[wordpress插件] Booking Calendar Contact Form预订日历联系表

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 23:50 9100 0 全屏看文



Booking Calendar Form main features:

Booking Calendar Form的主要功能:

» Booking form connected to PayPal


» Optional availability verification


» Visual form builder


» Responsive & mobile optimized


» Season management


» Weekly bookings supported


» Fixed days bookings supported


» Full-day bookings or partial-day bookings as used in hotels


» Built-in captcha anti-spam


» Configurable email texts


» Configurable validation messages


» Printable bookings list


» iCal link to export bookings to external calendars (ex: for exporting to Google Calendar, Airbnb, ...)

»iCal链接,用于将预订导出到外部日历(例如:用于导出到Google Calendar,Airbnb等)

» Multiple colors for marking dates on the booking calendar


» ... and more features (see below)


With the Booking Calendar Contact Form you can create a booking form with a reservation calendar or a payment form connected to a PayPal payment button



The reservation calendar lets the customer select the start (ex: check-in) and end (ex: checkout) dates.


The reservation calendar is an optional item, so it can be disabled to create a general purpose payment/contact form.


There are two types of bookings available in the calendar configuration: full day bookings or partial day bookings.


With full day bookings the whole day is blocked / reserved while in partial day bookings the start and end dates are partially blocked as used for example in room/hotel bookings.




    • Booking form connected to PayPal: After clicking the reservation / book button on the booking form, the user is redirected to PayPal and after completing the payment three emails will be sent: the automatic PayPal notification,


    • 预订表单:单击预订表单上的预订/预订按钮后,用户将重定向到PayPal,完成付款后,将发送三封电子邮件:自动PayPal通知,

      the booking confirmation email to the user sent from the website and the notification email to the website administrator containing the booking details.


      At this point the booking will be confirmed and will appear in the bookings list and calendar.


    • Reservation / booking calendar with optional availability verification: The dates are blocked in the calendar only if the “bookings overlap” option is enabled (it’s enabled by default).
    • 带有可选的可用性验证的预订/预订日历:只有启用“预订重叠”选项(默认情况下启用),日历中的日期才会被阻止。

    • Season management: Configuration accepts different prices for different dates (ex: low / medium / high season prices, special date’s prices, etc…)
    • 季节管理::配置接受不同日期的不同价格(例如:低/中/旺季价格,特殊日期的价格等)

    • Supports full-day bookings or partial day bookings as used in hotels / room reservations (details mentioned above)
    • 支持酒店/客房预订中使用的全天预订部分全天预订(上述详细信息)

    • Allows to disable/hide the booking calendar to convert the booking form in a general purpose contact form
    • 允许禁用/隐藏预订日历以将预订表单转换为通用联系表单

    • The calendar an form are fully responsive and mobile optimized
    • 日历完全响应并针对移动设备进行了优化

    Other features also present in this version:


      • Built-in captcha anti-spam protection on the booking form
      • 在预订表格上内置验证码反垃圾邮件保护

      • Easy visual selection of the start and end dates
      • 轻松直观地选择开始日期和结束日期

      • Configurable email texts
      • 可配置的电子邮件文本

      • Configurable validation messages
      • 可配置的验证消息

      • Lets to assign a user to the calendar, this way a user with editor access will access his/her own booking calendar
      • 可以为用户分配日历,这样具有编辑者访问权限的用户将可以访问自己的预订日历

      • List of bookings with print option
      • 带有打印选项的预订清单

      • Supports bookings of a fixed length, example weekly bookings
      • 支持固定长度的预订,例如每周预订

      • Price structure can be defined for each number of days
      • 可以为每个天数定义价格结构

      • Calendar configurable settings: date format, min/max dates, block dates, mark holidays, select working weekdays, calendar pages
      • 日历可配置设置:日期格式,最小/最大日期,阻止日期,标记假期,选择工作日,日历页面

      What isn’t included in the free version described here?


        • The Form Builder for customizing the form is present only in the commercial versions.

