[wordpress插件] BP Post StatusBP职位状态

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-10 16:10 517 0 全屏看文



New: Allows hidden and Private groups to have public and site members only posts without compromising the group privacy.


A feature I’ve always thought was missing from BuddyPress was integration with WordPresses biggest asset – blog posts.


This plugin is my attempt to do just that.


First of all it implements BuddyPress Post Statuses, so a post can be shared just to friends, site members followers or those the user follows.


In addition groups can have their own posts and these can be made public, site members only or only available to group members regardless of the group status.


Once you have posts linked to groups an immediate thought is to use a group based post as the groups home-page – this plugin enables that with group admin able to easily choose from the groups list of posts which one is to be used


as the homepage.


Groups and users get a dedicated page for their posts, this page is intended not only to display these blogs to other users but also to help the user manage their posts from the front-end, so posts can be made sticky, deleted


and if BP Site Post is installed, created and edited, all from the front end.

并且如果BP Site Post是从前端安装,创建和编辑的。

Simply install the plugin, edit your post and select Members or Friends Only, or choose to publish into a group you are a member of.

只需安装插件,编辑您的信息,然后选择“ Members or Only”,或选择发布到您所属的组中。

In addition you can turn on notifications for these new post types and control exactly who can post or send notifications.


Note that users will need to have WordPress edit_posts as a capability to create new pending posts and publish_posts capability in order to select the publish statuses.

请注意,用户必须具有WordPress edit_posts才能创建新的待处理帖子和publish_posts功能,以便选择发布状态。

If you have groups that would like to assign posts to the group, and share either publicly, only to site members or only to group membes then this plugin should interest you.


Also you may have a need to allow site members the opportunity to create posts only to share amongst friends, or only to logged in site members, then this plugin adds that functionality.


Groups can also choose to use a group post as a homepage, using this option group activity is moved to an activity tab and the home tab is used for the selected post.


This means group managers have full flexibility as to the content they choose to display in the homepage;


shortcodes can be used to display summaries of group forums and activity for example.


It’s integrated with BuddyPress Activity and Notifications and supports BP Follow.


If you want to allow front end posting I've also created BP Site Post which works with BP

如果您想允许前端发布,我还创建了与BP一起使用的 BP网站帖子

Post Status and allows users to create and edit their posts from the front-end.


The activity posts try to be appropriate to the security level assigned to the post – private group posts only post their activity into the group the post is assigned to.


Site and group managers can choose to enable the ability to trigger a notification to the target group with the posts publication.


Groups with group posts enabled have an optional “Group Posts” tab showing all posts assigned to the group.


If a private or hidden group chooses to publish public posts then this directory will be visible to non group members, but it will only display posts that have been made public.


Similarly if a private group makes their homepage public then the landing page will be displayed for visiting non-members.


There’s extensive manageability:


Group managers can choose what membership level to allow group post creation, and also the membership level required to be able to trigger post notifications.


These options are available in the groups management pages in the settings tab.


They can also choose to display a “Group Posts” tab in the group.


In addition, the site admin has a settings page at Dashboard>>Settings>>BP Post Status.

此外,站点管理员在“仪表板>>设置>> BP帖子状态”中有一个设置页面。

Here the five different status types can be disabled site-wide, and the site-wide controls for the minimum user role required to create posts and trigger notifications is set.


There is also an option to have post revisions create activity updates, as opposed to the activity only being updated when the post is first created.


When it is enabled you can set the minimum time allowed between posting updates.


A new My Posts menu option has been added to users profiles, this displays their posts and enabled posts to be made sticky ( in My Posts ) or deleted.


If BP Site Post is loaded then an edit link can also be added to this view.


For guests viewing My Posts only published posts will be displayed but for the user all posts (including pending) will be displayed.


Editors ( members with the ‘edit_others_posts’ capability ) get a Moderation page in their profile ( if there are pending posts to approve ) for easy access to the approvals queue.

编辑者(具有“ edit_others_posts”功能的成员)可以在其个人资料中找到“审核”页面(如果有待批准的帖子),可轻松访问批准队列。

This page shows the full content of the post to be approved and have links to delete, publish or edit the post.


Members with pending posts and with the ‘edit_posts’ capability get a Pending Posts page in their profile ( if they have pending posts ) so that pending posts can be reviewed and edited.

