[wordpress插件] Banner Slider for Advertisement广告横幅滑块

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-29 09:30 627 0 全屏看文



Banner advertisement to maximize your ad revenue by display image banners advertisement for different pages on different places.


There is not any direct WordPress action hook or filter function that allow you to insert new features like banner slider near header & footer or at any good place, so admin user/site manager should change and add plugin php code to allow site


owner to display advertisement slider on front end site visitors.


**Important Note :: ** to display advertisement slider on user end, you have to edit header.php & footer.php files of current active theme.

**重要提示:: **要在用户端显示广告滑块,您必须编辑当前活动主题的header.php和footer.php文件。

If you don’t have knowledge of PHP or WordPress code, we have display how to add with screen image from admin->Plugin Settings->Document.


Live Demo


You can find banner slider display on different pages plugin demo on our site

/“ rel =” nofollow“>我们网站上的插件演示

Different between Banner Slider and other slider plugins


    • Normal slider plugin display banners via widgets or shortcodes only for limited area.
    • 普通滑块插件仅在有限的区域内通过小部件或短代码显示横幅。

    • While banner slider allow you to display banners for home page, category pages, tag pages & search page.
    • 通过横幅滑块,您可以显示首页,类别页面,标签页面和搜索页面的横幅。

    • All pages have different places like display above & below header and above & below footer.
    • 所有页面都有不同的位置,例如页眉的上方和下方以及页脚的上方和下方。

    • Main idea for this plugin to advertisement of banners on different places and on different pages.
    • 此插件的主要思想是在不同位置和不同页面上横幅广告。

    • Display banner slider as single banner or gallery slider to make page attractive.
    • 将横幅滑块显示为单个横幅或图库滑块,以使页面更具吸引力。

    • So number of advertisement display possibility for your site will be more.
    • 因此,您网站上展示广告的可能性将会更多。

    • So it will chance to display more advertisement & increase advertisement revenue.
    • 因此,它将有机会展示更多广告并增加广告收入。

    • Like this you may earn extra money for your site.
    • 像这样,您可以为您的网站赚取额外的钱。

    Plugin Features


      • Screen touch slider.
      • 屏幕触摸滑块。

      • Display 5 advertisement banners images per slider.
      • 每个滑块显示5个广告横幅图像。

      • Display multiple banners(gallery) and/or single banner.
      • 显示多个横幅(图库)和/或单个横幅。

      • Display banner slider above & below header.
      • 在标题上方和下方显示横幅滑块。

      • Display banner slider above & below footer.
      • 在页脚上方和下方显示横幅滑块。

      • Banner slider in header & footer for home page.
      • 首页页眉和页脚中的横幅滑块。

      • Banner slider in header & footer for post category pages.
      • 帖子类别页面的页眉和页脚中的横幅滑块。

      • Banner slider in header & footer for post tag pages.
      • 页眉和页脚中的横幅滑块,用于发布标记页面。

      • Banner slider in header & footer for search page.
      • 搜索页眉和页脚中的横幅滑块。

      • Banner slider widget to display at any widget area directly.
      • 横幅滑块小部件,可直接显示在任何小部件区域。

      • Banner images with click link URL add option.
      • 带有单击链接URL添加选项的横幅图像。

      • Banner slider pagination & navigation (previousext) banner option.
      • 横幅滑块分页和导航(上一个/下一个)横幅选项。

      • Banner slider auto play/auto slide option.
      • 横幅滑块自动播放/自动幻灯片选项。

      • Banner slider infinite loop option.
      • 横幅滑块无限循环选项。

      • Adjust banner slider adjust height as per banner images.
      • 调整横幅滑块可根据横幅图像调整高度。

      • Fix the slider width & slide time settings option.
      • 修复滑块宽度和滑动时间设置选项。

      • Banners for mobile show/hide.
      • 用于移动节目/隐藏的横幅。

      • Slider effects like default/slide effect and fade effect.
      • 滑动器效果,例如默认/滑动效果和淡入淡出效果。

      • Responsive in size as per device screen size.
      • 根据设备屏幕尺寸进行响应。

      • WordPress Multi-site ready.
      • WordPress多站点就绪。

      • Mobile friendly.
      • 移动友好。

      Live Demo


      You can find banner slider display on different pages plugin demo on our site

      /“ rel =” nofollow“>我们网站上的插件演示

      How many places display advertisement banner slider


        1. Above Header
        2. 标题上方

        3. Below Header
        4. 标题下方

        5. Above Footer
        6. 页脚上方

        7. Below Footer
        8. 页脚下方

        On which pages display advertisement banner slider


          1. Home page — above & below header and above & below footer
          2. 首页-页眉上方和下方以及页脚上方和下方

          3. Category pages — above & below header and above & below footer
          4. 类别页面-页眉上方和下方以及页脚上方和下方

          5. Tag pages — above & below header and above & below footer
          6. 标记页面-页眉上方和下方以及页脚上方和下方

          7. Search page — above & below header and above & below footer
          8. 搜索页面-页眉上方和下方以及页脚上方和下方

          How to Display Banners on front-end site


          Why you should edit header.php & footer.php files??


