[wordpress插件] BP Profile Shortcodes ExtraBP配置文件简码额外

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-10 18:00 642 0 全屏看文



The ambition of this plugin is to provide all the shortcodes needed to create group and member profile dashboards using shortcodes.


In addition is has wider features supporting general groups and member lists and the Activity “What’s New” form.


This is an extremely powerful plugin with many shortcode options allowing you to display a range of aspects from member profiles and groups.


It includes an button to insert the shortcodes into the Classic WordPress editor and a range of Gutenberg Blocks where appropriate.


For the Block Editor support for shortcodes is either via blocks where appropriate or via the Classic block, from here you will see the BP Profile Shortcodes Extra dropdown menu to select the appropriate code.

对于块编辑器,对短代码的支持是通过适当的块或通过经典块,从此处您将看到BP Profile Shortcodes Extra下拉菜单以选择适当的代码。

The classic editor does not render shortcodes as part of it’s preview capability currently, this may change as Gutenberg develops.


Profile Shortcodes


    • Displayname – As text or a link to the members profile page.


    • Username – As text or a link to the members profile page.


    • Avatar or Profile Image – As an image or a link to the members profile homepage.


    • Cover Image – As an image or a link to the members profile homepage.


    • Profile Header – A collection of cover image, avatar and username, with the username being a link to that members profile.


    • Profile Fields – You can display information from any of the profiles Xprofile fields.


    • Profile URL – shows the url, button or a link to user specific profile pages using the text of your choice.


    • Profile Edit Link – A link to the users edit profile page.


    • Profile Lists – Creates lists of users friends and groups and also lists of friend and group suggestions as well as general site member and group lists.


    • Private Message Link – displays a link to private message this selected user.


    • If no user_id is specified in the shortcode, the details of the member viewing that page will be displayed.


    ** Group Shortcodes**


      • Avatar Image – As an image or a link to the group homepage.


      • Cover Image – As an image or a link to the group homepage.


      • Profile Header – A collection of cover image, avatar and group name, with the group name being a link to that group homepage.


      • Group URL – shows the URL for the group or a link with the text specified by you.

        网上论坛URL –显示网上论坛的URL或带有您指定的文本的链接。

      • Group Member list – shows either a collection of avatars or a list of members names, both are links to each members profile.

        “组成员列表” –显示化身的集合或成员名称列表,两者都是每个成员个人资料的链接。

      • Group Description – displays the group description.


      • Group Field – displays various fields used by eac group.


      ** Activity Shortcodes


        • What’s New – adds the activity What’s New inut form to a page.
        • 新功能–将活动“新功能”输入表单添加到页面。

        BP Profile Shortcodes Extra provides an updated range of BuddyPress shortcodes, it was build upon the BuddyPress Profile shortcodes plugin and supports all of it’s features plus many more.

        BP Profile Shortcodes Extra提供了更新的BuddyPress短代码范围,它是在BuddyPress Profile短代码插件的基础上构建的,并支持其所有功能以及更多其他功能。

        Most of the shortcodes accept many parameters to allow the output to be customized and tailored to meet your needs.


        The following shortcodes are available:




          • Shows the display name.
          • 显示显示名称。

          • Can have a parameter of user_id= to get it for a specific user.
          • 可以使用user_id =参数来获取特定用户的信息。

          • Accepts user_id=”” for input.
          • 接受user_id =””作为输入。

          • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
          • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

          • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
          • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

          • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

          • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

            This will only work on BP pages.

          • 这仅适用于BP页面。

          • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

          • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

            Only works on single posts and pages.

          • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

          • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
          • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。

          [bpps_profile_displayname user_id=”1″ class=”member-name”]

          [bpps_profile_displayname user_id =” 1” class =“成员名称”]

            • Displays the profile displayname for user id 1, the css class for that element will be set to “member-name”.
            • 显示用户ID 1的配置文件显示名称,该元素的css类将设置为“成员名称”。



              • Same as above except for the email.
              • 与上述相同,除了电子邮件。

              • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
              • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

              • Accepts user_id=”” for input.
              • 接受user_id =””作为输入。

              • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
              • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

              • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

              • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                This will only work on BP pages.