        • 用于定制表单的表单生成器仅存在于商业版本中。

          The free version works with the classic predefined form included on it.

        • 免费版本可以使用其中包含的经典预定义形式。

        • The connection to PayPal is part of the booking process in the free version, so it cannot be disabled on it.

        • 在免费版本中,与PayPal的连接是预订过程的一部分,因此不能在其上禁用它。

          The commercial versions have additional code to work with or without the PayPal connection.

        • 商业版本具有附加代码,无论有没有PayPal连接都可以使用。

        • Full iCal sync available in Platinum version
        • 铂金版提供完整的iCal同步

        • Coupons/discount codes and other minor features are present only in the commercial versions.

        • 优惠券/折扣码和其他次要功能仅在商业版本中提供。

        For information about the commercial versions check the plugin’s page: https://bccf.dwbooster.com/download


        Note: Payments processed through the plugin are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) – Directive (EU) that comes into full effect on 14 September, 2019.

        注意:通过插件处理的付款已准备就绪,可进行SCA(严格的客户身份验证),与新的付款服务(PSD 2)-指令(EU)兼容,并于2019年9月14日全面生效。

        Language Support


        The Booking Calendar Contact Form plugin is compatible with all charsets.

        Booking Calendar Contact Form插件与所有字符集兼容。

        The troubleshoot area contains options to change the encoding of the plugin database tables if needed.


        Translations are supported through PO/MO files located in the Booking Calendar Contact Form plugin folder “languages”.

        通过“预订日历联系表”插件文件夹“语言”中的PO / MO文件支持翻译。

        The following translations are already included in the plugin:


          • English
          • 英语

          • Turkish
          • 土耳其语

          • Afrikaans (af)
          • 南非语(af)

          • Albanian (sq)
          • 阿尔巴尼亚语(平方)

          • Arabic (ar)
          • 阿拉伯语(ar)

          • Armenian (hy_AM)
          • 亚美尼亚语(hy_AM)

          • Azerbaijani (az)
          • 阿塞拜疆(az)

          • Basque (eu)
          • 巴斯克语(欧盟)

          • Belarusian (be_BY)
          • 白俄罗斯语(be_BY)

          • Bosnian
          • 波斯尼亚语

          • Bulgarian
          • 保加利亚语

          • Catalan (ca)
          • 加泰罗尼亚语(ca)

          • Central Kurdish (ckb)
          • 库尔德中央(ckb)

          • Chinese (China zh_CN)
          • 中文(中国zh_CN)

          • Chinese (Taiwan zh_TW)
          • 中文(台湾zh_TW)

          • Croatian (hr)
          • 克罗地亚语(hr)

          • Czech (cs_CZ)
          • 捷克(cs_CZ)

          • Danish (da_DK)
          • 丹麦语(da_DK)

          • Dutch (nl_NL)
          • 荷兰(nl_NL)

          • Esperanto (eo_EO)
          • 世界语(eo_EO)

          • Estonian (et)
          • 爱沙尼亚语(et)

          • Finnish (fi)
          • 芬兰语(fi)

          • French (fr_FR)
          • 法语(fr_FR)

          • Galician (gl_ES)
          • 加利西亚语(gl_ES)

          • Georgian (ka_GE)
          • 乔治亚(ka_GE)

          • German (de_DE)
          • 德语(de_DE)

          • Greek (el)
          • 希腊语(el)

          • Hebrew (he_IL)
          • 希伯来语(he_IL)

          • Hindi (hi_IN)
          • 印地语(hi_IN)

          • Hungarian (hu_HU)
          • 匈牙利语(hu_HU)

          • Indonesian (id_ID)
          • 印度尼西亚语(id_ID)

          • Italian (it_IT)
          • 意大利语(it_IT)

          • Japanese (ja)
          • 日语(ja)

          • Korean (ko_KR)
          • 韩语(ko_KR)

          • Latvian (lv)
          • 拉脱维亚语(lv)

