[wordpress插件] Ays SliderAys Slider

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 15:50 656 0 全屏看文



Ays Image Slider



    Ays image slider is a progressive slider plugin, which is a great way to grab your audience’s attention with amazing and entertaining slideshows.


    Many customization options and a lot of cool effects makes this image slider stand out.


    The plugin allows you to add unlimited number of slides and customize the settings using different professional slider options.


    Ays Slider gives you the opportunity to represent your images in a quick and easy way.

    Ays Slider让您有机会轻松快捷地呈现图像。

    You don’t have to waste your time on figuring out the options as they are very accessible to use.


    All these things will help you to create entertaining slideshows and easily insert them in your site or blog by adding shortcode.


    Have some pictures that you want to show them to your site visitors?


    Add them to our smart image slider, set some effects and your slider is ready.


    Put the shortcode wherever you want and have a cool looking image slider.Use the image slider in any page or any post that you want.


    You can have unlimited sliders with unlimited images (Pro versions).


    Add URL’s and titles to your images for better SEO to the images and your website.


    Set a slider that is different from the rest with more than 15+ effects and growing.


    If you have multiple sliders in a page, then set a title from our easy to use options page so that visitors know what spicific image sliders represent.


    Do you have a photography portfolio of images to show to your fans?


    Insert the images to our responsive and easy-to-use image slider to show your beautiful works in a beautiful and entertaining way.


    Do you wanto to link an image to a specific page?


    Just add a URL from the options page so you can easiely direct the visitors to other pages from the image sliders.


    There are 2 ways that you can change the slides, the first is with dots, which is found below the slider and the other is the thumbs, which shows the small images that you chose on the bottom of the slider and you can


    change the slider images with any of these options.


    You can change these options anytime you want from the settings of the sliders.


    Use this slider plugin to create powerful but simple sliders that will get the attention of your site visitors.


    Set the slider wherever you want with using shortcodes.


    Manage and customize your sliders in a user friendly and intuitive options page with many settings and cool effects to choose from.


    The image sliders are responsive so you don’t have to worry on showing the sliders on mobile devices.




      • Image title and description: Set a title and a description if you have multiple image sliders on your website.
      • 图片标题和描述:如果您的网站上有多个图片滑块,请设置标题和描述。

      • Add URL to images: Possibility to add URL to tailor specific pages to the slider.
      • 向图像添加URL:可以添加URL以为滑块定制特定页面。

      • Unlimited sliders: Possibility to use different sliders for different pages.
      • 无限的滑块:可以在不同的页面上使用不同的滑块。

      • Unlimited amount of images to be added to the slider (Pro version).
      • 要添加到滑块(专业版)的图像数量不限。

      • Easy to use shortcode: Auto generated shortcode for the easier process of adding the slider to the posts/pages/templates.
      • 易于使用的简码:自动生成的简码可简化将滑块添加到帖子/页面/模板的过程。

      • SEO Friendly: Descriptions and titles can include hyperlinks.
      • 对SEO友好:描述和标题可以包括超链接。

      • Slider widgets: Possibility to add slider in widgets right from widgets admin panel.
      • 滑条小部件:可以从小部件管理面板直接在小部件中添加滑条。

      • Support for HTML: Use HTML tags while writing titles and description.
      • 对HTML的支持:在编写标题和说明时使用HTML标记。

      • Customization of images: Ability to change colors of title and description on image, and ability to change font size of Slider Title and Description on image.
      • 图像的自定义:能够更改图像上标题和描述的颜色,并能够更改图像上“滑块标题和描述”的字体大小。

      • Full Design Management.
      • 全面的设计管理。

      • Fast support: Support upon request in 24 hours.
      • 快速支持:根据要求在24小时内提供支持。

      Compatible Browsers:


      * IE8+

      * IE8 +

      * Firefox


      * Safari

      * Safari

      * Opera


      * Chrome


      * iOS browser

      * iOS浏览器

      * Android browser message

      * Android浏览器消息

      Don’t forget, in case of any problems or upcoming questions feel free to contact us via e-mail info@ays-pro.com.



Thank you for your interest in Ays Image Slider.

感谢您对Ays Image Slider的关注。

There are two ways to install Ays Image Slider: the easy way, when you install the Ays Image Slider from your WordPress dashboard, and the second not so easy way, when you install it from WordPress.org.

有两种安装Ays Image Slider的方法:一种是从WordPress仪表板安装Ays Image Slider的简单方法,另一种是从WordPress.org安装Ays Image Slider的方法。

From your WordPress Dashboard


1) Visit Plugins > Add New.


2) Search for Ays Slider.


3) Activate Ays Slider from your Plugins page.

3)从“插件”页面激活Ays Slider。

4) Visit Settings > Ays Slider.

4)访问“设置”>“ Ays滑块”。

From WordPress.org


1) Download Ays Slider.

1)下载Ays Slider。

2) Upload the ays_slider.zip content directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…).

