[wordpress插件] BadgeOS Community Add-onBadgeOS社区附加组件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-28 16:20 550 0 全屏看文



The “BadgeOS Community Add-on” integrates BadgeOS features into BuddyPress and bbPress.

“ BadgeOS社区附加组件”将BadgeOS功能集成到BuddyPress和bbPress中。

Site members complete achievements and earn badges based on a range of community activity and triggers.


This add-on to BadgeOS also includes the ability to display badges and achievements on user profiles and activity feeds.


Note: You will need to install the free BadgeOS plugin

注意:您将需要安装免费的 BadgeOS插件

>™ (version 1.2 or higher) to use the BadgeOS Community Add-on.


You will also need the BuddyPress plugin v1.7 or higher installed.

您还需要安装 BuddyPress插件 v1.7或更高版本。

Get the BadgeOS plugin.


BadgeOS™ turns your WordPress site into an achievement and badging system.

BadgeOS ™将您的WordPress网站变成成就和徽章系统。

And with BuddyPress enabled on your site, achievements are not only awarded by demonstrating skills and knowledge, but also by participating in community activities.


Define the achievements, organize the badge requirements any way you like, and choose from and combine a range of assessment and community activity options to determine whether each task or requirement has been achieved.


Earned badges are Mozilla OBI compatible and sharable via Credly, the free web service for

获得的徽章与Mozilla OBI兼容,可通过 Credly 共享,

recognizing and displaying lifelong achievement.


New ways to define achievements and give badges for community activity


In addition to all of the out-of-the-box features in BadgeOS core, this add-on allows you to award badges based on these additional triggers:


    • Profile Updates:


        • Activated Account
        • 已激活帐户

        • Change Profile Avatar
        • 更改个人资料头像

        • Update Profile information
        • 更新个人资料信息

      • Social Actions:


          • Write an Activity Stream message
          • 写活动流消息

          • Write a Group Activity Stream message
          • 写组活动流消息

          • Reply to an item in an Activity Stream
          • 回复活动流中的项目

          • Favorite an Activity Stream item
          • 收藏活动流项目

          • Send a Friendship Request
          • 发送友谊请求

          • Accept a Friendship Request
          • 接受友谊请求

          • Sendeply to a Private Message
          • 发送/回复私人消息

        • Group Actions:


            • Create a Group
            • 创建组

            • Join a Group
            • 加入小组

            • Join a Specific Group
            • 加入一个特定的小组

            • Invite Someone to Join a Group
            • 邀请某人加入论坛

            • Get Promoted to Group Moderator/Administrator
            • 晋升为组主持人/管理员

            • Promote another Group Member to Group Moderator/Administrator
            • 提升另一个组成员为组主持人/管理员

          • Discussion Forum Actions:


              • Add a New Forum Topic
              • 添加新的论坛主题

              • Reply to a Forum Topic
              • 回复论坛主题

            Social Display of Badges and Achievements:


              • Display earned badges and achievements of any kind on user profiles
              • 在用户个人资料上显示获得的徽章和各种成就

              • Add activity updates to user Activity Stream when badges and achievements are earned
              • 在获得徽章和成就时向用户“活动流”添加活动更新

              • Each user may share his or her earned badges on social networks via Credly
              • 每个用户都可以通过Credly在社交网络上分享他或她获得的徽章

              User and BadgeOS Settings:


                • BadgeOSadmin setting to select which custom BadgeOS achievement types should be displayed on user profiles
                • BadgeOS管理员设置,用于选择应在用户个人资料上显示哪些自定义BadgeOS成就类型

                • BadgeOSadmin setting to select which custom BadgeOS achievement types should be displayed in Activity Streams
                • BadgeOS管理员设置,用于选择应在“活动流”中显示哪些自定义BadgeOS成就类型

                • User can adjust Credly sharing settings from community profile settings
                • 用户可以从社区个人资料设置中调整“可信共享”设置

                Combine Community Steps with BadgeOS Steps in Defining Achievements


                  • Simple interface for defining the “Required Steps” for any badge or achievement seamlessly integrates community actions
                  • 用于定义任何徽章或成就的“必需步骤”的简单界面无缝集成了社区行为

                  • Easily define achievements that rely on both BadgeOS required steps and community actions
                  • 轻松定义同时依赖BadgeOS所需步骤和社区行动的成就

                  • Easily link together one or more triggers, steps or actions into the conditions needed to earn any badge or mark an achievement.
                  • 轻松地将一个或多个触发器,步骤或动作链接到获得任何徽章或标记成就所需的条件中。

                  Community Badges are Sharable with Credly Integration


                    • As with the BadgeOS core plugin, community badges are Mozilla Open Badge (OBI) compatible through integration of the “Open Credit” API by Credly, the free web service for issuing, earning and sharing badges.
                    • “ rel =“ nofollow”>可信地,这是用于发行,赚取和共享徽章的免费网络服务。

                    • Badges you create in BadgeOS automatically appear and update on Credly
                    • 您在BadgeOS中创建的徽章会自动显示并在Credly上更新

                    • Use Credly iOS app to issue community badges you created on your WordPress/BuddyPress/BadgeOS site.
                    • 使用Credly iOS应用发布您在WordPress / BuddyPress / BadgeOS网站上创建的社区徽章。

                    • As badges are earned on WordPress/BuddyPress, they can be automatically sent to Credly for easy sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mozilla Backpack, the earner’s own web site, blog, or Credly profile.
                    • 在WordPress / BuddyPress上获得徽章后,可以将它们自动发送到Credly,以便在Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter,Mozilla Backpack,收入者自己的网站,博客或Credly个人资料上轻松共享。

                    Filter Submission Lists by BuddyPress Group


                    The core BadgeOS Submissions lists can now be filtered by BuddyPress user group.


                    This makes it much easier for administrators to moderate submissions group by group.


                    This filter compounds with the existing Submission Status and Search filters, making it possible to refine the submission list even further.


                    Extensibility and Additional BadgeOS Add-ons



    1. Upload, activate and configure the free BadgeOS plugin to WordPress.
    2. 将免费的 BadgeOS插件上传,激活并配置到WordPress。

    3. Upload, activate and configure the free BuddyPress plugin to WordPress.
    4. 将免费的 BuddyPress插件上传,激活并配置到WordPress。

    5. Upload ‘badgeos-community’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    6. 将“ badgeos-community”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    7. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    8. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    9. Add community action requirements to any new or existing achievement item using the “Earn by” menu for any achievement.
    10. 使用“获胜者”菜单为任何成就添加社区行动要求到任何新的或现有的成就项目。

    11. Edit “Achievement Types” to select options for display of earned badges in BuddyPress activity feeds and profiles.
    12. 编辑“成就类型”以选择用于在BuddyPress活动供稿和个人资料中显示获得的徽章的选项。

    13. Ensure that you have entered the Credly credentials for the badge Issuer in the Credly Integration settings of BadgeOS core to enable badge sharing.
    14. 确保已在BadgeOS core的Credly Integration设置中输入了徽章颁发者的Credly凭据,以启用徽章共享。





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