[wordpress插件] Woocommerce Category and Products Accordion PanelWoocommerce类别和产品手风琴面板

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-25 18:00 889 0 全屏看文






Category and Products Accordion Panel is the best plugin for the Home and Sup-Pages that will enhance the shopping experience and view the products more categorized with accordion panel for woocommerce in wordpress.

Category and Products手风琴面板是Home和Sup-Pages的最佳插件,它将增强购物体验,并在wordpress中查看用于woocommerce的手风琴面板的更多分类产品。

Customer can search and view the products according to categories accordion pane.


This plugin supports unlimited widgets for the sidebar.


It supports fully responsive layout with four different styles.


Buy the Premium Version


    Premium Version Demo


      Free Version Features


        • Load the products using Ajax as per category panel selection.
        • 根据类别面板选择使用Ajax加载产品。

        • Provides responsive grid layout and customizable template.
        • 提供响应式网格布局和可自定义的模板。

        • Provides four clean and modern different styles.
        • 提供四种简洁现代的风格。

        • Supports unlimited widget for content area and sidebar of the page for the same or any pages.
        • 为相同或任何页面的内容区域和页面侧栏支持无限的窗口小部件。

        • Load next products using ajax ‘load more’ paging from category selection.
        • 使用ajax从类别选择中加载“加载更多”页面来加载下一个产品。

        • Text and background color selection for the widget heading, product price, category tab, product title.
        • 为小部件标题,产品价格,类别标签,产品标题选择文本和背景颜色。

        • Allows to select number of categories from admin panel for accordion panel configuration.
        • 允许从管理面板中选择类别数以进行手风琴面板配置。

        Premium Version Features


          • Load the products using ajax as per category accordion panel selection.
          • 根据类别手风琴面板选择,使用ajax加载产品。

          • Custom settings available to hide or show product title, created date, animation over image, product image, pagination, product short content and read more link.

          • 可用于隐藏或显示产品标题,创建日期,图像动画,产品图像,分页,产品简短内容以及更多链接的自定义设置。

          • There are three types of ajax based pagination available like load more posts, next previous posts and simple numeric pagination.
          • 基于ajax的分页有三种类型,例如加载更多帖子,下一个先前的帖子和简单的数字分页。

          • Dynamic admin settings to change maximum width and height of images.
          • 动态管理员设置,可更改图像的最大宽度和高度。

          • Allows to short/order ascending or descending categories accordion by custom categories IDs or title.
          • 允许按自定义类别ID或标题来对​​短/阶升序或降序类别手风琴进行排序。

          • Allows to short/order ascending or descending posts/custom posts in accordion by post id and title.
          • 允许按帖子ID和标题来按手风琴短/排序升序或降序帖子/自定义帖子。

          • Provides responsive grid layout and customizable 10+ responsive templates.
          • 提供自适应网格布局和可自定义的10多个响应模板。

          • 40+ beautiful mouse-hover animation effects.

          • 40多种精美的鼠标悬停动画效果。

          • Allows to change space between product items in pixels.

          • 允许以像素为单位更改产品项目之间的间隔。

          • Hide/show product author image and name.

          • 隐藏/显示产品作者图像和名称。

          • Supports unlimited shortcode and widget for sidebar and content area on the same or any page.
          • 在同一页面或任何页面上为侧边栏和内容区域支持无限的简码和小部件。

          • Allows to select number of categories from admin panel for accordion panel configuration.
          • 允许从管理面板中选择类别数以进行手风琴面板配置。

          • Text and background color selection for the widget heading, product price, category tab, product title.
          • 为小部件标题,产品价格,类别标签,产品标题选择文本和背景颜色。

          • Supports option for “All” label accordion pane to load all category’s product.
          • “全部”标签手风琴窗格的“支持”选项可以加载所有类别的产品。

          • Can enable/disable product count.
          • 可以启用/禁用产品计数。

          • Show/Hide empty category that has no product.
          • 显示/隐藏没有产品的空类别。

          • Short by or Order by category name option.
          • 按类别名称排序或按顺序排序选项。

          • Exclude certain category from accordion panel that you do not want to display on fronted view.
          • 从手风琴面板中排除您不想在正面视图上显示的某些类别。

          • Settings for open a category by default.
          • 默认情况下用于打开类别的设置。

          • Enable/Disable RTL Support.

          • 启用/禁用RTL支持。

          Support Details



    1. Upload and extract the zip file downloaded to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 上传并解压缩下载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录的zip文件

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to ‘WCAP’ page from dashboard and create new shortcode to add into any page content (Premium/Pro version only)
    6. 从仪表板导航到“ WCAP”页面并创建新的简码以添加到任何页面内容中(仅限高级版/专业版)

    7. Configure widgets called “Accordion Panel for Category and Products” from Appearance > Widgets and assign to page sidebar.
    8. 从“外观”>“小部件”中配置名为“类别和产品的手风琴面板”的小部件,并将其分配给页面侧栏。








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