具有待处理帖子并具有“ edit_posts”功能的成员会在其个人资料中获得“待处理帖子”页面(如果他们有待处理帖子),以便可以审阅和编辑待处理帖子。

Note regarding group_only_pending posts


When a group_post_pending post is selected, a notification email is sent to the admin of the site so they can authorize the post.


However, I felt that this was a less than optimal solution since ideally the group creator should have a say in if a post gets published to their group.


One of the issues is that it’s not possible to give group creators the ability to manage only posts in their group – they either edit_others_posts for all posts on the site or they simply do not have this capability.


I found a solution to this using Automattics Co-Authors Plus plugin, since this allows multiple authors to be assigned to posts.

我使用Automattics Co-Authors Plus插件找到了解决方案,因为它允许将多个作者分配到帖子中。

I’ve therefore added a check to see if Co-Authors Plus is active and if so the group creator will be automatically added as an author of all posts set for their group.

因此,我添加了一项检查,以查看Co-Authors Plus是否处于活动状态,如果是,则该组创建者将自动添加为该组所有帖子集的作者。

This being the case they will be send a notification email and they will be able to edit the post content and if they have publish_posts capability they will be able to publish the post to their group.


However, if they only have edit_posts, they will need to contact the site admin to have the post published.


However, at the time of writng this causes an error when viewing the profile my-posts page (10/03/2019), this has been reported and is being worked on.


The template pages can be overloaded by copying them to themes/your-child-theme/bpps/ and editing them as suits.

通过将模板页面复制到主题/ your-child-theme / bpps /并进行编辑,可以使模板页面超载。

There is a shortcode – [bppss_group_posts group_id=”34″ ] which allows the group posts list to be displayed on any page.

有一个简短的代码-[bppss_group_posts group_id =” 34”],它使群组帖子列表可以显示在任何页面上。

The only downside of this plugin is with regards to Gutenberg – the new text editor in WordPress, sadly Gutenberg does not support custom post statuses so if you want to use this you will have to install the Classic Editor plugin and stick with the

此插件的唯一缺点是与Gutenberg – WordPress中的新文本编辑器有关,遗憾的是Gutenberg不支持自定义帖子状态,因此,如果要使用此插件,则必须安装Classic Editor插件并坚持使用

classic for now, hopefully this situation will be rectified soon.




    • This plugin was created by merging some features from three other plugins – Peter Shaw’s LH Logged in Post Status, BuddyDev’s Blog Categories for Groups and Imath’s WP Statuses.

    • 该插件是通过合并其他三个插件(Peter Shaw的LH登录帖子状态,BuddyDev的群组博客类别和Imath的WP状态)中的一些功能而创建的。

      This made the creation of this plugin a lot easier than it would have been if built from scratch.


      Props to these great developers!

    • 为这些出色的开发者提供支持!


Option 1.


    1. From the Admin>>Plugins>>Add New page, search for BP Post Status.
    2. 从管理员>>插件>>添加新页面,搜索BP帖子状态。

    3. When you have located the plugin, click on “Install” and then “Activate”.
    4. 找到插件后,单击“安装”,然后单击“激活”。

    5. Go to posts and you will see the new status options.
    6. 转到帖子,您将看到新的状态选项。

    7. Enable notifications in the Dashboard>>Settings>>BP Post Status page.
    8. 在“仪表板>>设置>> BP帖子状态”页面中启用通知。

    9. Go to group management and choose which group will have posts and notifications.
    10. 转到群组管理,然后选择要发布帖子和通知的群组。

    With the zip file:


    Option 2


      1. Upzip the plugin into it’s directory/file structure
      2. 将插件上传到其目录/文件结构中

      3. Upload BP Post Status structure to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
      4. 将BP帖子状态结构上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

      5. Activate the plugin through the Admin>>Plugins menu.
      6. 通过“管理” >>“插件”菜单激活插件。

      Option 3


        1. Go to Admin>>Plugins>>Add New>>Upload page.
        2. 转到管理员>>插件>>添加新>>上传页面。

        3. Select the zip file and choose upload.
        4. 选择zip文件,然后选择上载。

        5. Activate the plugin.
        6. 激活插件。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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