[wordpress插件] BadgearooBadgearoo

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-28 15:30 624 0 全屏看文



Create your own badges and points system for WordPress users.


You can configure automatic assignment or manually assign


badges and points to users.


Upload your own badge icons, use a badge theme inspired by Stack Overflow or use custom HTML.

上传您自己的徽章图标,使用受Stack Overflow启发的徽章主题或使用自定义HTML。

    • Setup conditions and steps that need to be satisfied for automatic assignment of badges and points to users
    • 自动将徽章和点分配给用户所需的设置条件和步骤

    • BuddyPress, bbPress, WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads plugins supported with predefined actions that can be used in condition steps
    • BuddyPress,bbPress,WooCommerce和Easy Digital Downloads插件支持可在条件步骤中使用的预定义操作

    • 4 badge themes including badge icon (upload your own image), light, dark and custom HTML (light and dark themes are based on Stack Overflow badges)
    • 4个徽章主题,包括徽章图标(上传您自己的图像),浅色,深色和自定义HTML(浅色和深色主题基于Stack Overflow徽章)

    • Administrators can manually assign badges and points to users from within the WP-admin
    • 管理员可以从WP-admin内部为用户手动分配徽章和点

    • Administrators can moderate assignments of new badges and points to users including e-mail notifications
    • 管理员可以审核新徽章和指向用户的分配,包括电子邮件通知

    • A badges and points leaderboard shortcode [broo_leaderboard]
    • 徽章和积分排行榜简码[broo_leaderboard]

    • A user dashboard of badges, points and their assignments [broo_user_dashboard]
    • 徽章,点及其分配的用户仪表板[broo_user_dashboard]

    • Assignments can expire (can be renewed) or re-occur (earn multiple times)
    • 分配可以过期(可以更新)或重新发生(多次获取)

    • Badges can be earned multiple times
    • 可以多次获得徽章

    • Recent assignments widget
    • 最近的任务小部件

    • User badges & points summary widget for Post Author, displayed bbPress user or BuddyPress member pages
    • 帖子作者的用户徽章和积分摘要小部件,显示了bbPress用户或BuddyPress成员页面

    • Export user assignments to a CSV file
    • 将用户分配导出到CSV文件

    • Option to show a popup message on page load after a user is assigned badges and or points
    • 为用户分配徽章和/或积分后在页面加载时显示弹出消息的选项

    • Fully WPML compatible (v3.2+)
    • 完全兼容WPML(v3.2 +)

    • Developer API functions, hooks, filters and template tags to use in your theme
    • 要在主题中使用的Developer API函数,挂钩,过滤器和模板标签

    • In-built template system for customization
    • 用于自定义的内置模板系统

    The following shortcodes are available (see FAQ for usage):


      • [broo_user_badges] – Shows a list of badges assigned to a user e.g.

      • [broo_user_badges] –显示分配给用户的徽章列表,例如

        [broo_user_badges username=”johnsmith”]

      • [broo_user_badges username =” johnsmith”]

      • [broo_user_points] – Shows total points assigned to a user e.g.

      • [broo_user_points] –显示分配给用户的总积分,例如

        [broo_user_badges user_id=77]

      • [broo_user_badges user_id = 77]

      • [broo_leaderboard] – Shows a leaderboard of user badges and points e.g.

      • [broo_leaderboard] –显示用户徽章和积分的排行榜,例如

        [broo_leaderboard show_avatar=”true” sort_by=”badges” show_filters=”false”]

      • [broo_leaderboard show_avatar =” true” sort_by =“徽章” show_filters =” false”]

      • [broo_badge] – Shows badge details e.g.

      • [broo_badge] –显示徽章详细信息,例如

        [broo_badge badge_id=”89″ show_description=”true” show_users=”false” show_user_count=”true”]

      • [broo_badge badge_id =“ 89” show_description =“ true” show_users =“ false” show_user_count =“ true”]

      • [broo_condition] – Shows condition details e.g.

      • [broo_condition] –显示条件详细信息,例如

        [broo_condition condition_id=”1″ show_steps=”true” show_badges=”true” show_points=”true”]

      • [broo_condition condition_id =“ 1” show_steps =“ true” show_badges =“ true” show_points =“ true”]

      • [broo_user_dashboard] – Shows a dashboard of badges, points and assignents for a user e.g.

      • [broo_user_dashboard] –显示用户的标志,要点和分配者的仪表板,例如

        [broo_user_dashboard show_assignments=”true” limit=”5″ to_date=”205-01-01″ from_date=”2015-12-12″]

      • [broo_user_dashboard show_assignments =” true” limit =“ 5” to_date =” 205-01-01” from_date =” 2015-12-12”]

      • [broo_badge_list] – Shows a list of badge details e.g.

