[wordpress插件] Booking calendar with availability management带有可用性管理的预订日历

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-09 00:00 590 0 全屏看文



IdoSell Booking is an online booking plugin for your WordPress website.

IdoSell Booking 是您WordPress网站的在线预订插件。

It's an all-in-one reservation management system with a web-based admin panel


> to update your availability & rates, synchronize with multiple sales channels,


handle online payments, send automatic booking confirmations and much more.


Who can use IdoSell Booking?


The system is an excellent choice for hotels, vacation rentals, B&Bs, apartments, flats, camping sites, tour agencies, yacht charters.


With IdoSell Booking plugin, your clients can make daytime, overnight, weekly or even monthly reservations.You can sell single items, multi-item sets and special packages.

使用IdoSell Booking插件,您的客户可以白天,隔夜,每周甚至每月进行预订。您可以出售单件商品,多件商品和特殊套餐。

Your inventory updates automatically after each new reservation is made.


How does it work?


Using this plugin, you can connect your IdoSell Booking account to any WordPress-based website.

使用此插件,您可以将IdoSell Booking帐户连接到任何基于WordPress的网站。

Live demo – check out our test website to see the Booking Engine

实时演示 –请访问我们的测试网站以查看预订引擎

in action.


Key features:


    • Booking Management System – get a professional admin tool, allowing to manage your inventory and rates.
    • 预订管理系统 –获取专业的管理工具,可用来管理您的库存和费率。

    • Online Booking Engine – give clients an easy booking experience directly via your website.
    • 在线预订引擎 –直接通过您的网站为客户提供便捷的预订体验。

    • Clear and attractive offer display – show the world what you’ve got by adding beautiful pictures and engaging descriptions.
    • 清晰诱人的报价显示 –通过添加精美的图片和引人入胜的描述向全世界展示您的成就。

    • Intuitive availability search – suggest first available dates, limiting frustrating search for the right offer.
    • 直观的可用性搜索 –建议首次可用日期,从而限制了对合适商品的搜索。

    • Current availability and rates – synchronize your website with the admin panel and update all information in real-time.
    • 当前可用性和费率 –将您的网站与管理面板同步并实时更新所有信息。

    • Multiple rates – create different rates for adults, children, weekends and various seasons.
    • 多个费率 –为成人,儿童,周末和各个季节创建不同的费率。

    • Customer engagement tools – fuel your sales and convert more clients with attractive extras, promotions and discounts available to book exclusively via your online calendar.
    • 客户参与工具 –可以通过在线日历专门预订的有吸引力的额外费用,促销和折扣来促进销售并转化更多的客户。

    • Multiple colour themes – match your brand’s look-and-feel by choosing one of available themes.
    • 多个颜色主题 –通过选择一个可用主题来匹配您品牌的外观。

    • Online payment system – minimize administrative work and take secure deposit right at the time of booking.
    • 在线支付系统 –减少管理工作并在预订时立即收取保证金。

    • Mobile friendly interface – tap into the mobile booking trend and provide tools which adjust easily to any device.
    • 移动友好界面 –充分利用移动预订趋势,并提供可轻松适应任何设备的工具。

    • Automatic booking confirmations – forget the mundane task of sending each booking confirmation manually, let us do it for you.
    • 自动预订确认 –忘记了手动发送每个预订确认的繁琐任务,让我们为您完成。

    • Reports and analysis – learn booking habits of your clients and plan your next big move.
    • 报告和分析 –了解客户的预订习惯并计划下一步行动。

    • Seamless integration with WordPress – use the plugin or generate ready-to-use codes to customize your booking options.
    • 与WordPress无缝集成 –使用插件或生成即用型代码来定制您的预订选项。

    • Channel Manager –boost your revenue by updating availability across multiple sales channels.
    • 渠道管理器 –通过更新多个销售渠道的可用性来增加收入。

    • Unlimited technical support – our Support Team is always ready to help you get the best value from the IdoSell Booking system.
    • 无限的技术支持 –我们的支持团队随时准备帮助您从IdoSell Booking系统获得最大价值。

    Powerful booking technology at low cost:


    We offer convenient subscription models for using IdoSell Booking.

    我们提供使用IdoSell Booking的便捷订阅模型。

    You can decide which is more preferable for your business-type.


      • Commission model – 25 USD/19 EUR/19 GDB per year+ Only 1% commission charged for online reservations
      • 佣金模式–每年25 USD / 19 EUR / 19 GDB +在线预订仅收取1%的佣金

      • Flat fee model – from 35 USD/29 EUR/29 GBP per month and no commission charged for online reservations
      • 固定费用模式 –每月 35美元/ 29欧元/ 29英镑,在线预订不收取任何佣金

      • Individual fee – tailor-made offer with a dedicated infrastructure for big properties
      • 个人费用 –针对大型房地产的专用基础设施的量身定制报价

      Find out more details at http://www.idosell.com/booking/pricelist/.


      How to get it started?


        • Order the full version with a 30-DAY

        • 30天之内订购 完整版

          TRAIL PERIOD → there's no commission taken during the first 30 days.

          TRAIL PERIOD (旅行期) →前30天没有佣金。

          To start, you only need to pay the installation fee – 25 USD/19 EUR/19 GBP.

          首先,您只需支付安装费– 25 USD / 19 EUR / 19 GBP

          If in any way you are not satisfied with IdoSell Booking, we’re going to return the fee back to your account.

        • 如果您对IdoSell Booking不满意,我们将把费用退回到您的帐户。

        • Try out a DEMO version → available for

        • 尝试 DEMO 版本→可用于

          FREE for 14 days.

        • 免费 14天。

        Don’t hesitate to give us a call → + 44 20 7193 4214 – or drop a message at booking@idosell.com.

        请随时给我们打电话→+ 44 20 7193 4214 –或在booking@idosell.com上留言。


Install the IdoSell Booking plugin in your WordPress dashboard.

在WordPress仪表板中安装IdoSell Booking插件。

Go to ‘Plugins/Add New‘ and search for ‘IdoSell Booking‘.

转到“ 插件/添加新”并搜索“ IdoSell预订”。

You can also install it manually by downloading the plugin and unzipping it into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

您也可以通过下载插件并将其解压缩到/ wp-content / plugins /目录中来手动安装它。

The plugin needs to be activated via the ‘Plugins‘ tab in WordPress.

需要通过WordPress中的“ 插件”标签激活该插件。







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