系。



    Building forms introduction:


    =“ 0” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>


Minimum requirements:


WordPress 3.0+

WordPress 3.0+

PHP 5.x

PHP 5.x

MySQL 4.x+

MySQL 4.x +

Installation from within backend:


    1. In plugin manager, click “Add New”
    2. 在插件管理器中,单击“添加新项”

    3. Search for “breezingforms”
    4. 搜索“微风形式”

    5. Click “install”
    6. 点击“安装”

    7. Activate the plugin once it is installed
    8. 安装插件后激活它

    9. Click on “BreezingForms” from the left menu and follow the instructions to complete the installation
    10. 点击左侧菜单中的“ BreezingForms”,然后按照说明完成安装

    FTP upload installation method:


      1. Upload the breezing-forms folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory using your FTP client
      2. 使用FTP客户端将微风形式文件夹上传到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

      3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
      4. 通过“插件”菜单激活插件

      5. Go to the BreezingForms menu, finish the installation and create a new custom form or install the sample form package that ships with BreezingForms
      6. 转到BreezingForms菜单,完成安装并创建一个新的自定义表单,或者安装BreezingForms附带的示例表单包

      7. Use shortcode [breezingforms name=”FORM NAME”] in pages and posts.

      8. 在页面和帖子中使用简码[breezingforms name =“ FORM NAME”]。

        Use the editor helper to create shortcodes with more options.

      9. 使用编辑器助手来创建带有更多选项的简码。

      10. Or add a new Widget and select the forms to display
      11. 或添加新的小部件并选择要显示的表单

      Zip upload installation method (make sure uploads up to 5MB are allowed for your hosting):


        1. Login to your WordPress site administrator panel and head over the ‘Plugins’ menu
        2. 登录WordPress网站管理员面板并转到“插件”菜单

        3. Click ‘Add New’
        4. 点击“添加新内容”

        5. Choose the ‘Upload’ option
        6. 选择“上传”选项

        7. Click Choose file (Browse) and select the breezing-forms.*.zip file.

        8. 单击选择文件浏览),然后选择微风形式。*。zip文件。

        9. Click Install Now button.

        10. 点击立即安装按钮。

        11. Once it is complete, activate the plugin.

        12. 完成后,激活插件。

        13. Go to the BreezingForms menu, finish the installation and create a new custom form or install the sample form package that ships with BreezingForms
        14. 转到BreezingForms菜单,完成安装并创建一个新的自定义表单,或者安装BreezingForms附带的示例表单包

        15. Use shortcode [breezingforms name=”FORM NAME”] in pages and posts.

        16. 在页面和帖子中使用简码[breezingforms name =“ FORM NAME”]。

          Use the editor helper to create shortcodes with more options.

        17. 使用编辑器助手来创建带有更多选项的简码。

        18. Or add a new Widget and select the forms to display
        19. 或添加新的小部件并选择要显示的表单





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