[wordpress插件] WooCommerce BitTube payment gatewayWooCommerce BitTube支付网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-05 20:00 548 0 全屏看文



Your online store must use WooCommerce platform (free wordpress plugin).


Once you installed and activated WooCommerce, you may install and activate BitTube payment gateway WooCommerce Extension.

一旦安装并激活了WooCommerce,就可以安装并激活BitTube支付网关WooCommerce Extension。



    • Accept payment directly into your personal BitTube wallet.
    • 直接接受付款到您的个人BitTube钱包中。

    • Accept payment in TUBE for physical and digital downloadable products.
    • 在TUBE中接受可下载的物理和数字产品的付款。

    • Add BitTube payments option to your existing online store with alternative main currency.
    • 使用其他主要货币将BitTube付款选项添加到您现有的在线商店。

    • Flexible exchange rate calculations fully managed via administrative settings.
    • 通过管理设置完全管理灵活的汇率计算。

    • Zero fees and no commissions for BitTube payments processing from any third party.
    • 零费用,任何第三方处理BitTube付款均不收取佣金。

    • Automatic conversion to TUBE via realtime exchange rate feed and calculations.
    • 通过实时汇率数据和计算自动转换为TUBE。

    • Ability to set exchange rate calculation multiplier to compensate for any possible losses due to bank conversions and funds transfer fees.
    • 设置汇率计算乘数的能力,以补偿由于银行转换和资金转账费用而可能造成的任何损失。



      • Payment validation done through the bittube blockchain explorer.
      • 通过 bittube区块链浏览器完成的付款验证。

      • Validates payments with cron, so does not require users to stay on the order confirmation page for their order to validate.
      • 使用 cron 验证付款,因此不需要用户停留在订单确认页面上来验证其订单。

      • Order status updates are done through AJAX instead of Javascript page reloads.
      • 订单状态更新是通过AJAX完成的,而不是通过重新加载Javascript页面来完成的。

      • Customers can pay with multiple transactions and are notified as soon as transactions hit the mempool.
      • 客户可以通过多笔交易付款,并在交易进入内存池时立即得到通知。

      • Configurable block confirmations, from 0 for zero confirm to 60 for high ticket purchases.
      • 可配置的区块确认,从 0 表示零确认到 60 表示高价购买。

      • Live price updates every minute;

      • 实时价格每分钟更新一次;

        total amount due is locked in after the order is placed for a configurable amount of time (default 60 minutes) so the price does not change after order has been made.

      • 在下订单达可配置的时间(默认为60分钟)后,应付款总额将被锁定,因此在下订单后价格不会改变。

      • Hooks into emails, order confirmation page, customer order history page, and admin order details page.
      • 进入电子邮件,订单确认页面,客户订单历史记录页面和管理订单详细信息页面。

      • View all payments received to your wallet with links to the blockchain explorer and associated orders.
      • 查看所有收到的到您钱包的付款,以及指向区块链浏览器和相关订单的链接。

      • Optionally display all prices on your store in terms of BitTube.
      • (可选)根据BitTube显示商店中的所有价格。

      • Shortcodes!

      • 简码!

        Display exchange rates in numerous currencies.

      • 显示多种货币的汇率。



        Installing the plugin


          • Download the plugin from the releases page
          • 发布页面 下载插件

          • Unzip or place the bittube-woocommerce-gateway folder in the wp-content/plugins directory.
          • bittube-woocommerce-gateway 文件夹解压缩或放置在 wp-content / plugins 目录中。

          • Activate “BitTube Woocommerce Gateway” in your WordPress admin dashboard.
          • 在您的WordPress管理控制台中激活“ BitTube Woocommerce网关”。

          • It is highly recommended that you use native cronjobs instead of WordPress's “Poor Man's Cron” by adding define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); into your wp-config.php

          • 强烈建议您通过在 wp-config.php中添加 define('DISABLE_WP_CRON',true); 来使用本机cronjob而不是WordPress的“穷人的Cron”。

            code> file and adding * * * * * wget -q -O - https://yourstore.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron >/devull 2>&1 to your crontab.

            code>文件,然后在您的crontab中添加 * * * * * wget -q -O-https://yourstore.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron> / dev / null 2>&1

          Use your wallet address and viewkey


          This is the easiest way to start accepting BitTube on your website.


