[wordpress插件] BadgeOSBadgeOS

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-28 15:50 630 0 全屏看文



Major Release (3.0):


This is a major release of BadgeOS in which we have added separate point type options so that you can create multiple point types to award/deduct points.


We have also added ranks in this version so you can awards ranks to your users on completing the events.


We strongly recommend you to update below add-ons too as older versions of these add-ons won’t work with this major release.


Note: You may have to update all the existing badges too in order to sync the point types data.


* BadgeOS Interactive Progress Map

* BadgeOS交互式进度图

* BadgeOS Leaderboards

* BadgeOS排行榜

* BadgeOS Congratulation

* BadgeOS祝贺

* BadgeOS Reports add-on

* BadgeOS报告附件

* BadgeOS Community add-on

* BadgeOS社区插件

* BadgeOS LearnDash

* BadgeOS LearnDash

After updating the plugin to 3.0, You will need to update the users’ earning and achievements.


Follow the steps below to update them.


Note: please clear the cache of the site before updating the user’s earning and existing achievements.


Update users’ earned achievements and points:


– Update the BadgeOS to 3.1 or greater


– Go to Dashboard -> BadgeOS -> Point Type

–转到仪表板-> BadgeOS->点类型

– Create a new point type (if not created already)


– Go to Dashboard -> BadgeOS -> Settings

–转到控制板-> BadgeOS->设置

– Select the default point type and click on save settings button


– Click on the “Upgrade 3.0 DB” button

–单击“升级3.0 DB”按钮

Update existing achievements:


– Update the BadgeOS to 3.2 or greater


– Go to Dashboard -> BadgeOS -> Point Type

–转到仪表板-> BadgeOS->点类型

– Create a new point type (if not created already)


– Go to Dashboard -> BadgeOS -> Settings

–转到控制板-> BadgeOS->设置

– Select the default point type and click on save settings button


– Click on the “Upgrade Achievements” button


BadgeOS™ turns your WordPress site into an achievement, badging and engagement management system.

BadgeOS ™可以将您的WordPress网站变成成就,徽章和参与度管理系统。

Your users complete steps, demonstrate skills and knowledge, and earn digital badges.


Easily define the achievements, organize the badge requirements any way you like, and choose from and combine a range of assessment options to determine whether each task or requirement has been achieved.


Create badges and set up the achievements to earn them.


Badges are Mozilla OBI compatible and sharable via Credly, the free web service for managing and displaying lifelong

徽章与Mozilla OBI兼容,并且可以通过 Credly 共享,该免费网络服务用于管理和显示终身



BadgeOS is extremely powerful and infinitely extensible.


Check out some of the out-of-the-box features:


Many ways to define achievements and give badges


    • Reviewed submissions
    • 评论提交

    • Auto-approving submissions
    • 自动批准提交

    • Nominations and review
    • 提名和审查

    • Site activity (triggers based on publising posts and pages, commenting and logging in to your site)
    • 站点活动(基于发布的帖子和页面,评论和登录到您的站点的触发)

    • Completing specific other achievements one or a specific number of times
    • 一次或多次完成其他特定成就

    • Completing one, select or all achievements of a specific type
    • 完成一项或多项特定类型的成就

    • Point thresholds
    • 点阈值

    • Admin Given Badges
    • 管理员给定徽章

    • Community Activity (with the powerful BadgeOS Community Add-on

    • 社区活动(具有功能强大的BadgeOS社区插件


    • Activity from other popular WordPress plugins.

    • 其他流行的WordPress插件的活动。

      See growing catalog of BadgeOS Add-ons.

    • 请参见BadgeOS插件的不断增长的目录。

    Define an Unlimited Number of Achievement Types


      • Create as many types of achievement as you like
      • 创建尽可能多的成就类型

      • Name achievement types whatever you wish
      • 随心所欲命名成就类型

      • Easily define how they relate to one another using the ‘Required Steps’ tool
      • 使用“所需步骤”工具轻松定义它们之间的关系

      • Set default images for each achievement type or select unique images for every achievement item
      • 为每种成就类型设置默认图像,或为每种成就项目选择唯一的图像

