[wordpress插件] Live Chat Marketing Automation实时聊天营销自动化

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 17:30 725 0 全屏看文



Customer live chat for support and leads conversion.


Professional solution for Facebook Messenger Marketing.

适用于Facebook Messenger营销的专业解决方案。

Contact customer anytime again after he contacting your support


Plugin Demo


This is add-on for Marketing Automation by AZEXO.

这是 AZEXO的营销自动化 的附加组件。

Main Features


    • Collect subscribers via Facebook Live Chat
    • 通过Facebook Live Chat收集订户

    • Link site visitor behavior (and other info) with chat participant
    • 与聊天参与者链接站点访问者的行为(和其他信息)

    • Automation for news or marketing offers sending (event notifications, time scheduling or other logic)
    • 新闻或行销信息的自动化发送(事件通知,时间安排或其他逻辑)

    • Any dynamic logic for live chat greeting message (behavior based, personal marketing offers or something other) – to stimulate chat starting and get visitor Facebook contact in PRO version
    • / facebook-live-chat-marketing-automation / 21599897“ rel =” nofollow“>专业版

    • Supported all features of Marketing Automation by AZEXO

    • 支持 AZEXO的营销自动化 的所有功能。




    1. Plugin settings: “Automation > Facebook Chat settings”
    2. 插件设置:“自动化> Facebook聊天设置”

    3. Switch “Facebook live chat mode” to “Live chat” if you do not need messages bulk sending then “Save settings”
    4. 如果不需要批量发送消息,则将“ Facebook实时聊天模式”切换为“实时聊天”,然后“保存设置”

    5. Create an Facebook Application https://www.facebook.com/business/help/444614902378217 in Facebook Developer Account
    6. 在Facebook开发者帐户中创建一个Facebook应用程序https://www.facebook.com/business/help/444614902378217

    7. Create Facebook Page and “Facebook Page”->”Settings”->”Messenger Platform” tab and at “Whitelisted Domains” add domain name of your site with this plugin.
    8. 创建Facebook页面和“ Facebook页面”->“设置”->“ Messenger平台”标签,然后在“列入白名单的域”中使用此插件添加网站的域名。

    9. Enter “Application ID” and “Facebook Page ID” in plugin settings
    10. 在插件设置中输入“应用程序ID”和“ Facebook页面ID”

    11. If you need messages bulk sending – switch “Facebook live chat mode” to “Live chat and collecting subscribers” then “Save settings”
    12. 如果您需要批量发送消息–将“ Facebook实时聊天模式”切换为“实时聊天并收集订户”,然后“保存设置”

    13. Enable HTTPS for your site – this in mandatory for collecting subscribers
    14. 为您的站点启用HTTPS –这对于收集订户是强制性的

    15. Enter “Application ID” and “Application Secret” in plugin settings then “Save settings”
    16. 在插件设置中输入“应用程序ID”和“应用程序机密”,然后“保存设置”

    17. Go to your “Facebook Application Panel > Products > Facebook login”, insert the “OAuth redirect URL” (from plugin settings page) to “Valid OAuth redirect URIs” then “Save settings”
    18. 转到“ Facebook应用程序面板>产品> Facebook登录名”,将“ OAuth重定向URL”(来自插件设置页面)插入“有效的OAuth重定向URI”,然后“保存设置”

    19. Click “Connect to Facebook”.

    20. 单击“连接到Facebook”。

      After you return to plugin settings choose Facebook Page which will be connected to chat then “Save settings”

    21. 返回插件设置后,选择将要聊天的Facebook页面,然后单击“保存设置”

    22. Set up webhook in “Facebook Application Panel > Products > Messenger” – use “Webhook URL” and “Webhook verify token” which provided in plugin settings https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/getting

    23. 在“ Facebook应用程序面板>产品> Messenger”中设置Webhook –使用插件设置https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/getting中提供的“ Webhook URL”和“ Webhook验证令牌”


    24. -started / app-setup

    25. Subscribe webhook to events “standby,messages,messaging_postbacks,messaging_referrals,message_deliveries,message_reads” in “Facebook Application Panel > Products > Messenger”
    26. 将Webhook订阅到“ Facebook应用程序面板>产品> Messenger中”的“待机,消息,消息回发,消息引荐,消息传递,消息读取”事件。

    27. Request access to “pages_messaging” in “Facebook Application Panel > Products > Messenger”
    28. 在“ Facebook应用程序面板>产品> Messenger”中请求访问“ pages_messaging”





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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