[wordpress插件] Able Player有能力的球员

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-24 09:40 736 0 全屏看文






This plug-in uses Able Player, an open-source fully-accessible cross-browser HTML5 media player, to embed audio or video within your WordPress page.

此插件使用Able Player(一种开源的,完全可访问的跨浏览器HTML5媒体播放器)将音频或视频嵌入WordPress页面中。

Instructions for Use


There are currently two ways to add an Able Player instance to a WordPress site:

当前有两种方法可以将Able Player实例添加到WordPress网站:

    1. Enter or paste any valid HTML5 Able Player code into your web page.

      输入任何有效的HTML5 Able Player代码或将其粘贴到您的网页中。

      Full documentation is available on the Able Player project page on GitHub.

      完整文档可在GitHub上的 Able Player 项目页面上找到。

    2. Enter an [ableplayer] shortcode.


      The shortcode is intended for adding videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, with captions and subtitles hosted on these services.


      For anything more complex, use HTML.


    The [ableplayer] shortcode


    The [ableplayer] shortcode supports the following attributes.


    Required attributes (one of these)


      • youtube-id – 11-character YouTube ID
      • youtube-id-11个字符的YouTube ID

      • vimeo-id – Vimeo ID
      • vimeo-id – Vimeo ID

      Optional attributes


        • youtube-desc-id – YouTube ID of a described version of the video
        • youtube-desc-id-描述的视频版本的YouTube ID

        • vimeo-desc-id – Vimeo ID of a described version of the video
        • vimeo-desc-id –描述的视频版本的Vimeo ID

        • youtube-nocookie => “true” or “false” (use “true” to embed YouTube untracked, for added privacy)
        • youtube-nocookie =>“ true”或“ false”(使用“ true”嵌入未跟踪的YouTube,以增加隐私)

        • id – a unique id for the player (if omitted, one will be automatically assigned)
        • id –播放器的唯一ID(如果省略,则会自动分配一个)

        • autoplay – “true” or “false” (default is “false”)
        • 自动播放-“ true”或“ false”(默认为“ false”)

        • loop’ – “true” or “false” (default is “false”)
        • loop” –“ true”或“ false”(默认为“ false”)

        • playsinline – “true” or “false” (default is “true”).

        • playsinline –“ true”或“ false”(默认为“ true”)。

          By setting to “false”, some devices (e.g., iPhones) will play the video in their own media player rather than in Able Player.

        • 通过设置为“ false”,某些设备(例如iPhone)将在自己的媒体播放器而不是Able Player中播放视频。

        • hidecontrols – “true” or “false” (default is “false”).

        • hidecontrols –“ true”或“ false”(默认为“ false”)。

          Set to “true” to enable the player controls to fade away during playback.

          设置为“ true”可使播放器控件在播放期间淡出。

          They will appear again if the user hovers over the player or pressing a key, and they are always accessible to screen reader users.

        • 如果用户将鼠标悬停在播放器上或按某个键,它们将再次出现,并且屏幕阅读器用户始终可以访问它们。

        • poster – the URL of a poster image, displayed before the user presses Play
        • 海报–海报图片的网址,在用户按下播放键之前显示

        • width – a value in pixels (by default, the player will be sized to fit its container)
        • width –以像素为单位的值(默认情况下,播放器的大小将适合其容器)

        • height – a value in pixels (by default, the height of the player will be in proportion to the width)
        • height –以像素为单位的值(默认情况下,播放器的高度与宽度成比例)

        • heading – The HTML heading level (1-6) of the visually hidden “Media Player” heading that precedes the player (for the benefit of screen reader users).

        • 标题–在播放器之前的视觉隐藏的“ Media Player”标题的HTML标题级别(1-6)(出于屏幕阅读器用户的利益)。

          If omitted, a heading level will be intelligently assigned based on context.

        • 如果省略,则会根据上下文智能分配标题级别。

        • speed – “animals” or “arrows” (default is “animals”)
        • 速度-“动物”或“箭头”(默认为“动物”)

        • start – start time at which to start playing the media, in seconds.

        • start –开始播放媒体的开始时间(以秒为单位)。

          Some browsers do not support this.

        • 某些浏览器不支持此功能。

        • volume – “0” to “10” (default is “7” to avoid overpowering screen reader audio).

        • 音量-“ 0”至“ 10”(默认为“ 7”,以避免使屏幕阅读器音频过强)。

          Some browsers do not support this.

        • 某些浏览器不支持此功能。

        • seekinterval – number of seconds to forwardewind with the Forward and Rewind buttons.

        • seekinterval –使用“前进”和“后退”按钮前进/后退的秒数。

          If omitted, the interval will be intelligently assigned based on length of the video.

        • 如果省略,则间隔将根据视频的长度进行智能分配。

        • nowplaying – “true” or “false” to include a “Selected Track” section within the media player (default is “false”).
        • 正在播放-“ true”或“ false”以在媒体播放器中包括“ Selected Track”部分(默认为“ false”)。



        Example 1


        This example uses HTML to add an audio player to the page, with one source (an MP3 file).




    1. Upload the unzipped folder ableplayer to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将解压缩的文件夹 ableplayer 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录。

    3. Activate the Able Player plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活Able Player插件

    5. Follow the Instructions for Use
    6. 遵循使用说明








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