          • Lithuanian (lt_LT)
          • 立陶宛语(lt_LT)

          • Macedonian (mk_MK)
          • 马其顿语(mk_MK)

          • Malay (ms_MY)
          • 马来语(ms_MY)

          • Malayalam (ml_IN)
          • 马拉雅拉姆语(ml_IN)

          • Norwegian (nb_NO)
          • 挪威语(nb_NO)

          • Persian (fa_IR)
          • 波斯语(fa_IR)

          • Polish (pl_PL)
          • 波兰语(pl_PL)

          • Portuguese Brazil(pt_BR)
          • 葡萄牙葡萄牙语(pt_BR)

          • Portuguese (pt_PT)
          • 葡萄牙语(pt_PT)

          • Russian (ru_RU)
          • 俄语(ru_RU)

          • Romanian (ro_RO)
          • 罗马尼亚语(ro_RO)

          • Serbian (sr_RS)
          • 塞尔维亚语(sr_RS)

          • Slovak (sk_SK)
          • 斯洛伐克语(sk_SK)

          • Slovene (sl_SI)
          • 斯洛文尼亚(sl_SI)

          • Spanish (es_ES)
          • 西班牙语(es_ES)

          • Swedish (sv_SE)
          • 瑞典语(sv_SE)

          • Turkish (tr_TR)
          • 土耳其语(tr_TR)

          • Tamil (ta)
          • 泰米尔语(ta)

          • Thai (th)
          • 泰国(th)

          • Ukrainian (uk)
          • 乌克兰语(li)

          • Vietnamese (vi)
          • 越南语(vi)

          Troubleshoot Area


          The “Troubleshoot Area” is located below the booking calendars list.


          Important!: Use the “Troubleshoot Area” area only if you are experiencing conflicts with third party plugins, with the theme scripts or with the character encoding.


          Script load method: Change the script load method if the booking form doesn’t appear in the public website.


          In most cases changing the booking form load method to “direct” will solve the problem, however if possible leave the default setting “classic”.


          Character encoding: Update the charset if you are getting problems displaying specialon-latin characters in the booking form, reservation emails or booking list.


          After updated you need to edit/enter the special characters again.


          Min and max number of nights to be booked


          There are two new settings in the booking calendar administration area:


          Minimum number of nights to be booked: If set to a number greater than zero, the booking form won’t accept bookings of less than the indicated nights.


          Maximum number of nights to be booked: The booking form won’t accept booking of more than the indicated nights in this field.


          Supplement for specific bookings


          You can apply supplements for bookings under some specific number of nights, or over a specified number of nights, or both.


          The field “Supplement for bookings between X and Y nights” makes the booking form add the specified supplement once for bookings between the indicated number of nights.


          Settings for both admin and public calendars


            • Calendar Pages: Number of calendar months to display at the same time
            • 日历页:要同时显示的日历月数

            • Calendar Language: Language used for the calendar.

            • 日历语言:日历使用的语言。

              The default is auto-detect that works in most cases.


              If the auto-detect doesn’t get the expected language then select it manually.

            • 如果自动检测未获得预期的语言,请手动选择它。

            • Start Weekday: Start weekday, usually Sunday or Monday.
            • 开始工作日:通常从星期日或星期一开始工作日。

            • Date format: Select dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy
            • 日期格式:选择dd / mm / yyyy或mm / dd / yyyy

            • Accept overlapped reservations: Indicate if more than one reservation will be allowed in the same days.

            • 接受重复的预订:表示在同一天是否允许多个预订。

              Default is “no overlapped” for an active availability verification.

            • 默认为“不重叠”以进行活动的可用性验证。

            • Reservation mode: Select Complete day means that the first and the last days booked are charged as full days;

            • 预订模式:选择“整日”意味着预订的第一天和最后一天将按全天收费;

              Partial Day means that they are charged as half-days only.

            • “不完整的一天”表示仅按半天收费。

            Settings for public calendar only


              • Minimum available date: The minimum selectable date in the calendar.

