[wordpress插件] Botnet Attack Blocker僵尸网络攻击拦截器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 18:10 681 0 全屏看文



After the recent global distributed botnet attack on WordPress installations that took down servers and broke into admin accounts, I thought I’d write a plugin to prevent it happening again.


Distributed botnet attacks can come from multiple IP addresses and locations at the same time, so conventional IP-based lockouts are not effective (e.g. those found in Wordfence and other WordPress security plugins).


For example, if 1,000 different computers (with unique IP addresses) are trying to brute-force your admin password and you lock out each IP address after 5 incorrect attempts then you have still allowed 5,000 attempts.


My plugin essentially ignores the different IP addresses and locks out all admin login attempts in a configurable way – so if you have it set to 5 failed attempts (default) then those 1,000 different computers will only have a total between them of 5 attempts.<



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You can select how many login failures causes the lockout, how much time to allow between failures, how long to block logins for and also you can input a whitelisted IP address (or multiple addresses separated with commas or spaces) which can bypass


the lockdown and always log in – so you can still always get into your site even in the middle of an attack.


There is also support for partial IP address matching for those with dynamic IP addresses.


You can also define a secret key to bypass the lock.


    • Any failed login is counted regardless of username or IP address (unless whitelisted)
    • 无论用户名或IP地址如何(无论是否列入白名单),都会记录任何失败的登录

    • Once locked down, nobody can log in except from whitelisted IP addresses or using the secret key
    • 一旦锁定,除了从白名单中的IP地址或使用密钥之外,其他任何人都无法登录

    • You can specify the number of login failures that triggers a lockdown
    • 您可以指定触发锁定的登录失败次数

    • You can specify the time between failed attempts that should be counted
    • 您可以指定两次失败尝试之间的时间

    • You can specify how long the lockdown should last
    • 您可以指定锁定应持续多长时间

    • You can add a secret key that bypasses the lockdown
    • 您可以添加绕过锁定的秘密密钥

    • You can customise the lockout message
    • 您可以自定义锁定消息

    • You can add whitelisted IP addresses that bypass the lockdown
    • 您可以添加列入白名单的IP地址,以绕过锁定

    • Partial IP address matching for dynamically-allocated IP addresses
    • 部分IP地址匹配以动态分配IP地址

    • Multisite compatible
    • 兼容多站点

    • Available in English, French, German, Italian and Russian
    • 提供英语,法语,德语,意大利语和俄语


    1. Upload botnet-attack-blocker.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. botnet-attack-blocker.php 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to Settings, Botnet Blocker to configure your settings
    6. 导航到“僵尸网络阻止程序”以配置您的设置





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