              • 这仅适用于BP页面。

              • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

              • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                Only works on single posts and pages.

              • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

              • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
              • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

              • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
              • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

              • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
              • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。

              [bpps_profile_email user_id=”bob” ]

              [bpps_profile_email user_id =” bob”]



                • Same as above except for the BuddyPress username
                • 与上述相同,除了BuddyPress用户名

                • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                • Accepts user_id=”” for input.
                • 接受user_id =””作为输入。

                • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                  This will only work on BP pages.

                • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                  Only works on single posts and pages.

                • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                  • Returns a link to private message the user.
                  • 返回指向用户私人消息的链接。

                  • accepts user_id=”” as input.
                  • 接受user_id =””作为输入。



                    • Will get the url for where the user’s profile is.
                    • 将获取用户个人资料所在的网址。

                    • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                    • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                    • IF you use show = no then it will show as a link.
                    • 如果您使用show = no,那么它将显示为链接。

                    • You can use before = or after = parameters to define text to show before or after the link or before or after the text to add customization options.
                    • 您可以使用before =或after =参数来定义要在链接之前或之后显示的文本,或在文本之前或之后添加定制选项的文本。

                    • This will accept the parameter “profile_page” to have the url for any page for the profile specified.

                    • 这将接受参数“ profile_page”,以获取指定配置文件的任何页面的网址。

                      i.e. “settings” will go to the settings page.

                    • 即“设置”将转到设置页面。

                    • text=”name” will show the users displayname (“username” for WP Username ) as a link to their profile page.

                    • text =“ name”将显示用户的显示名(WP Username的“ username”),作为指向其个人资料页面的链接。

                      Otherwise any other text will be used as a as the text for the link.

                    • 否则,任何其他文本都将用作链接文本。

                    • Accepts user_id=”” text, button=”button”, before, profile_page, after, rel, target, style, class, attribute_id, title, tabindex, and attributes for inputs.
                    • 接受user_id =””文本,button =”按钮”,profile_page,after,rel,目标,样式,类,attribute_id,标题,tabindex和输入属性。

                    • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                    • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                    • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                    • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                      This will only work on BP pages.

                    • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                    • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                    • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                      Only works on single posts and pages.

                    • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                    • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                    • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                    • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                    • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                    • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                    • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。

                    [bpps_profile_url text=”Link to Profile”]

                    [bpps_profile_url text =“链接到个人资料”]

                      • Returns the link to the profile, the text specified is used as the anchor text.
                      • 返回到配置文件的链接,指定的文本用作锚文本。

                      [bpps_profile_url text=”Link to Profile” button=”button” ]

                      [bpps_profile_url text =“链接到配置文件” button =“ button”]

                        • Returns the link to the profile as a button, the text specified is used as the anchor text.
                        • 将按钮的链接返回给按钮,指定的文本用作锚文本。

                        [bpps_profile_url text=”My Forums” profile_page=”forums” user_id=”bob”]

                        [bpps_profile_url text =“我的论坛” profile_page =“论坛” user_id =“ bob”]

                          • Returns a link to Bob’s My forums page.
                          • 返回指向Bob的“我的论坛”页面的链接。

                          [bpps_profile_field field=”fieldname” tab=”section”]

                          [bpps_profile_field field =“ fieldname”选项卡=“部分”]

                            • Will get the field from the specified tab (profile group).
                            • 将从指定的标签(配置文件组)中获取该字段。

                            • If the tab parameter is not used then it will get it from the primary / base tab profile group.
                            • 如果未使用tab参数,那么它将从“主要/基本”标签配置文件组中获取。

                            • the user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                            • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                            • The “field” would be the title and the “section” would be the tab / section.
                            • “字段”为标题,“部分”为标签/部分。

                            • The “shortcode” parameter, if set to 1 will assume the field holds a shortcode and will execute it.
                            • 如果将“ shortcode”参数设置为1,则将假定该字段包含一个简码并将执行。

                            • The parameter “empty” will allow you to set what will show if the field is empty.