              • 最小可用日期:日历中的最小可选日期。

                Examples: 2012-10-25, today, today + 3 days

              • 例如:2012-10-25,今天,今天+ 3天

              • Maximum available date: The maximum selectable date in the calendar.

              • 最大可用日期:日历中的最大可选日期。

              • Minimum number of nights to be booked: The booking form won’t accept less than the indicated nights on this field.
              • 要预订的最少住宿天数:预订表格接受的时间不得少于该字段中指示的住宿天数。

              • Maximum number of nights to be booked: The booking form won’t accept more than the indicated nights on this field.
              • 最多可预订的夜数:预订表格接受的时间不得超过该字段中指示的夜晚。

              • Working dates: Working dates are the dates that accept bookings.

              • 工作日期:工作日期是接受预订的日期。

                Use this for example to disable the weekends or other specific weekdays.

              • 例如,使用此功能可以禁用周末或其他特定的工作日。

              • Disabled and special dates: Click a date to mark it as disabled, for example for disabling holidays or other dates where reservations aren’t allowed.
              • 禁用日期和特殊日期:单击一个日期以将其标记为禁用日期,例如,用于禁用假期或不允许预订的其他日期。

              • Enable Fixed Reservation Length?: Use this for allowing only bookings of a specific number of days.

              • 启用固定预订时长?:仅用于特定天数的预订。

                More details in the next section

              • 下一节中的更多详细信息

              Fixed Reservation Length


              If you enable the option “Fixed Reservation Length” for the calendar that means that you want to accept only bookings of the specified length (number of days), for example for accepting only 7 days bookings.


              The settings fields for this option are:


                • Fixed reservation length (days): The number of days that must have the booking.
                • 固定预订天数:必须进行预订的天数。

                • Start Reservation Date: Use this for allowing specific weekdays as start of the reservation, for example if you want to indicate that all the bookings must start on a Monday.
                • 开始预订日期:例如,如果您要表示所有预订必须在星期一开始,请使用此日期允许特定的工作日开始预订。

                • Disabled and special dates: When the “Fixed Reservation Length” is enabled you can use the calendar for indicating specific starting days for the bookings.

                • 禁用日期和特殊日期:启用“固定预订时长”后,您可以使用日历来指示预订的特定开始日期。

                  This is useful if you are offering packages that start only on specific dates.

                • 如果您提供仅在特定日期开始的软件包,这将很有用。

                When this mode is enabled, the customer only has to select the start day for the booking and the end date is calculated automatically.


                Form Builder


                The form builder is fully available only in the commercial versions.


                If allows to fully customizing the form: add, edit and remove fields.


                Submit Button


                There is an area to indicate the label used for the submit button.


                The class=”pbSubmit” can be used to modify the button styles.

                class =“ pbSubmit”可用于修改按钮样式。

                The styles can be added into the “Customization area >> Add Custom Styles” (at the bottom of the page that contains the list of calendars): For further modifications the submit button is located at the end of the file “dex_scheduler.inc.




                For general CSS styles modifications to the form and samples check this FAQ: https://bccf.dwbooster.com/faq#q82


                Validation Texts


                Use this area for translating of setting custom validation messages for the form fields.


                Price Configuration


                This administration section allows setup most of the price structure for the bookings.


                The following settings fields are available:


                  • Currency: The currency used at PayPal.

                  • 货币:PayPal使用的货币。

                    Example currency codes: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, CHF, MXN, CZK, DKK, NOK, SEK, HKD, SGD, HUF, ILS, JPY, PLN


                  • Default request cost (per day): The default request cost for each day.

                  • 默认请求费用(每天):每天的默认请求费用。

                    This amount is the fee per day, for example if the value specified here is us$25 and the reservation is for 4 days then the payment amount will be us$100.