          > This is the only big question and the answer is :: every WordPress theme & child theme header.php & footer.php files have different HTML design and so we cannot say any one to add code exactly on particular line or near


          particular code.


          Even not sure that the WordPress theme you are using have added action hook for header.php & footer.php file.


            • Step-by-step way to add banner slider code and update files.
            • 添加横幅滑块代码和更新文件的分步方法。

            • Go to WordPress admin->Banner Slider(new menu added)->Plugin Settings->Document Settings.
            • 转到WordPress管理->横幅滑块(添加新菜单)->插件设置->文档设置。

            • See settings for display banner ABOVE and BELOW header.

            • 请参阅显示标题ABOVE和BELOW标题的设置。

            • Add the WordPress php hook code in “header.php” file.

            • 在“ header.php”文件中添加WordPress php钩子代码。

            • Code for ABOVE header : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_header’);
            • ABOVE标头的代码:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_header’);

            • Code for BELOW header : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_header’);
            • BELOW标头的代码:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_header’);

            • See settings for display banner ABOVE and BELOW footer.
            • 请参阅显示页眉上方和下方页脚的设置。

            • Add the WordPress php hook code in “footer.php” file.

            • 在“ footer.php”文件中添加WordPress php钩子代码。

            • Code for ABOVE footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);
            • 页脚上方的代码是:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);

            • Code for BELOW footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);
            • BELOW页脚的代码为:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);

            • Display banners advertisement slider in sidebar or any widget area by drag & drop widget : “Banner Slider Advertisement”
            • 通过拖放小部件:“横幅滑块广告”在侧边栏或任何小部件区域中显示横幅广告滑块

            Docs & Support


            You can find plugin documents, FAQ


            and more detailed information on wpwebs.com.

            以及有关 wpwebs.com 的详细信息。

            If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, you should check the support forum on WordPress.org.


            If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.


            Still you need any help, customization or direct help – contact us

            您仍然需要任何帮助,自定义或直接帮助– 与我们联系

            How to display banners on front-end site


            There are two ways to display banner slider on front-end site


            (1) Edit header.php & footer.php files by adding related action hook above & below header & footer


            (2) Use widget “Banner Slider Advertisement” by drag-drop to widget area and display slider.


              • Go to WordPress admin->Banner Slider(new menu added)->Plugin Settings->Document Settings.
              • 转到WordPress管理->横幅滑块(添加新菜单)->插件设置->文档设置。

              • See settings for display banner ABOVE and BELOW header.

              • 请参阅显示标题ABOVE和BELOW标题的设置。

              • Add the WordPress php hook code in “header.php” file.

              • 在“ header.php”文件中添加WordPress php钩子代码。

              • Code for ABOVE header : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_header’);
              • ABOVE标头的代码:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_header’);

              • Code for BELOW header : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_header’);
              • BELOW标头的代码:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_header’);

              • See settings for display banner ABOVE and BELOW footer.
              • 请参阅显示页眉上方和下方页脚的设置。

              • Add the WordPress php hook code in “footer.php” file.

              • 在“ footer.php”文件中添加WordPress php钩子代码。

              • Code for ABOVE footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);
              • 页脚上方的代码是:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);

              • Code for BELOW footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);
              • BELOW页脚的代码为:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);

              • Display banners advertisement slider in sidebar or any widget area by drag & drop widget : “Banner Slider Advertisement”
              • 通过拖放小部件:“横幅滑块广告”在侧边栏或任何小部件区域中显示横幅广告滑块

              Display banners by widget


                1. Display banner advertisement slider in widget ready sidebar.
                2. 在可用于小部件的边栏中显示横幅广告滑块。

                3. Use widget “Banner Slider Advertisement” by drag & drop widget from WordPress Admin->Appearance->Widgets->”Banner Slider Advertisement”.
                4. 通过WordPress Admin->外观->小部件->“横幅滑块广告”中的拖放小部件使用“横幅滑块广告”小部件。

                5. Select the banners slider created from WordPress Admin->Banner Slider
                6. 选择从WordPress Admin->横幅滑块创建的横幅滑块

                7. Banner slider will display as per banner settings & there is no extra settings from widget.
                8. 横幅滑块将按照横幅设置显示,并且窗口小部件中没有多余的设置。

                9. Just drag & drop the widget, select the banner and it done.
                10. 只需拖放小部件,选择横幅并完成。

                How to edit header.php file and add banner display code


                  1. Go to WordPress Admin->Banner Slider(left menu)->Plugin Settings->Document(tab)-> See & copy code :: Display banner ABOVE and BELOW header
                  2. 转到WordPress Admin->横幅滑块(左侧菜单)->插件设置->文档(标签)->查看并复制代码::显示横幅上方和下方标头