                            • 参数“空”将允许您设置如果该字段为空将显示的内容。

                              Will return “Empty Text” by default.

                            • 默认情况下将返回“空文本”。

                            • Accepts user_id=””, field=”” empty=”” shortcode=”” tab=”” and option=”Two” for inputs.
                            • 接受user_id =“”,field =”“ empty =”“ shortcode =”“ tab =”“和option =” Two“作为输入。

                            • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                            • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                            • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                            • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                            • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                            • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                              This will only work on BP pages.

                            • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                            • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                            • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                              Only works on single posts and pages.

                            • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                            • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                            • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                            • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.

                              接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。

                            • There are now two different methods of displaying the users profile fields built into this shortcode:


                            ** [bpps_profile_field tab=”Base” field=”Name”] uses the original method to display the profile field.

                            ** [bpps_profile_field选项卡=“基础”字段=“名称”]使用原始方法显示配置文件字段。

                            ** [bpps_profile_field option=”Two” field=”Name”] uses the option two method to display the profile field.

                            ** [bpps_profile_field选项=“两个”字段=“名称”]使用选项2方法显示配置文件字段。

                            [bpps_profile_field field=”Name” user_id=”2″]

                            [bpps_profile_field字段=“名称” user_id =“ 2”]

                              • Displays displays the Name field from the Base profile group for user 2.
                              • 显示显示用户2的基本配置文件组中的名称字段。

                              [bpps_profile_field field=”Details” user_id=”bill” tab=”More”]

                              [bpps_profile_field字段=“详细信息” user_id =“帐单”标签=“更多”]

                                • Displays the Details field from the More profile group for the user Bob.
                                • 为用户Bob显示“更多”配置文件组中的“详细信息”字段。



                                  • Displays the members profile image.
                                  • 显示成员个人资料图像。

                                  • Can use the “dimension” parameter to change the dimensions of the avatar.
                                  • 可以使用“ dimension”参数来更改头像的尺寸。

                                  • You can use a height or width parameter to define the height or width of it as an alternative.
                                  • 您可以使用height或width参数来定义其高度或宽度。

                                  • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                  • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                  • Accepts user_id=”” id, rel, style, class, attribute_id, dimension, height, width and alt inputs.
                                  • 接受user_id =”” id,rel,样式,类,attribute_id,尺寸,高度,宽度和替代输入。

                                  • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                  • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                  • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                  • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                  • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                  • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                    This will only work on BP pages.

                                  • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                  • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                  • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                    Only works on single posts and pages.

                                  • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                  • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                  • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                  • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                  • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                    • Will get the profile/avatar image url.
                                    • 将获取个人资料/头像图片网址。

                                    • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                    • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                    • If you use show = no as a parameter it works similar to bp_profile_avatar.
                                    • 如果使用show = no作为参数,则其工作原理类似于bp_profile_avatar。

                                    • Accepts user_id=”” as input.
                                    • 接受user_id =””作为输入。

                                    • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                    • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                    • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                    • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                      This will only work on BP pages.

                                    • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                    • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                    • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                    • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                    • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                      Only works on single posts and pages.

                                    • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                    • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                    • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                    • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                    • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                      • Will get the avatar image as a link to the members profile.
                                      • 将获得头像图片作为成员个人资料的链接。

                                      • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                      • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                      • If you use show = no as a parameter it works similar to bp_profile_gravatar.
                                      • 如果使用show = no作为参数,则其工作原理类似于bp_profile_gravatar。

                                      • Accepts user_id=”” id, profile_page, style, class, attribute_id, dimension, height, width and alt inputs.
                                      • 接受user_id =”” id,profile_page,样式,类,attribute_id,尺寸,高度,宽度和替代输入。

                                      • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                      • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                      • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                      • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                      • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                      • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                        This will only work on BP pages.