                  • 该金额是每天的费用,例如,如果此处指定的值为25美元,预订为4天,则付款金额为100美元。

                  • Total request cost for specific # of days, # of days to setup: The “total” request cost for bookings of a specific number of days.

                  • 特定天数,需要设置的天数的总请求成本:特定天数的预订的“总”请求成本。

                    This has precedence over the default cost.

                  • 此优先级高于默认费用。

                  • Supplement for bookings between X and Y nights: Supplement (or discount if negative) can be applied to bookings which length is into the specified range of days.
                  • 在X到Y晚之间预订的补充:补充(或折扣,如果为负数)可以应用于长度在指定天数范围内的预订。

                  • Seasons configuration: Allows to apply different prices on different seasons (configured with start and end dates).

                  • 季节配置:允许在不同的季节应用不同的价格(配置有开始和结束日期)。

                    The season prices will overwrite the default request cost and the total request cost for specific days if that option is used.

                  • 如果使用该选项,则季节价格将覆盖默认请求费用和特定日期的总请求费用。

                  PayPal Payment Configuration


                  Settings related to the PayPal payment processing.


                  The settings fields are:


                    • Enable PayPal Payments?: The free version supports only PayPal enabled.

                    • 启用PayPal付款?:免费版本仅支持启用的PayPal。

                      The commercial versions support other two options: Don’t use PayPal or “Optional” to let the customer select PayPal or just submit the booking for a payment later.


                      If “Optional” is selected (commercial versions), a radio-button field will be added to let the customer select “Pay with PayPal.”


                      or “Pay later”.

                    • 或“以后付款”。

                    • PayPal email: The email of the PayPal that will receive the payments.
                    • PayPal电子邮件:将接收付款的PayPal电子邮件。

                    • PayPal product name: The name that will appear to the customer at PayPal.
                    • PayPal产品名称:在PayPal上向客户显示的名称。

                    • URL to return after successful payment: After the PayPal payment the user may go back to a page into your website (usually a “thank you” page).

                    • 成功付款后返回的URL:在完成PayPal付款后,用户可以返回到您网站的页面(通常是“谢谢”页面)。

                      Paste here the complete address of that page.


                      Important note: This field is used as the “acknowledgment / thank you message” even if the PayPal feature isn’t used (commercial versions).

                    • 重要说明:即使未使用PayPal功能(商业版本),此字段也用作“致谢/感谢消息”。

                    • URL to return after an incomplete or cancelled payment: After a canceled/incomplete PayPal payment the user may go back to a page into your website, usually a page with more instructions or requesting feedback.

                    • 未完成或取消付款后返回的URL:在取消/未完成PayPal付款之后,用户可以返回到您网站的页面,通常是带有更多说明或请求反馈的页面。

                      Paste here the complete address of that page.

                    • 在此处粘贴该页面的完整地址。

                    • PayPal language: The language that will be used for the PayPal payment.

                    • PayPal语言:将用于PayPal付款的语言。

                      It’s any PayPal supported language.

                    • 这是PayPal支持的任何语言。

                    • Taxes (applied at PayPal): Specify a number (percent) for adding taxes at PayPal (example: enter 10 for a 10%, don’t include the % symbol).
                    • 税款(适用于PayPal):指定用于在PayPal增税的数字(百分比)(例如:输入10代表10%,不包含%符号)。

                    • Discount Codes: Available only in commercial versions.

                    • 折扣代码:仅在商业版本中可用。

                      Adds a field for entering discount codes and apply them to the price.

                    • 添加用于输入折扣代码的字段并将其应用于价格。

                    Optional Services/Items Field


                    This feature is available only in the commercial versions.


                    These area optional fields that appear only if some option is specified.


                    Useful for selecting additional items with prices for the booking, example: optional services like “Internet” or “Parking” in a hotel booking.

                    对于选择带有价格的其他项目很有用,例如:酒店预订中的“ Internet”或“ Parking”之类的可选服务。

                    Notification Settings to Administrator(s)


                    Setup area for the notifications sent to the administrator(s) after the booking is completed.


