[wordpress插件] BookServe Online Booking CalendarBookServe在线预订日历

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-08 21:30 507 0 全屏看文



Book Serve allows your property to accept online reservations with via its wordpress plugin.

Book Serve允许您的酒店通过其wordpress插件接受在线预订。

While the WordPress plugin is new the BookServe software booking calendar and booking service has been running since 2008 and is in its 5th release.


Features |

功能 |

Support Forum |

支持论坛 |


常见问题解答 |

Versions |

版本 |

BookServe Homepage |

BookServe主页 |

BookServe Signup form


Visitors to your WordPress website can check availability of hotel rooms, self catering accomodation, guest houses and they can book online.


Properties can manage bookings with with the mobile friendly user interface.


The booking interface is responsive and works on all devices and tablets.


Key Features


    • Fully multilingual
    • 完全多语言

    • Compatible with WPML
    • 与WPML兼容

    • Accept bookings directly
    • 直接接受预订

    • Let customers manage their bookings.
    • 让客户管理他们的预订。

    • Instant Google Analytics Ecommerce Integration.

    • 即时Google Analytics(分析)电子商务集成。

      Just add ID.


      Easy to export bookings and other data to CSV

    • 易于将预订和其他数据导出到CSV

    • Customise colours and fonts
    • 自定义颜色和字体

    • Make any special offer.
    • 提供特殊优惠。

    • SSL secured
    • 受SSL保护

    • Operate rate codes to give preferential rates
    • 通过操作费率代码可享受优惠价格

    • Unlimited bookings
    • 无限预订

    • Unlimited rooms
    • 无限房间

    • Manage user access to the administration interface.

    • 管理用户对管理界面的访问。

      Make separate users for Managers, Receptionists

    • 为经理和接待员分别指定用户

    • Mobile version of the administration UI.

    • 管理UI的移动版本。

      Manage bookings and availaibility on the move

    • 在旅途中管理预订和可用性

    • Automated, easily customisable HTML emails, booking confirmations to clients and hotel staff
    • 自动,易于自定义的HTML电子邮件,向客户和酒店员工的预订确认

    • Collect and respond to feedback from customers.
    • 收集并响应客户的反馈。

    • Extras can occur once or many times per stay and can be related to rooms or guests.

    • 额外费用每次住宿可能发生一次或多次,并且可能与房间或客人有关。

      Charge for this extra once, or charge for each day of the stay

    • 额外收取一次费用,或每次入住收取费用

    • Configure the colour scheme and other layout options.
    • 配置配色方案和其他布局选项。

    • Set booking rules (minimum advance booking etc)
    • 设置预订规则(至少提前预订等)

    • Set early booking discounts.
    • 设置提前预订折扣。

    • Do last minute deals
    • 进行最后一分钟的交易

    • Incentivise with long stay discounts.
    • 长期住宿折扣奖励。

    • Configures Rate periods (seasons) and default rates
    • 配置费率时段(季节)和默认费率

    • Configure Exceptions to the default rates
    • 将例外配置为默认费率

    • Close the hotel completely or just to new arivals on a given date
    • 在给定日期完全关闭酒店或仅对新到达者关闭

    • Specials can have their own landing page
    • 特价商品可以拥有自己的目标网页

    • Specials can be hidden from general visitors to allow for individually targetted campaigns.
    • 可以向一般访问者隐藏特价商品,以允许针对每个目标的广告系列。

    • Buddy up with other properties in your group or area to refer visitors under certain conditions (ie hotel full, no room type available etc)
    • 与您的团队或区域中的其他住宿伙伴结为伙伴,以在一定条件下(例如,酒店满员,无房型等)推荐访客

    • Controllable Page redirection after making a booking
    • 预订后可控制的页面重定向

    • Facebook integration, schedule publication of offers on FaceBook
    • Facebook集成,计划在FaceBook上发布报价

    And more… Please check the features in premium versions


      • Operate a Loyalty Club
      • 经营会员俱乐部

      • Sell and accept vouchers
      • 出售和接受代金券

      • Operate consolidated availability across lots of individual sites
      • 许多单个站点的运营整合可用性

      • PayPal Integration
      • PayPal集成

      • Push your excess inventory to the Expedia network of sites.
      • 将多余的库存推入Expedia网站网络。

      and much more coming soon



Installing the plugin takes seconds.


    1. From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins –> Add New.
    2. 从网站的信息中心,导航至“插件”->“添加新内容”。

    3. Upload and press “Choose File.”
    4. 上传并按“选择文件”。

    5. When the popup appears select the plugin zip file from your computer
    6. 出现弹出窗口时,从计算机中选择插件zip文件

    7. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
    8. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,然后等待上传完成。

    9. When it’s finished, activate the plugin via the prompt.

    10. 完成后,根据提示激活插件。

      A message will show confirming activation was successful.


      And you will redirect to the Welcome page.

    11. 然后,您将重定向到“欢迎”页面。

    Installation is complete!When the plugin is installed to your WordPress site


      1. Sign Up to the BookServe service.

      2. 注册到BookServe服务。

        There are Free, Standard and Full Support options

      3. 有免费,标准和全面支持选项

      4. Set the first date you want for the booking calendar in the plugin settings
      5. 在插件设置中设置您想要的预订日历的第一个日期

      6. Set your language ISO (en for English, FR for French)
      7. 设置您的语言ISO(英语为en,法语为FR)

      8. Add in your Book-Serve URL.

      9. 添加您的“ Book-Serve”网址。

        That’s it!

      10. 就是这样!

      That’s it!


      If you’re unclear about the installation process, you can watch a youtube video, download our PDF instructions, register with our support forum and work with other users.


      Still having trouble from there?


      See the FAQ for more troubleshooting ideas or contact support.






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