                                      • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                      • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                      • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                        Only works on single posts and pages.

                                      • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                      • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                      • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                      • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                      • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                        • Displays the members profile cover image.
                                        • 显示成员个人资料封面图像。

                                        • You can use a height or width parameter to define the height or width.
                                        • 您可以使用height或width参数来定义高度或宽度。

                                        • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                        • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                        • Accepts user_id=”” id, profile_page, rel, style, class, attribute_id, height, width and alt inputs.
                                        • 接受user_id =”” id,profile_page,rel,样式,类,attribute_id,高度,宽度和替代输入。

                                        • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                        • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                        • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                        • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                        • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                        • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                          This will only work on BP pages.

                                        • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                        • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                        • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                          Only works on single posts and pages.

                                        • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                        • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                        • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                        • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                        • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                          • Will get the profile cover image url.
                                          • 将获得个人资料封面图片的网址。

                                          • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                          • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                          • If you use show = no as a parameter it works similar to bp_profile_gravatar.
                                          • 如果使用show = no作为参数,则其工作原理类似于bp_profile_gravatar。

                                          • Accepts user_id=”” as input.
                                          • 接受user_id =””作为输入。

                                          • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                          • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                          • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                          • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                          • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                          • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                            This will only work on BP pages.

                                          • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                          • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                          • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                            Only works on single posts and pages.

                                          • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                          • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                          • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                          • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                          • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                            • Will get the profile cover image as a link to the members profile.
                                            • 将获得个人资料封面图片作为成员个人资料的链接。

                                            • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                            • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                            • If you use show = no as a parameter it works similar to bp_profile_gravatar.
                                            • 如果使用show = no作为参数,则其工作原理类似于bp_profile_gravatar。

                                            • Accepts user_id=”” id, rel, style, class, attribute_id, height, width and alt inputs.
                                            • 接受user_id =”” id,rel,style,class,attribute_id,height,width和alt输入。

                                            • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                            • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                            • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                            • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                            • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                            • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                              This will only work on BP pages.

                                            • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                            • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                            • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                              Only works on single posts and pages.

                                            • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                            • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                            • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                            • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                            • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。



                                              • Will get the url for editing the user’s buddypress profile.
                                              • 将获得用于编辑用户的buddypress个人资料的网址。

                                              • The user_id parameter can be used optionally as well.
                                              • 也可以选择使用user_id参数。

                                              • You can use before = or after = parameters to define text to show before or after the link or before or after the text to add customizability.
                                              • 您可以使用before =或after =参数来定义要在链接之前或之后显示的文本,或在文本之前或之后添加可定制性的文本。

                                              • Accepts user_id=”” id, style, and alt for inputs.
                                              • 接受user_id =“” id,样式和alt作为输入。

                                              • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                              • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                              • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                              • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                              • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                              • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                                This will only work on BP pages.

                                              • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                              • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                              • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                                Only works on single posts and pages.

                                              • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                              • Accepts error_msg=”” inorder to provide an alternative user not found message.
                                              • 接受error_msg =””,以提供其他未找到用户的消息。

                                              • Accepts display_error=”No” argument to suppress the user not found error.
                                              • 接受display_error =“ No”参数以抑制找不到用户的错误。

                                              [bpps_profile_edit_url text=”Edit Profile”]

                                              [bpps_profile_edit_url text =“编辑个人资料”]

                                                • Will get the link for editing the user’s buddypress profile.
                                                • 将获得用于编辑用户的buddypress个人资料的链接。



                                                  • Returns a collection of the Cover Image, Profile Image and @Username with the Username as a link to the members profile homepage.
                                                  • 以用户名作为成员个人资料主页的链接返回封面图像,个人资料图像和@Username的集合。

