[wordpress插件] AZEXO Advertising AnalyticsAZEXO广告分析

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 17:20 958 0 全屏看文



This plugin collects data from CRM-system (or eCommerce-system), advertising platforms and your website.


With this data it generate reports on key business indexes.


Reports demo


Comparing with Google Analytics:

与Google Analytics(分析)比较:

    • this plugin 100% ready to use for advertising statistic with careful attention to every paid visit (Google Analytics provide not always accurate statistic)
    • 此插件100%可以随时用于广告统计信息,并会特别注意每次付费访问(Google Analytics(分析)并不总是提供准确的统计信息)

    • this plugin designed for business-analytics (Google Analytics better suited for web-analytics)
    • 此插件专为业务分析而设计(Google Analytics(分析)更适合于网络分析)

    • this plugin already integrated with many CRMs – you do not need to pay hundreds dollars to freelancer for CRM integration with Google Analytics
    • 此插件已与许多CRM集成-您无需向自由职业者支付数百美元,即可将其与Google Analytics(分析)集成CRM。

    • sale refund or change order amount – immediately accounted in the plugin reports
    • 销售退款或更改订单金额–立即在插件报告中记录

    • this plugin integrated with 4 advertising platforms for costs importing
    • 此插件与4个广告平台集成,可以导入费用

    • reports generated without data sampling
    • 在没有数据采样的情况下生成报告

    • a/b split testing based on profit not based on conversion
    • 基于利润的a / b拆分测试,而不基于转化

    • cheaper technical support (Google Analytics Premium – 150 000$ per year)
    • 更便宜的技术支持(Google Analytics Premium-每年15万美元)

    • this plugin can work together with Google Analytics (or with any other analytics service) without any conflicts
    • 此插件可以与Google Analytics(分析)(或任何其他分析服务)一起使用,而不会发生任何冲突



      • Custom url-provided parameters
      • 自定义网址提供的参数

      • Custom fields form CRM
      • 自定义字段形成CRM

      • utm_source
      • utm_source

      • utm_medium
      • utm_medium

      • utm_campaign
      • utm_campaign

      • utm_content
      • utm_content

      • utm_term
      • utm_term

      • Landing page
      • 着陆页

      • Split-testing group
      • 分组测试小组

      • Hour
      • 小时

      • Day
      • 一天

      • Day of week
      • 星期几

      • Week number of year
      • 每周的周数

      • Month



        • Visits
        • 访问

        • Leads conversion
        • 引线转换

        • Leads
        • Sales conversion
        • 销售转化

        • Sales
        • 销售

        • Revenue
        • 收入

        • Average revenue
        • 平均收入

        • Profit
        • 利润

        • Net Profit
        • 净利润

        • Average Profit
        • 平均利润

        • First Costs
        • 第一笔费用

        • Marketing Costs
        • 营销成本

        • ROI
        • 投资回报率

        • ROMI
        • ROMI

        • Absolute conversion
        • 绝对转换

        • Potential sales
        • 潜在销售

        • Canceled leads
        • 取消线索

        • Potential revenue
        • 潜在收入

        • Revenue of canceled leads
        • 潜在客户的收入

        • Clients
        • 客户

        • Paid customers
        • 付费客户

        • Repeated leads
        • 潜在客户

        • Repeated sales
        • 重复销售

        • CPO
        • CPO

        • CPC
        • CPC

        • CPL
        • CPL

        • CAC
        • CAC

        • LTV
        • LTV

        • Margin
        • 保证金

        Statistic models for one visitor entrances history:


          1. Effect from only last entrance (from where people make purchase decision)
          2. 从最后一个入口(人们做出购买决定的地方)开始的效果

          3. Effect from only first entrance (from where people find you)
          4. 仅从第一个入口开始的效果(人们从那里找到您)

          5. Equal contribution from all entrances (all channels important)
          6. 所有入口的贡献均等(所有重要渠道)

          7. U-shape contribution from all entrances (combination 1, 2 and 3)
          8. 所有入口(组合1、2和3)的U形贡献

          Free-version features:


            • Powerful reports builder – like in Google Analytics but simpler
            • 强大的报告生成器–类似于Google Analytics(分析)中的

            • Integration with WooCommerce (added product first cost, orders accounted as leads)
            • 与WooCommerce集成(增加了产品的首次成本,订单作为潜在客户)

            • Integration with AZEXO Squeeze Page Plugin (with

            • AZEXO压缩页面插件集成(带有

              simple CRM and email-marketing functions)

            • 简单的CRM和电子邮件营销功能)

            • Manual marketing costs entering
            • 输入人工营销费用

            • Promo-codes shortcode for call-tracking
            • 促销代码简码以进行呼叫跟踪

            • Phone shortcode for dynamic call-tracking
            • 用于动态呼叫跟踪的电话简码

            • Manual calls-history entering for dynamic call-tracking
            • 输入手动呼叫历史记录以进行动态呼叫跟踪

            Paid integrations – $200 per one integration:

            付费集成–每次集成$ 200:

              • Google AdWords costs auto-import
              • Google AdWords费用自动导入

              • Facebook costs auto-import
              • Facebook的自动导入费用

              • Yandex Direct costs auto-import
              • Yandex Direct费用自动导入

              • VKontakte costs auto-import
              • VKontakte费用自动导入

              • Agile CRM integration
              • 敏捷CRM集成

              • Capsule CRM integration
              • 胶囊CRM集成

              • vTiger CRM integration
              • vTiger CRM集成

              • Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration
              • Microsoft Dynamics CRM集成

              • SugarCRM integration
              • SugarCRM集成

              • SuiteCRM integration
              • SuiteCRM集成

              • Odoo 8 CRM integration
              • Odoo 8 CRM集成

              • ESPO CRM integration
              • ESPO CRM集成

              • VTE CRM integration
              • VTE CRM集成

              • Zoho CRM integration
              • Zoho CRM集成

              • Salesforce CRM integration
              • Salesforce CRM集成

              • Bitrix24 CRM integration
              • Bitrix24 CRM集成

              • Solve360 CRM integration
              • Solve360 CRM集成

              • GoIP GSM-gateway integration for call-tracking
              • 用于呼叫跟踪的GoIP GSM网关集成

              Request any integration – $200 per one integration:

              请求任何集成-每次集成$ 200:

                • CRM service
                • 客户关系管理服务

                • Virtual PBX service
                • 虚拟PBX服务

                • Call tracking service
                • 通话跟踪服务

                • Callback phone service
                • 回叫电话服务

                • Online chat service
                • 在线聊天服务


    1. Upload the azexo_analytics folder to your plugins directory (e.g. /wp-content/plugins/)
    2. azexo_analytics 文件夹上传到您的插件目录(例如 / wp-content / plugins /

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Follow the instructions
    6. 按照说明





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