[wordpress插件] Popup box弹出框

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-27 15:30 1065 0 全屏看文



WordPress Popup Box



    What will you get installing our WordPress Popup maker plugin?

    您将获得什么安装我们的WordPress Popup maker插件?

    Surely you think of having a responsive Popup, so it will work the same way on computers, smartphones and all other devices used by the visitors.


    Our Popup maker has the opportunity to control whether it opens with a click or without.


    You’ll be able to customize the style according to your preferences.


    Our Popup maker enables you to write shortcodes to add other elements from other WordPress plugins to this Popup maker plugin.

    我们的Popup maker允许您编写短代码,以将其他WordPress插件中的其他元素添加到此Popup maker插件中。

    You can have unlimited number of popups on your website and there can be different popups on different pages of your website.


    Pop up custom html and you add new opportunities to your WordPress modal.


    Other benefits are animations effects and you can have your favorite popup animation effect.


    And one more great thing!


    You control every single feature taking into account what you and your website visitors want!


    This Popup maker plugin is free for lifetime and comfortable for usage.

    该Popup maker插件终身免费,使用舒适。

    Now much more details about general description and styles.


    Reveal all the advantages and benefits of our Popup maker just now!


      • Show in all pages – you can control whether popup appears on all pages of the website.

      • 在所有页面中显示 –您可以控制弹出窗口是否出现在网站的所有页面上。

        If no, then you can choose the exact pages.

      • 如果否,那么您可以选择确切的页面。

      • Popup box content – as mentioned above, you’ll be able to add elements from another WordPress plugin and if you want so, you just have to puta Shortcode.

      • 弹出框内容 –如上所述,您将能够从另一个WordPress插件中添加元素,如果需要,您只需输入Shortcode。

        Yes, it’s a shortcode popup plugin.


        Here are some of the elements you can have: Image popup, Countdown popup, HTML popup, Video popup,

        以下是您可以使用的一些元素:图片弹出窗口倒计时弹出窗口 HTML弹出窗口视频弹出窗口

        Subscription popup, Contact popup, Social popup, Iframe popup, Facebook page popup

        订阅弹出窗口联系人弹出窗口社交弹出窗口 iframe弹出窗口 Facebook页面弹出窗口

        , Google map popup,Form popup.


        Anything can design your modal form or popup form.


        If you want to create something by yourself, then select Custom content and write.

      • 如果要自己创建内容,请选择“自定义内容并编写”。

      • Appear popup box when – popup box appears onclick or without a click.

      • 何时出现弹出框-弹出框在单击时出现或没有单击时出现。

      • Action button for open popup box – after clicking on which button the box will appear.
      • 打开弹出框的操作按钮 –单击该按钮后,将显示该框。

      • Popup box title – here you can write an attractive and interesting title for popup box.
      • 弹出框标题 –您可以在此处为弹出框写一个吸引人的有趣标题。

      • Popup box description – here you can write the main text you want to transfer to your audience/website visitors/customers.
      • 弹出框说明 –您可以在此处编写要传输给受众群体/网站访问者/客户的主要文本。

      • Width – is the total width of the box.

      • 宽度 –是盒子的总宽度。

        You write the number in pixels.

      • 您以像素为单位写数字。

      • Height – is the total height of the box.

      • 高度 –是盒子的总高度。

        You write the number in pixels.


        So according to selected sizes you can have a full screen popup.

      • 因此,根据所选的大小,您可以有一个全屏弹出窗口。

      • Autoclose from seconds – here you select in how many seconds the box closes automatically.
      • 从几秒钟自动关闭 –您可以在此处选择自动关闭几秒钟。

      • Show promoter every ‘X’ minutes – here you select after how many minutes the box will appear in order not to disturb the visitors in an uncontrolled way.
      • 每隔X分钟显示一次促销员 –您可以在此处选择每隔几分钟显示框,以免以不受控制的方式干扰访客。

      • Delay opening (ms) – here you can select that popup box appears X milliseconds after the pages opens, not instantly.
      • 延迟打开时间(ms) –在这里,您可以选择在页面打开后X毫秒而不是立即显示弹出框。

      • Scroll from top (px) – popup box appears depending on the scroll volume.
      • 从顶部滚动(px​​) –根据滚动量显示弹出框。

      • Custom CSS – as mentioned above, put your code, add something new.
      • 自定义CSS –如上所述,放入您的代码,添加新内容。

      • Box view theme – this is the overall appearance/template of your box.
      • 框视图主题 –这是框的整体外观/模板。

      • Box background color – this is the color of template.

      • 框背景色 –这是模板的颜色。

        Popup overlay has its separate color.

      • 弹出式叠加层有其单独的颜色。

      • Popup box text color – this is the color of written text.
      • 弹出框文字颜色 –这是手写文字的颜色。

      • Popup box border size – you can select the thickness of the border in pixels.
      • 弹出框边框大小 –您可以选择边框的粗细(以像素为单位)。

      • Popup box border color – you can select the border color.
      • 弹出框边框颜色 –您可以选择边框颜色。

      • Popup box border radius – this for conveying curvature to the corners of the box.