      Define an Unlimited Number of Rank Types


        • Create as many types of rank as you like
        • 创建任意数量的排名类型

        • Name rank types whatever you wish
        • 您想要的名称等级类型

        • Easily define how they relate to one another using the ‘Required Steps’ tool
        • 使用“所需步骤”工具轻松定义它们之间的关系

        • Set default images for each rank type or select unique images for every achievement item
        • 为每种等级类型设置默认图像,或为每个成就项目选择唯一的图像

        Define an Unlimited Number of Point Types


          • Create as many types of points as you like
          • 创建任意数量的点类型

          • Name point types whatever you wish
          • 名称点类型随便

          • Easily define how they relate to one another using the ‘Required Steps’ tool
          • 使用“所需步骤”工具轻松定义它们之间的关系

          • Set default images for each rank type or select unique images for every achievement item
          • 为每种等级类型设置默认图像,或为每个成就项目选择唯一的图像

          Design Beautiful Badge and Achievement Images from within WordPress


            • Use the integrated Credly “Badge Builder

            • 使用集成的Credly“ Badge Builder ”

              to create professional looking badge images right from within WordPress

            • 直接从WordPress内部创建具有专业外观的徽章图像

            • Launch the Badge Builder from any achievement or achievement type editing screen in WordPress admin
            • 从WordPress管理员的任何成就或成就类型编辑屏幕中启动徽章生成器

            • Choose from a variety of badge shapes and border styles
            • 从各种徽章形状和边框样式中选择

            • Select from a library of thousands of Noun Project icons, or upload your own to the center of any badge
            • 从成千上万的Noun Project图标库中进行选择,或将自己的图标上传到任何徽章的中心

            • Add or remove a banner with text to your badge
            • 在徽章中添加或删除带有文字的横幅

            • Full color palette selection for border, fill, icon and banner
            • 用于边框,填充,图标和横幅的完整调色板选择

            • Saves automatically to your WordPress Media Library for easy re-use for other achievements or anywhere else on your site
            • 自动保存到WordPress媒体库中,以便轻松重复用于其他成就或网站上的其他任何地方

            • Edit previously created badge and achievement images and save new versions to your Media Library
            • 编辑以前创建的徽章和成就图像,并将新版本保存到您的媒体库

            • Simply enter your Credly credentials in the “Credly Integration” settings menu in BadgeOS to enable the Badge Builder.

            • 只需在BadgeOS的“ Credly Integration”设置菜单中输入您的Credly凭据即可启用Badge Builder。

              If you don't have a Credly account,


              "https://credly.com/#!/create-account" title="Create a free Credly account" rel="nofollow">create one for free.

            • “ https://credly.com/#!/create-account” title =“创建一个免费的Credly帐户” rel =“ nofollow”>免费创建一个

            Sharable Badges with Credly Integration


              • Badges are Mozilla Open Badge (OBI) compatible through integration

              • 徽章通过集成与Mozilla Open Badge(OBI)兼容。

                of the “Open Credit” API by Credly, the free web service for issuing, earning and

                Credly 的“开放信用” API的开发,免费的Web服务,用于发行,获取和

                sharing badges.

              • 共享徽章。

              • Connect your Credly account to your BadgeOS site and voila!

              • 将您的Credly帐户连接到BadgeOS网站,瞧!

                You’re using WordPress to issue “Open Badges” that can be displayed virtually anywhere.

              • 您正在使用WordPress发行“公开徽章”,该徽章几乎可以在任何地方显示。

              • Badges you create in BadgeOS automatically appear and update on Credly
              • 您在BadgeOS中创建的徽章会自动显示并在Credly上更新

              • Use Credly iOS app to issue badges you created on your WordPress site.
              • 使用Credly iOS应用发布您在WordPress网站上创建的徽章。

              • As badges are earned on WordPress, they can be automatically sent to Credly for easy sharing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mozilla Backpack, the earner’s own web site, blog, or Credly profile.
              • 在WordPress上获得徽章后,可以将它们自动发送到Credly,以便在Facebook,LinkedIn,Twitter,Mozilla Backpack,收入者自己的网站,博客或Credly个人资料上轻松共享。

              ‘Required Steps’ Manager


                • Simple yet powerful admin interface for defining the “Required Steps” for any badge or achievement.
                • 简单但功能强大的管理界面,可为任何徽章或成就定义“所需步骤”。