                  3. Code for ABOVE header :
                  4. 上方标头的代码: <?php do_action('wpw_banner_slider_before_header');?>

                  5. Code for BELOW header :
                  6. BELOW标头的代码: <?php do_action('wpw_banner_slider_after_header');?>

                  7. Go to WordPress Admin->Appearance(left menu)->Themes->Get Current Active Theme
                  8. 转到WordPress管理员->外观(左侧菜单)->主题->获取当前活动主题

                  9. Go to WordPress Admin->Appearance(left menu)->Editor(only admin/super admin user can see this link)->Get current active theme selected->find “header.php”
                  10. 转到WordPress管理员->外观(左侧菜单)->编辑器(只有管理员/超级管理员用户才能看到此链接)->选择当前活动主题->找到“ header.php”

                  11. Click the header.php file so it come in editor so you can edit
                  12. 单击header.php文件,使其进入编辑器,以便您进行编辑

                  13. Find header start code.

                  14. 查找标题开始代码。

                    Most of case it should be like “< header ……” (see document tab image for more understanding)

                  15. 在大多数情况下,它应类似于“ <标头……”(有关更多信息,请参见文档标签图像)

                  16. Add header banner code in header.php file before “< header ……” OR you may like to add the code at proper place like at below “body” tag of header.php.

                  17. 在header.php文件中的“

                  18. Find header end code.

                  19. 查找标题结束代码。

                    Most of case it should be like “< /header ……” (see document tab image for more understanding)

                  20. 在大多数情况下,它应类似于“

                  21. Add header banner code in header.php file after “< /header ……” OR you may like to add the code at proper place like at ending of header.php.
                  22. 在“

                  How to edit footer.php file and add banner display code


                    1. Go to WordPress Admin->Banner Slider(left menu)->Plugin Settings->Document(tab)-> See & copy code :: Display banner ABOVE and BELOW footer
                    2. 转到WordPress Admin->横幅滑块(左侧菜单)->插件设置->文档(标签)->查看并复制代码::在上方和下方显示横幅

                    3. Code for ABOVE footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);
                    4. 页脚上方的代码是:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_before_footer’);

                    5. Code for BELOW footer is : do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);
                    6. BELOW页脚的代码为:do_action(‘wpw_banner_slider_after_footer’);

                    7. Go to WordPress Admin->Appearance(left menu)->Themes->Get Current Active Theme
                    8. 转到WordPress管理员->外观(左侧菜单)->主题->获取当前活动主题

                    9. Go to WordPress Admin->Appearance(left menu)->Editor(only admin/super admin user can see this link)->Get current active theme selected->find “footer.php”
                    10. 转到WordPress管理员->外观(左侧菜单)->编辑器(只有管理员/超级管理员用户才能看到此链接)->选择当前活动主题->找到“ footer.php”

                    11. Click the footer.php file so it come in editor so you can edit
                    12. 单击footer.php文件,使其进入编辑器,以便您进行编辑

                    13. Find footer start code.

                    14. 查找页脚起始代码。

                      Most of case it should be like “< footer ……” (see document tab image for more understanding)

                    15. 在大多数情况下,它应类似于“ <页脚……”(有关更多信息,请参见文档标签图像)

                    16. Add footer banner code in footer.php file at before “< footer ……” OR you may like to add the code at proper place like at beginning of footer.php.

                    17. 在“

                    18. Find footer end code.

                    19. 查找页脚结束代码。

                      Most of case it should be like “< /footer ……” (see document tab image for more understanding)

                    20. 在大多数情况下,它应类似于“

                    21. Add footer banner code in footer.php file at after “< /footer ……” OR you may like to add the code at proper place like at end of footer.php but above “body” end.
                    22. 在“


    1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
    2. 将插件文件上传到 / wp-content / plugins / plugin-name 目录,或直接通过WordPress插件屏幕安装插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin.
    4. 通过WordPress管理员中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Use the ‘Banner Slider’ (new menu added) from WordPress admin menu to manage banners(add/edit/delete banners)
    6. 使用WordPress管理菜单中的“横幅滑块”(已添加新菜单)来管理横幅(添加/编辑/删除横幅)

    7. Use the Banner Slider->’Plugin Settings’->Document menu to see how to add banner display hook in related files.

    8. 使用标题滑块->“插件设置”->“文档”菜单查看如何在相关文件中添加标题显示挂钩。

    9. Use the Banner Slider->’Plugin Settings’->General menu to configure home page & search page banner settings
    10. 使用横幅滑块->“插件设置”->“常规”菜单来配置首页和搜索页横幅设置

    11. Manage category banners from Posts->Categories(menu)->Banner Slider Settings
    12. 从帖子->类别(菜单)->横幅滑块设置中管理类别横幅

    13. Manage tag banners from Posts->Tags(menu)->Banner Slider Settings
    14. 从帖子->标签(菜单)->横幅滑块设置中管理标签横幅

    For basic usage, you can also have a look at the plugin web site








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