      • [broo_badge_list] –显示徽章详细信息列表,例如

        [broo_badge_list badge_ids=”34,55,56″ layout=”table”]

      • [broo_badge_list badge_ids =” 34,55,56” layout =” table”]

      The following widgets are available:


        • User Badges – Shows the post author details including any badges and points they have
        • 用户徽章–显示帖子作者的详细信息,包括他们拥有的所有徽章和要点

        • Recent Assignments – Shows recent user assignments of badges and points.
        • 最近分配-显示徽章和积分的最近用户分配。

        The following step actions are available out-of-the-box:


          • User publishes a post.
          • 用户发布帖子。

          • User logs in.
          • 用户登录。

          • User updates their profile.
          • 用户更新其个人资料。

          • Register user.
          • 注册用户。

          • User submits a comment.
          • 用户提交评论。

          • Minimum points.
          • 最低分。

          • Views post.
          • 查看帖子。

          • User edits a post.
          • 用户编辑帖子。

          BuddyPress (requires BuddyPress plugin)


            • Add favorite.
            • 添加收藏夹。

            • Comment on an activity.
            • 评论一项活动

            • Post activity.
            • 发布活动。

            • Accept a friend request.
            • 接受朋友的请求。

            • Request a friend.
            • 请求朋友。

            • Create Group.
            • 创建组。

            • Join Group.
            • 加入小组。

            • Invite someone to join a group.
            • 邀请某人加入群组。

            • Get promoted to group moderator/administrator.
            • 晋升为组主持人/管理员。

            • Promote another group member to group moderator/administrator.
            • 提升另一个小组成员以成为小组主持人/管理员。

            • Activate your account.
            • 激活您的帐户。

            • Change your profile avatar.
            • 更改您的个人资料头像。

            • Update your profile information.
            • 更新您的个人资料信息。

            • Sendeply to a private message.
            • 发送/回复私人消息。

            Other features:


              • Option to add assignment of badges and points to member activity streams.
              • 将徽章和点的分配添加到成员活动流的选项。

              • Option to add a summary of badges and points assigned to members in member header or new member tab
              • 在会员标题或新会员标签中添加分配给会员的徽章和积分的摘要选项

              • Option to show 3 most recent assignments alongside each member in the members directory list
              • 在成员目录列表中的每个成员旁边显示3个最新分配的选项

              bbPress (requires bbPress plugin)


                • Closes a forum topic.
                • 关闭论坛主题。

                • Creates a new forum (outside wp-admin).
                • 创建一个新论坛(在wp-admin之外)。

                • Replies to forum topic (outside wp-admin).
                • 回复论坛主题(在wp-admin之外)。

                • Adds a new forum topic (outside wp-admin).
                • 添加一个新的论坛主题(在wp-admin之外)。

                Other features:


                  • Adds a summary of badges and points assigned to users in the reply author details
                  • 在答复作者详细信息中添加分配给用户的徽章和要点的摘要

                  • Adds a summary of badges and points assigned to users in user profile page
                  • 在用户个人资料页面中添加分配给用户的徽章和积分的摘要

                  WooCommerce (requires WooCommerce plugin)


                    • Checkout order processed.
                    • 结帐订单已处理。

                    Easy Digital Downloads (requires Easy Digital Downloads plugin)


                      • User completed purchase.
                      • 用户完成购买。






    1. Install and activate the plugin.
    2. 安装并激活插件。

    3. Go to the plugin Settings, check any predefined actions you need are enabled
    4. 转到插件设置,检查您需要的所有预定义操作已启用

    5. Go to the General settings tab and choose a badge theme: icon (shows a badge icon and badge title), light & dark (similar to Stack Overflow badges) or custom HTML.
    6. 转到“常规设置”标签,然后选择徽章主题:图标(显示徽章图标和徽章标题),明暗(类似于Stack Overflow徽章)或自定义HTML。

    7. Add new badges (if you only intend to assign points, then skip this step)

    8. 添加新徽章(如果您仅打算分配积分,请跳过此步骤)

        • Add a badge title, a long description in the content, a short description in the excerpt, choose a featured image and setup any badge theme styles you need.
        • 添加徽章标题,内容中的长说明,摘录中的简短说明,选择特色图像并设置所需的任何徽章主题样式。

      • Once badges have been added, you can start setting up conditions for automatic assignment of badges and points to user

      • 添加徽章后,您可以开始设置自动分配徽章和指向用户的条件

          • Add a name for the condition (if the [[broo_condition]] shortcode is used then this will be shown)
          • 为条件添加名称(如果使用了[[broo_condition]]短代码,则将显示该名称)

          • Add steps with specific actions that need to be accomplished to satisfy the condition e.g.

          • 添加具有特定操作的步骤,这些操作需要完成才能满足条件,例如

            publishes a post

          • 发表帖子

          • Add the badges and points that are to be assigned to users.

          • 添加要分配给用户的徽章和积分。

            You can add more than one badge.


            Assignments can be earned multiple times (recurring) or only once which means it can be renewed.

          • 可以多次(重复)或仅一次获得分配,这意味着可以续签。

          • Assignments can expiry after a set period of time.

          • 分配可以在设定的时间段后到期。

            You can leave this empty if assignments have no expiry.


            If assignments are not recurring, then the expiry date can be extended if assignments are renewed.

          • 如果没有重复进行分配,则如果更新分配,则可以延长有效期。

        • Once all conditions are setup and if the actions are enabled, users will be automatically assigned badges and points when they satisfy your conditions.
        • 所有条件都设置好并且启用了操作后,只要满足您的条件,就会为用户自动分配徽章和积分。

        • You can manually assign badges and points to users as well.

        • 您也可以手动为用户分配徽章和点。

          Go the Assignments page, and click Add New.

        • 进入“分配”页面,然后单击“添加新内容”。





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