                • Easily link together one or more triggers, steps or actions into the conditions needed to earn a badge or mark an achievement.
                • 轻松地将一个或多个触发器,步骤或动作链接到获得徽章或标记成就所需的条件中。

                • Extend the Required Steps options using the free BadgeOS Community Add

                • 使用免费的 BadgeOS Community Add扩展“必需的步骤”选项。


                • -on 。

                • Also extend Required Steps with other BadgeOS Add-ons.<

                • 还与其他BadgeOS附件一起扩展了必需的步骤。<


                  / li>

                Reward User Progress


                  • Issue badges for any combination of achievements
                  • 颁发成就徽章的徽章

                  • Award points for commenting, logging in, making submissions, completing any combination of tasks
                  • 评论,登录,提交,完成任务组合的奖励点

                  • Display a congratulatory message, customizable per Achievement, on each achievement page.
                  • 在每个成就页面上显示可根据成就自定义的祝贺消息。

                  View and Issue your BadgeOS badges via iOS Mobile App


                    • Badges created in BadgeOS are immediately available on the Credly iOS mobile app (with free Credly integration enabled).
                    • 在BadgeOS中创建的徽章可立即在Credly iOS移动应用程序上使用(启用了免费的Credly集成)。

                    • Create badges in WordPress, and then issue them from your iPhone!
                    • 在WordPress中创建徽章,然后从您的iPhone发行徽章!

                    • BadgeOS badge earners can receive, accept, view and share their badges from the iOS app (with their profile set to receive badges via Credly).
                    • BadgeOS徽章获得者可以通过iOS应用接收,接受,查看和共享其徽章(其个人资料设置为通过Credly接收徽章)。

                    • Credly app’s “ID Card” view essentially turns a BadgeOS badge into an “access pass” for face-to-face activities.
                    • 可信的应用程序的“ ID卡”视图实质上将BadgeOS徽章转变为用于面对面活动的“访问通行证”。

                    Earned Achievements Widget


                      • Shows logged in users what badges they have earned.
                      • 显示已登录用户的徽章。

                      • Option to choose which specific achievement types to display in the widget.
                      • 选择在窗口小部件中显示哪些特定成就类型的选项。

                      • Set the parameters for the widget to decide how many recent badges to display.
                      • 设置窗口小部件的参数,以决定要显示多少个近期标志。

                      • Option to show logged in users total points they have earned (if you are using BadgeOS points mechanism).
                      • 显示已登录用户的总积分的选项(如果您使用BadgeOS积分机制)。

                      • Members can share their badges right from the widget to their Credly profile and off to their linked social networks or Mozilla Backpack.
                      • 成员可以从小部件到其Credly个人资料,也可以从与其链接的社交网络或Mozilla Backpack共享徽章。

                      Theme Agnostic, Shortcodes and Shortcode Embedder


                        • BadgeOS works with just about any standard WordPress theme.
                        • BadgeOS几乎可以与任何标准WordPress主题一起使用。

                        • No special hooks or theme updates are needed.
                        • 不需要特殊的挂钩或主题更新。

                        • Turn any page or post into a way to display available achievements and for users to track their progress.
                        • 将任何页面或帖子变成一种显示可用成就并供用户跟踪其进度的方式。

                        • Multiple options and parameters for each shortcode for great flexibility.
                        • 每个短代码具有多个选项和参数,具有极大的灵活性。

                        • Shortcode WYSIWYG embedder – appears in the toolbar of all WordPress content editor areas, allowing you to transform any page or post into part of your achievement system — without referencing any of the shortcodes.
                        • 简码所见即所得嵌入器–出现在所有WordPress内容编辑器区域的工具栏中,允许您将任何页面或帖子转换为成就系统的一部分-无需引用任何简码。

                        • Shortcodes to bring submission and nomination review to the front-end of your site.
                        • 用于将提交和提名审查带到网站前端的短代码。

                        • Shortcode to integrate specific available achievements into any post or page of your site.
                        • 用于将特定的成就集成到您网站的任何帖子或页面中的简码。

                        • Shortcode for Credly “Custom Assertion Location

                        • Credly的简短代码“ 自定义声明位置

                          for displaying badges issued by Credly Pro users on your site

                        • 用于在您的网站上显示Credly Pro用户发出的徽章

                        • Shortcode documentation in the plugin menu and on BadgeOS.org.<

                        • 简码文档在插件菜单和BadgeOS.org上。<


                          / li>

                        • Just activate BadgeOS and place simple shortcodes on any page or post, and you’ve got an engagement management system running on your WordPress site!
                        • 只需激活BadgeOS并将简单的简码放置在任何页面或帖子上,您的WordPress网站上就会运行一个参与管理系统!

