[wordpress插件] WordPress必聊网在线客服插件WordPress must chat online customer service plugin

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-03-05 08:40 655 0 全屏看文




This plugin for WordPress will be developed for WordPress programs and online chat service of Biliao. This plugin can manage the online chat component of Biliao.


The installation of the plug-in is very simple and does not require tedious steps. After installing this plug-in, you can place the Bidnet widget on the page and display an online customer service layer window on the page to facilitate website visitors


Communicate with agents to increase sales.


Instructions for use


To use the plugin you need a must-chat site ID.


您可以通过 WordPress 在线安装或者下载插件压缩包进行安装。

You can install via WordPress online or download the plugin archive.


Here are the explanations separately:


- 、 Online installation:

    1. 进入 WordPress 管理后台;

      Enter the WordPress management background;

    2. 点击左边仪表盘 “插件”-> “安装插件”,进入插件安装界面;

      Click "plug-in"-> "install plug-in" on the left dashboard to enter the plug-in installation interface;

    3. 在“搜索插件”输入框中输入本插件名称:bindchat,点击“搜索插件”按钮;

      Enter the name of the plugin in the "Search plugin" input box: bindchat, and click the "Search plugin" button;

    4. 在搜索出的结果页面中,点击 “WordPress必聊网在线客服插件”下面的“现在安装”链接进行安装;

      In the search results page, click the "Install Now" link under the "WordPress must chat online customer service plug-in" to install;

    5. 进入“连接信息”界面,收入您的 FTP/SFTP 服务器的相关信息,点击“继续按钮“等待自动安装完成。

      Enter the "Connection Information" interface, collect information about your FTP / SFTP server, and click the "Continue button" to wait for the automatic installation to complete.

    6. 在安装成功页面,点击”启用插件“;

      On the installation success page, click "Enable plugin";

    7. 之后,在管理后台的左边仪表盘会出现”必聊网“的插件管理菜单,点击此菜单进入管理界面,输入站点ID,(如果您还没有站点ID,可以去http://bindchat

      After that, the plugin management menu of "Bid Chat" will appear in the left dashboard of the management background. Click this menu to enter the management interface and enter the site ID. (If you do not have a site ID, you can go to http: // bindchat

      .com/install 注册申请),点击“保存设置”按钮;

      .com / install registration application), click the "Save Settings" button;

    8. 一切ok!

      Everything is OK!


    Second, offline installation

      1. 下载插件 zip 文件包;

        Download the plugin zip file package;

      2. 将压缩包解压到 WordPress 安装目录下的 wp-content/plugins 文件夹下(此文件夹下会多处一个 bindchat 目录)。

        Unzip the archive to the wp-content / plugins folder in the WordPress installation directory (there will be multiple bindchat directories under this folder).

      3. 进入 WordPress 管理后台;

        Enter the WordPress management background;

      4. 点击左边仪表盘 “插件””,进入插件列表界面,这是在列表中会出现“bindchat”插件;

        Click the "plug-in" on the left dashboard to enter the plug-in list interface. This is the "bindchat" plug-in in the list;

      5. 启用插件,参照上面的 6 -8 。

        Enable the plugin, see 6-8 above.





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