          You’ll need:


            • Your BitTube wallet address starting with b
            • 您的以 b 开头的BitTube钱包地址

            • Your wallet’s secret viewkey
            • 您钱包的秘密查看键

            Then simply select the viewkey option in the settings page and paste your address and viewkey.

            然后只需在设置页面中选择 viewkey 选项,然后粘贴您的地址和viewkey。

            You’re all set!




              • Enable / Disable – Turn on or off BitTube gateway.

              • 启用/禁用 –打开或关闭BitTube网关。

                (Default: Disable)

              • (默认:禁用)

              • Title – Name of the payment gateway as displayed to the customer.

              • 标题 –显示给客户的支付网关的名称。

                (Default: BitTube Gateway)

              • (默认:BitTube网关)

              • Discount for using BitTube – Percentage discount applied to orders for paying with BitTube.

              • 使用BitTube的折扣 –应用于使用BitTube付款的订单的折扣百分比。

                Can also be negative to apply a surcharge.


                (Default: 0)

              • (默认值:0)

              • Order valid time – Number of seconds after order is placed that the transaction must be seen in the mempool.

              • 订单有效时间 –下订单后必须在内存池中看到交易的秒数。

                (Default: 3600 [1 hour])

              • (默认值:3600 [1小时])

              • Number of confirmations – Number of confirmations the transaction must receive before the order is marked as complete.

              • 确认数 –在将订单标记为完成之前,交易必须收到的确认数。

                Use 0 for nearly instant confirmation.

                使用 0 几乎可以立即进行确认。

                (Default: 5)

              • (默认:5)

              • Confirmation Type – Confirm transactions with either your viewkey, or by using bittube-wallet-rpc.

              • 确认类型 –使用您的查看键或使用 bittube-wallet-rpc 确认交易。

                (Default: viewkey)

              • (默认:viewkey)

              • BitTube Address (if confirmation type is viewkey) – Your public BitTube address starting with 4. (No default)
              • BitTube地址(如果确认类型为viewkey)–您的公共BitTube地址以4开头。(无默认值)

              • Secret Viewkey (if confirmation type is viewkey) – Your private viewkey (No default)
              • 秘密Viewkey (如果确认类型为viewkey)–您的 private Viewkey(无默认值)

              • Testnet – Check this to change the blockchain explorer links to the testnet explorer.

              • Testnet –选中此项以将区块链资源管理器链接更改为testnet资源管理器。

                (Default: unchecked)

              • (默认:未选中)

              • SSL warnings – Check this to silence SSL warnings.

              • SSL警告 –选中此选项可禁用SSL警告。

                (Default: unchecked)

              • (默认:未选中)

              • Show Prices in BitTube – Convert all prices on the frontend to BitTube.

              • 在BitTube中显示价格 –将前端的所有价格转换为BitTube。

                Experimental feature, only use if you do not accept any other payment option.


                (Default: unchecked)

              • (默认:未选中)

              • Display Decimals (if show prices in BitTube is enabled) – Number of decimals to round prices to on the frontend.

              • 显示小数位(如果启用了BitTube中的显示价格)–将价格四舍五入到前端的小数位数。

                The final order amount will not be rounded and will be displayed down to the nanoBitTube.


                (Default: 8)

              • (默认:8)



              This plugin makes available two shortcodes that you can use in your theme.


              Live price shortcode


              This will display the price of BitTube in the selected currency.


              If no currency is provided, the store’s default currency will be used.




              [bittube-price currency="BTC"]

              [bittube-price currency =“ BTC”]

              [bittube-price currency="USD"]

              [bittube-price货币=“ USD”]

              [bittube-price currency="CAD"]

              [bittube-price currency =“ CAD”]

              [bittube-price currency="EUR"]

              [bittube-price currency =“ EUR”]

              [bittube-price currency="GBP"]

              [bittube-price currency =“ GBP”]

              Will display:


              1 TUBE = 0.018270 BTC

                1 TUBE = 0.018270 BTC

              1 TUBE = 123.680 USD

              1 TUBE = 123.680美元

              1 TUBE = 168.43000 CAD

              1管= 168.43000 CAD

              1 TUBE = 105.54000 EUR

              1 TUBE = 105.54000 EUR

              1 TUBE = 94.84000 GBP

              1管= 94.84000英镑

              BitTube accepted here badge


              This will display a badge showing that you accept BitTube-currency.








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