                        Submission and Nomination Review


                          • Easily review submissions and nominations from members.
                          • 轻松查看成员的提交和提名。

                          • Approve or deny submissions with one click.
                          • 一键批准或拒绝提交。

                          • Shortcodes with multiple options for review of submissions on any page or post on your site.
                          • 带有多个选项的简码,用于查看您网站上任何页面或帖子上的提交。

                          • Powerful shortcodes to add an achievement submission or nomination form to any post or page.
                          • 强大的简码,可将成就提交或提名表格添加到任何帖子或页面。

                          • Add comments to engage the member and elaborate on your decisions.
                          • 添加评论以吸引成员并详细说明您的决定。

                          • Optional notification emails inform you when people on your site have made submissions or nominated peers.
                          • 可选的通知电子邮件会通知您,当您网站上的人已经提交或被提名同行时。

                          • Submission Notification Settings: Specify an unlimited number of email addresses for submission admin notifications.
                          • 提交通知设置:为提交管理通知指定无限数量的电子邮件地址。

                          • Notifications for: new submissions, new comments, and submission status changes
                          • 通知:新提交的内容,新评论和提交状态更改

                          • Filter Submissions to only show those from members of specific BuddyPress Groups (requires plugins: BuddyPress

                          • 过滤提交内容以仅显示来自特定BuddyPress组成员的内容(需要插件: BuddyPress

                            and BadgeOS Community Add-on)




                          Extensibility and BadgeOS Add-ons


                            Stay Connected / Helpful Links


                            BadgeOS is made available by LearningTimes, LLC.

                            BadgeOS由LearningTimes,LLC 提供。

                            Here are some ways to stay connected and to see what else we are up to:


                              Developer Documentation:


                              BadgeOS is built with expandability in mind to allow virtually anything to trigger and recognize achievement.


                              The Developer Resources area of the BadgeOS site provides links to documentation, APIs and guides to extending


                              BadgeOS and integrating it with other plugins and systems.


                              Share your BadgeOS Add-Ons and BadgeOS-compatible plugins



                              Want to contribute to BadgeOS core?


                              That’s great!


                              Visit our GitHub site for the project at.<



                              / p>

                              License Info


                              LearningTimes, LLC licenses BadgeOS to you under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

                              LearningTimes,LLC根据自由软件基金会发布的GNU Affero通用公共许可版本3的条款,向您授予BadgeOS的许可。

                              There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


                              See the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, at http://

                              请参阅 http://上的GNU Affero通用公共许可证,版本3。

                              www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html for more details.

                              www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html 了解更多详情。


    1. Upload ‘badgeos’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 将“徽章”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Visit the BadgeOS menu to add Badges and set up new Achievement Types.
    6. 访问BadgeOS菜单以添加徽章并设置新的成就类型。

    7. Enter Credly credentials for the badge Issuer in the Credly Integration settings to enable the free Credly Badge Builder and badge sharing.

    8. 在“ Credly集成”设置中输入徽章颁发者的Credly凭据,以启用免费的Credly徽章生成器和徽章共享。

      (First get a free account at Credly.com if


      you do not have one.)

    9. 您没有一个。)

    10. Use the BadgeOS Shortcode button available from any content editor in our site to turn any page or post into a part of your achievement or engagement system.

    11. 使用我们网站上任何内容编辑器提供的BadgeOS简码按钮,即可将任何页面或帖子变成您的成就或参与系统的一部分。

      For example, add lists of badges or other achievements, submission lists, a single badge and much more.


      Visit the Help/Support section of the BadgeOS menu for more information on available shortcodes.

    12. 请访问BadgeOS菜单的“帮助/支持”部分,以获取有关可用短代码的更多信息。

    13. See video tutorials about BadgeOS at: http://badgeos.org/support/

    14. 在以下位置查看有关BadgeOS的视频教程: http://badgeos.org/support/


    15. 教程/





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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