                                                  • In the current release, it’s not possible to pass css parameters into the collection elements, so instead each element has been given css id’s and classes, so you can add your own custom css to style the output.
                                                  • 在当前版本中,无法将css参数传递到collection元素中,因此每个元素都被赋予了css id和class,因此您可以添加自己的自定义css来设置输出样式。

                                                  • The collection is contained within a div with an id of “bppse-header”.
                                                  • 该集合包含在一个ID为“ bppse-header”的div中。

                                                  • The cover image is held in a div with an id of “bppse-header-cover-image-cont” the image itself has an id of “bppse-header-cover-image”.
                                                  • 封面图像保存在id为“ bppse-header-cover-image-cont”的div中,图像本身的ID为“ bppse-header-cover-image”。

                                                  • The profile image is held in a div with an id of “bppse-header-avatar”, the image iteslf has a class of “bppse-header-avatar”.
                                                  • 个人资料图片保存在一个ID为“ bppse-header-avatar”的div中,图片iteslf的类别为“ bppse-header-avatar”。

                                                  • The Username has the “@” appended to it and is held in a div with an id of “bppse-profile-link”, the name is within h2 tags with a class of “bppse-header-nicename”, <

                                                  • 用户名后面附加有“ @”,并保存在一个id为“ bppse-profile-link”的div中,该名称在h2标记内,类别为“ bppse-header-nicename”,<


                                                    / li>

                                                  • Accepts user_id=”” input.
                                                  • 接受user_id =“”输入。

                                                  • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                                  • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                                  • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                                  • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                                  • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                                  • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                                    This will only work on BP pages.

                                                  • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                                  • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.


                                                    Only works on single posts and pages.


                                                  • Example css:


                                                    bppse-header {


                                                    background-color: #f5f5f5;


                                                    height: 320px;




                                                    .bppse-header-avatar {

                                                    .bppse-header-avatar {

                                                    float: left;


                                                    position: relative;


                                                    top: -75px;


                                                    left: 20px;




                                                    bppse-profile-link {

                                                    bppse-profile-link {

                                                    position: relative;


                                                    left: 30px;






                                                    • Returns a list of friends or groups for the selected user.
                                                    • 返回所选用户的朋友或组的列表。

                                                    • Supports four list formats;

                                                    • 支持四种列表格式;

                                                      option=”list” – linked text list, option=”avatar-grid” – grid of group or friend avatars, option=”avatar-grid-name” – Grid of group avatars with a name link, option=”avatar-list

                                                      option =“列表” –链接的文本列表,option =“ avatar-grid” –组或好友头像的网格,option =““ avatar-grid-name” –带名称链接的组头像的网格,option =”” avatar-list

                                                      ” – List of links including Avatar and name.

                                                    • ” –链接列表,包括头像和名称。

                                                    • Groups List (list_type=”groups”) can show users groups (default), groups user created (created=”true”) and groups user is administrator (admin=”true”).
                                                    • “组列表”(list_type =“ groups”)可以显示用户组(默认),用户创建的组(created =“ true”)和组用户为管理员(admin =“ true”)。

                                                    • Includes optional count of total members, friends or groups ( display_count=”true” / “false” ).
                                                    • 包括可选的成员,朋友或组总数(display_count =“ true” /“ false”)。

                                                    • per_page=”” will set the maximum items for the list to display.

                                                    • per_page =””将设置要显示的列表的最大项目。

                                                      Default is 20.

