[wordpress插件] Booking Manager订舱经理

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 00:30 670 0 全屏看文



Booking Manager plugin can easily show list of events in customizable way from external .ics feeds at your website.

Booking Manager插件可以通过可自定义的方式轻松地从您网站上的外部.ics提要中显示事件列表。

Booking Manager have native integration with Booking Calendar plugin.

Booking Manager与 Booking Calendar 插件具有本机集成。

It can sync bookings from Booking Calendar with different sources (Airbnb, Booking.com, HomeAway, TripAdvisor, VRBO, FlipKey and any other calendar that uses .ics format).

它可以将 Booking Calendar 中的预订与其他来源(Airbnb,Booking.com,HomeAway,TripAdvisor,VRBO,FlipKey和其他使用.ics格式的日历)进行同步。

Plugin Homepage |

插件主页 |



Booking Manager IS GREAT FOR

Booking Manager非常棒

    • Listing of upcoming events at your website from .ics feeds
    • 通过.ics feed列出您网站上即将发生的事件

    • Sync bookings from different sources with Booking Calendar plugin
    • 使用 Booking Calendar 插件同步来自不同来源的预订



      • List of events from external .ics feeds.
      • 来自外部.ics供稿的事件列表。

      • Ability to upload .ics file(s) to your website and use it.
      • 能够将.ics文件上传到您的网站并使用它。

      • Customization of events listing template – it’s how events showing at front-end side of your website.
      • 事件列表模板的自定义–事件显示在网站前端的方式。

      • Easily inserting shortcode for events listing into any post or page via popup dialog, where you can select different parameters.
      • 通过弹出对话框轻松地将事件列表的简码插入任何帖子或页面,您可以在其中选择不同的参数。

      • Setting different parameters for events listing, like “start from” and “finish to” dates, etc…
      • 为事件列表设置不同的参数,例如“开始日期”和“结束日期”等...

      • Native integration with Booking Calendar plugin.
      • Booking Calendar 插件的本地集成。

      • Sync bookings from Booking Calendar with different sources (Airbnb, Booking.com, HomeAway, TripAdvisor, VRBO, FlipKey and any other calendar that uses .ics format).
      • 使用不同来源(Airbnb,Booking.com,HomeAway,TripAdvisor,VRBO,FlipKey和其他使用.ics格式的日历)同步来自预订日历的预订

      • Import .ics feeds (files) into Booking Calendar.

      • 导入.ics 将(文件)提要到预订日历中。

        Its useful, if you need to import bookings from multiple external websites into one calendar in Booking Calendar plugin.

      • 如果您需要将来自多个外部网站的预订导入到Booking Calendar插件中的一个日历中,则它很有用。

      • Export .ics feeds (files) from Booking Calendar.

      • 导出.ics 来自预订日历的供稿(文件)。

        You can publish bookings from Booking Calendar as .ics feeds at different pages, and then import such bookings in your other different website, like Airbnb.

      • 您可以通过.ics订阅源从“预订日历”中发布预订,然后将其导入到其他不同的网站(如Airbnb)中。

      • Configure URLs for pages where you want to publish your ics feeds.
      • 为要发布ic feed的页面配置URL。

      • Mobile friendly.
      • 移动友好。


Automatic installation


To do an automatic install, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.


In the search field type “Booking Manager” and click Search Plugins.

在搜索字段中,输入“ Booking Manager”,然后单击“搜索插件”。

Once you’ve found the plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description.


Now, you can install it by clicking “Install Now”.


Manual installation via WordPress admin panel


    • Download plugin zip file to your computer
    • 将插件zip文件下载到您的计算机

    • In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
    • 在WordPress管理面板中,导航至“插件”菜单,然后单击“添加新项”。

    • Click “Upload Plugin” button and hit “Choose File” button
    • 点击“上传插件”按钮,然后点击“选择文件”按钮

    • When the popup appears select your downloaded zip file of plugin
    • 出现弹出窗口时,选择您下载的插件zip文件

    • Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
    • 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,然后等待上传完成。

    • When it’s finished, activate the plugin via the prompt.

    • 完成后,根据提示激活插件。

      A message will show confirming activation was successful.

    • 将显示一条消息,确认激活成功。

    Manual installation via FTP


      • Download plugin zip file to your computer and unzip it
      • 将插件zip文件下载到您的计算机并解压缩

      • Using an FTP application, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
      • 使用FTP应用程序或主机控制面板,将解压缩的插件文件夹上载到WordPress安装的 wp-content / plugins / 目录。

      • In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and find your uploaded plugin
      • 在WordPress管理面板中,导航至“插件”菜单,然后找到您上传的插件

      • Click on Activate link under the plugin.

      • 单击插件下的“激活”链接。

        A message will show confirming activation was successful.

      • 将显示一条消息,确认激活成功。

      That’s it!






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