                    Settings fields:


                      • Notification “from” email: The email used as from in the notifications.
                      • “来自”电子邮件的通知:通知中使用“自”的电子邮件。

                      • Send notification to email: The email address where the notification will be sent to (ex: your email address).
                      • 将通知发送到电子邮件:通知将发送到的电子邮件地址(例如:您的电子邮件地址)。

                      • Email subject notification to admin: Subject of the notification email that you will receive.
                      • 通过电子邮件将主题通知发送给管理员:您将收到的通知电子邮件的主题。

                      • Email notification to admin: Content of the notification email that you will receive.

                      • 给管理员的电子邮件通知:您将收到的通知电子邮件的内容。

                        Keep the tag %INFORMATION% that will be replaced automatically by the booking information.

                      • 保留标签%INFORMATION%,该标签将被预订信息自动替换。

                      Email Copy to User (auto-reply):


                      Setup area for the auto-reply email sent to the customer after the completing the booking.


                      Settings fields:


                        • Email field on the form: Select which of the form field will contain the user’s email address to send the auto-reply.
                        • 表单上的电子邮件字段:选择表单字段中的哪个将包含用户的电子邮件地址,以发送自动回复。

                        • Email subject confirmation to user: Subject of the thank you/confirmation email sent to the user (customer) after completing the payment.
                        • 向用户发送电子邮件主题确认:完成付款后发送给用户(客户)的感谢/确认电子邮件的主题。

                        • Email confirmation to user: Content of the thank you/confirmation email sent to the user (customer) after completing the payment.

                        • 给用户的电子邮件确认:完成付款后发送给用户(客户)的感谢/确认电子邮件的内容。

                          Keep the tag %INFORMATION% that will be replaced automatically by the booking information.

                        • 保留标签%INFORMATION%,该标签将被预订信息自动替换。

                        Catpcha Verification


                        Setup area for the built-in antispam captcha verification.


                        Settings fields:


                          • Use Captcha Verification?: Select if the captcha image will be used.
                          • 使用验证码验证吗?:选择是否使用验证码图像。

                          • Width: Width of the captcha image.
                          • Width:验证码图片的宽度。

                          • Height: Height of the captcha image.
                          • 高度:验证码图片的高度。

                          • Chars: How many characters will appear in the captcha image.
                          • 字符:验证码图片中将出现多少个字符。

                          • Min font size: Minimum size used for the font (randomized).
                          • 最小字体大小:用于字体的最小大小(随机)。

                          • Max font size: Maximum size used for the font (randomized).
                          • 最大字体大小:用于字体的最大大小(随机)。

                          • Preview: Preview for checking how the captcha image will look.
                          • 预览:用于检查验证码图像外观的预览。

                          • Noise: Amount of noise to make it stronger.
                          • 噪声:增强噪声的数量。

                          • Noise Length: Length of the noise to modify its look.
                          • 噪声长度:修改其外观的噪声的长度。

                          • Background: Background color.
                          • 背景:背景色。

                          • Border: Border color.
                          • 边框:边框颜色。

                          • Font: Base font used to render the text.

                          • 字体:用于呈现文本的基本字体。

                            Four options already included.

                          • 已经包括四个选项。


To install Booking Calendar Contact Form, follow these steps:


    1. Download and unzip the booking plugin
    2. 下载并解压缩预订插件

    3. Upload the entire booking-calendar-contact-form/ directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    4. 将整个booking-calendar-contact-form /目录上传到/ wp-content / plugins /目录

    5. Activate the Booking Calendar Contact Form plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
    6. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活“预订日历联系表”插件

    7. Configure the booking form settings at the administration menu >> Settings >> Booking Calendar Contact Form.

    8. 在管理菜单>>设置>>预订日历联系表上配置预订表单设置。

    9. To insert the booking form into some content or post use the icon that will appear when editing contents
    10. 要将预订表格插入某些内容或发布内容,请使用编辑内容时出现的图标





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