                                                    • 默认值为20。

                                                    • supports list_type=”friends_suggest”, list_type=”members”, list_type=”group-lists” and list_type=”groups_suggest” to display suggested friends and groups.
                                                    • 支持list_type =” friends_suggest”,list_type =” members”,list_type =” group-lists”和list_type =“ groups_suggest”以显示建议的朋友和组。

                                                    • friends-suggest and groups-suggest list types analyse the users friends and their groups and makes suggestions based on those.
                                                    • 好友建议列表和群组建议列表类型分析用户的朋友及其群组,并根据这些建议提出建议。

                                                    • groups list type displays the users groups, groups they are admin of or groups they created.
                                                    • 组列表类型显示用户组,用户管理的组或创建的组。

                                                    • group-lists list type displays lists of the sites groups and does not support a user_id, the groups displayed can be set by selecting groups_sort=”” with active, newest, random, alphabetical and popular as options.
                                                    • group-lists列表类型显示站点组的列表,不支持user_id,可以通过选择groups_sort =””来设置显示的组,并选择active,最新,随机,字母和流行。

                                                    • For site members lists and additional option is the members_sort=”” with possible options of newest, active, alphabetical, popular, random and online.
                                                    • 对于网站成员列表,附加选项是members_sort =””,其中可能的选项是最新,有效,字母,流行,随机和在线。

                                                    • For friends and groups suggestions, Group Join and Add Friend links are provided with css classes of bpse-join-group and bpse-add-friends respectively.
                                                    • 对于朋友和组的建议,分别为bpse-join-group和bpse-add-friends的css类提供了“组加入”和“添加朋友”链接。

                                                    • Also, if no suggestions for groups or friends are found, a link to the groups and members directory is provided.
                                                    • 此外,如果未找到有关群组或朋友的建议,则会提供指向群组和成员目录的链接。

                                                    • group_desc=”false” will remove the group description from the Group list views, this is contained in a span element with a class of bpps-grp-desc.
                                                    • group_desc =” false”将从组列表视图中删除组描述,该描述包含在具有bpps-grp-desc类的span元素中。

                                                    • latest_update=”false” will romove the users latest activity update and view link from the friends list items display.
                                                    • latest_update =“ false”将移动用户最新的活动更新并从朋友列表项显示中查看链接。

                                                    • promoted_groups=”2,5,9″ accepts the id’s of any groups you want to highlight in the group suggestions list, rand=”true” will ensure a randomized list of suggestions.
                                                    • promoted_groups =“ 2,5,9”接受您要在组建议列表中突出显示的任何组的ID,rand =” true”将确保随机列出建议。

                                                    • s_title=”default”, s_title adds a title of your choice in an h4 tag, entering default will include the users name in the title ( ie. “username’s friends” etc.).
                                                    • s_title =“默认”,s_title在h4标签中添加您选择的标题,输入default将在标题中包含用户名(即“用户名的朋友”等)。

                                                    • Accepts user_id=””, alt=””, members_sort=””, groups_sort=””, class=””, per_page=””, option=””, list_type=””, width=”” (default

                                                    • 接受user_id =””,alt =””,members_sort =””,groups_sort =””,class =“”,per_page =””,option =””,list_type =””,width =””(默认

                                                      100px), height=”” (default 100px), s_title=”no” admin=””, group_desc=”false”,

                                                      100px),height =“”(默认为100px),s_title =” no“ admin =”“,group_desc =” false“,

                                                      latest_update=”” and created=”” as inputs.

                                                    • Latest_update =””,并创建=””作为输入。

                                                    • If no user_id is specified then the logged in user id will be used.
                                                    • 如果未指定user_id,则将使用登录的用户ID。

                                                    • If displayed=”Yes” then the displayed user id will be used.

                                                    • 如果显示=“是”,则将使用显示的用户ID。

                                                      This will only work on BP pages.

                                                    • 这仅适用于BP页面。

                                                    • If displayed=”Author” is used then the profile of the post author will be displayed.

                                                    • 如果使用显示=“作者”,则将显示帖子作者的个人资料。

                                                      Only works on single posts and pages.

                                                    • 仅适用于单个帖子和页面。

                                                    • If mention_name=”” is set the users mention name ( username ) is used.
                                                    • 如果设置了say_name =””,则使用用户提及名称(username)。

                                                    [bpps_profile_lists user_id=”bob” list_type=”groups” created=”true”]

                                                    [bpps_profile_lists user_id =“ bob” list_type =“ groups” created =“ true”]





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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