2)使用您喜欢的方法(ftp,sftp,scp等)将ays_slider.zip内容目录上载到您的“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

3) Activate Ays Slider from your Plugins page.

3)从“插件”页面激活Ays Slider。

Once activated configure any options as desired and you can enjoy our Ays Slider.

激活后,根据需要配置任何选项,您就可以享受我们的Ays Slider。

        1. Installation

        2. 安装

          There are two ways to install Ays Image Slider: the easy way, when you install Image Slider from your WordPress dashboard, and the not so easy way, when you install it from WordPress.org.

          有两种安装Ays Image Slider的方法:一种简单的方法(当您从WordPress仪表板安装Image Slider时),另一种不是那么简单的方法,即从WordPress.org安装它。

      1. 1.1 The easiest way to enjoy Ays Image Slider:

        1.1享受Ays Image Slider的最简单方法:

      2. 1.1.1 Login to your WordPress dashboard


      3. 1.1.2 Go to Plugins
      4. 1.1.2转到插件

      5. 1.1.3 Add New
      6. 1.1.3添加新

      7. 1.1.4 Search for Ays Image Slider
      8. 1.1.4搜索Ays图像滑块

      9. 1.1.5 Click to install


      10. 1.2 The second way:


      11. 1.2.1Download the zip file from https://wordpress.org/plugins/ays-slider/

        1.2.1从https://wordpress.org/plugins/ays-slider/ 下载zip文件

      12. 1.2.2 Go to Plugins
      13. 1.2.2转到插件

      14. 1.2.3 Add New
      15. 1.2.3添加新

      16. 1.2.4 Upload plugin
      17. 1.2.4上传插件

      18. 1.2.5 Choose file ays-slider.zip
      19. 1.2.5选择文件ays-slider.zip

      20. 1.2.6 Click to install


      21. 1.3 In order to install the AYS Image Slider from WordPress.org you must unzip the archive and copy the ays-slider folder into your plugins folder (\wp-content\plugins).

        1.3为了从WordPress.org安装AYS图像滑块,您必须解压缩存档并将ays-slider文件夹复制到您的插件文件夹(\ wp-content \ plugins)。

        After all of this steps you can activate the plugin from the Plugins menu.


        Once activated configure any options as desired and you can enjoy our Ays Image Slider.

        激活后,根据需要配置任何选项,您就可以享受我们的Ays Image Slider。

      22. 2.Configuring Ays Image Slider


      23. 2.1General


      24. 2.1.1 Slider name

      25. 2.1.1滑块名称

        Give your slider a name to differentiate it from others.

      26. 给您的滑块起个名字,以区别于其他滑块。

      27. 2.1.2 Slider width

      28. 2.1.2滑块宽度

        Set the width of the likebox in pixels.

      29. 设置Likebox的宽度(以像素为单位)。

      30. 2.1.3 Slider height

      31. 2.1.3滑块高度

        Set the height of the likebox in pixels.

      32. 设置Likebox的高度(以像素为单位)。

      33. 2.1.4 Slide duration

      34. 2.1.4幻灯片持续时间

        With this option you adjust the duration of each slide.


        Every single slide can last at least one second, but if you want it to last longer, you can change the number 1000 to a greater number.


        1000 represents 1 second.


      35. 2.1.5 Element duration

      36. 2.1.5元素持续时间

        With this option you set the duration of each element.


        The element can stay at least one second on each slide.


        If you want to change the duration, change the number 1000 to a greater number.


        1000 represents 1 sec for an element to stay on the slide.

      37. 1000表示元素在幻灯片上停留的时间为1秒。

      38. 2.1.6 Element delay


        With this option you give the best time to display each element of the slider.


        The element will appear at least 1 second after the slide finishes loading.


        If you want to change the delay, change the number 1000 to a greater number.


        1000 represents 1 sec to wait after the slide is loaded.

        幻灯片加载后,“ 1000”代表等待1秒。

      39. 3.Images


      40. 3.1 Data URL


        Here you can add the URL of the site represented in the slide.


        This gives additional information about the topic represented in the slide and makes it easier for the viewers to find it.


      41. 3.2 Data Text


        Here you can write a text which will appear in the slide.


        This text gives some additional information about the slide or may represent it in a few words or sentences.


        *You can also drag imageboxes and order images in the slider as you want.


          1. Effects
          2. 效果

        1. 4.1 Choose Slide Effects


          You can choose any effect from the suggested list of slide effects.


          You can choose all of them at the same time, or only some.


          These effects make your slides appear in different and entertaining ways.


        2. 4.2 Choose element effects


          With this option you can choose any effect you like from a great variety of element effects.


          These effects will make your slider elements be more interesting and appealing.


          You can also set the effects by default.


        3. 4.3 Caption Effect

        4. 4.3字幕效果

          This allows you to give a special effect to the URL you have added already.

        5. 这使您可以对已经添加的URL产生特殊效果。