      • 弹出框的边界半径 –用于将曲率传递到框的角。

      • Box show in effect – how the box will pop up.
      • 有效的框显示 –框将如何弹出。

      • Box show out effect – how the box will close.
      • 盒子展示效果 –盒子如何关闭。

      You will be able to preview the changes before saving them.


      What makes this modal popup unique?


      What this modal offers and what you can do is that


        1. You can have unlimited number of popups.
        2. 您可以有无限数量的弹出窗口。

        3. You can have different popup boxes for different pages on one website.
        4. 您可以为一个网站上的不同页面使用不同的弹出框。

        5. You can write your own codes and have html popup.
        6. 您可以编写自己的代码并显示html弹出窗口。

        7. You can write shortcodes to use features from other WordPress plugins as well.
        8. 您还可以编写短代码来使用其他WordPress插件中的功能。

        9. You can control how often, how and on which pages the popup box will appear.
        10. 您可以控制弹出框显示的频率,频率和页面。

        All these points – with our popup builder.


        Display pop up with wordpress popup.


        How important this wordpress popup can be nowadays in marketing world?


          • Lead is the most effective way to draw attention of your visitors/customers and we offer to do it in a professional way.
          • 铅是吸引访问者/顾客注意力的最有效方法,我们提供专业的方法。

          • You don’t just put a text or image on your website, you make people read, see and become interested!
          • 您不仅在网站上放置文字或图片,还使人们阅读,看到并产生兴趣!

          • Popup boxes make businesses develop because they make people be aware, want and buy!

          • 弹出框使企业发展,因为它们使人们意识到,想要和购买!

            They will like your product/service and there’s no second option.

          • 他们会喜欢您的产品/服务,没有其他选择。

          • You don’t want your visitors/customers to be disturbed on your website, right?

          • 您不希望您的访客/客户在您的网站上受到打扰,对吗?

            We care about it!


            Control how popup box will appear – simply pop up ?


            after scrolling ?


            Onclick popup ?

          • Onclick弹出窗口?

          • Add Subscriptions, FB Likebox and much more options as you wish.
          • 根据需要添加订阅,FB Likebox和更多选项。

          • Just know one thing – this popup generator will help you sell more, have better statistics and content clients who are not disturbed by a boring modal window.

          • 只知道一件事-这个弹出窗口生成器将帮助您销售更多,拥有更好的统计信息和内容客户,而这些客户不会受到无聊的模式窗口的干扰。

            Get your professional pop up ad creator with.

          • 聘请专业的弹出广告创建者。

          Why this one?


          What this Popup maker plugin will give you, your business or just your website?

          这个Popup maker插件将为您,您的公司或您的网站带来什么?

            • Have the best type of online advertising using the best Popup maker plugin.
            • 使用最好的Popup maker插件拥有最好的在线广告类型。

            • Have unlimited number of popups if visitors’ target groups of your different pages are different.
            • 如果不同页面的访问者目标组不同,则弹出窗口的数量不受限制。

            • Get support related with our popup generator when needed.
            • 在需要时获得与我们的弹出窗口生成器相关的支持。

            • We ensure that this pop maker will be updated as we constantly work on our popup maker plugin to make it much better and much easier to use.

            • 我们确保在不断开发弹出窗口制作工具插件时会不断更新该弹出窗口制作工具,以使其变得更好,更易于使用。

            • We have created a great mix of features.

            • 我们创建了很多功能。

              Other plugins don’t have all these features, they just contain a few of them and will make your virtual environment less flexible.

            • 其他插件不具备所有这些功能,它们仅包含其中一些功能,会使您的虚拟环境不那么灵活。

            • Enjoy our Popup maker and be sure you did a favor to you!
            • 享受我们的弹出式窗口播放器,并确保您对您有所帮助!

            Don’t forget, in case of any problems or upcoming questions feel free to contact us via e-mail info@ays-pro.com.



There are two ways to install Popup Box: the easy way, when you install Popup Box from your WordPress dashboard, and the second way, when you install it from WordPress.org.

有两种安装Popup Box的方法:一种简单的方法是从WordPress仪表板安装Popup Box,另一种方法是从WordPress.org安装Popup Box。

    • 1.1 The easiest way to enjoy Popup Box:
    • 1.1享受Popup Box的最简单方法:

    • 1.1.1 Login to your WordPress dashboard
    • 1.1.1登录到WordPress仪表板

    • 1.1.2 Go to Plugins
    • 1.1.2转到插件

    • 1.1.3 Add New
    • 1.1.3添加新

    • 1.1.4 Search for Popup Box
    • 1.1.4搜索弹出框

    • 1.1.5 Click to install
    • 1.1.5单击安装

    • 1.2 The second way:
    • 1.2第二种方式:

    • 1.2.1Download the zip file from https://wordpress.org/plugins/popup_box/
    • 1.2.1从https://wordpress.org/plugins/popup_box/ 下载zip文件

    • 1.2.2 Go to Plugins
    • 1.2.2转到插件

    • 1.2.3 Add New
    • 1.2.3添加新

    • 1.2.4 Upload plugin
    • 1.2.4上传插件

    • 1.2.5 Choose file ays popup_box.zip
    • 1.2.5选择ays popup_box.zip

    • 1.2.6 Click to install
    • 1.2.6单击安装





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