[wordpress插件] AW WordPress Yearly Category ArchivesAW WordPress年度类别存档

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-26 11:40 661 0 全屏看文



AW WordPress Yearly Category Archives has two (2) shortcodes available, both of which are required for the plugin to function properly.

AW WordPress年度类别归档文件提供了两(2)个短代码,插件必须使用这两个短代码才能正常运行。

Follow the instructions below to use the plugin.


The first shortcode is [aw_year_links cat="X" postslug="slug-to-post-or-page"], which is used to build and display the year links.

第一个简码是 [aw_year_links cat =“ X” postslug =“ slug-to-post-or-page”] ,用于构建和显示年份链接。

The following list explains this shortcode’s usage and requirements.


    • This shortcode has two (3) attributes.

    • 此短代码具有两(3)个属性。

      Two (2) are required, and one (1) is optional.


    • The cat="X" attribute is the category ID you wish to display yearly links from.

    • cat =“ X” 属性是您希望从中显示年度链接的类别ID。

      Replace the X with the numerical ID of the category you wish to query.


      You may include a comma separated list of category IDs with this attribute if you want to query multiple categories.


      This attribute is required.

    • 此属性为必填项。

    • The postslug="slug-to-post-or-page" attribute is the slug to the page that will display your yearly archived posts.

    • postslug =“ slug-to-post-or-page” 属性是对将显示您的年度存档帖子的页面的提示。

      This is also the slug of the page you will include the second shortcode on.


      This attribute is required.

    • 此属性为必填项。

    • The dropdown="yes" attribute will allow a dropdown select input to be used in place of the standard unordered list of the year links.

    • dropdown =“ yes” 属性将允许使用下拉选择输入来代替年份链接的标准无序列表。

      This attribute is optional and can be left off completely.

    • 此属性是可选的,可以完全省略。

    • Place this shortcode where you would like to display the year links to the specified category.
    • 将此简码放在您要显示指向指定类别的年份链接的位置。

    The second shortcode is [aw_show_posts cat="X" readmore="Continue Reading" publishedon="n/j/Y"], which is used to display the post content after

    第二个短代码为 [aw_show_posts cat =“ X” readmore =“ Continue Reading” Published on =“ n / j / Y”] ,用于在之后显示帖子内容

    click a year link.


    The following list explains this shortcode’s usage and requirements.


      • This shortcode has three (3) attributes.

      • 此短代码具有三(3)个属性。

        One (1) is required, and two (2) are optional.


      • The cat="X" attribute is the category ID you wish to display yearly archived posts from.

      • cat =“ X” 属性是您希望从中显示年度存档帖子的类别ID。

        Replace the X with the numerical ID of the category you wish to query.


        You may include a comma separated list of category IDs with this attribute if you want to query multiple categories.


        This attribute is required.

      • 此属性为必填项。

      • The readmore="Continue Reading" attribute is the text you wish to display for the “Read More” link.

      • readmore =“继续阅读” 属性是您希望为“阅读更多”链接显示的文本。

        This attribute is optional and will default to “Read More” if left out.


      • The publishedon="n/j/Y" attribute is the PHP date format the published on date will appear in the archived posts.

      • publishedon =“ n / j / Y” 属性是PHP的日期格式,该日期的发布日期将显示在已归档的帖子中。

        This attribute is optional and will default to “M jS, Y” if left out.

        该属性是可选的,如果省略,则默认为“ M jS,Y”。

        Refer here for further info on the PHP date format.

      • 有关PHP日期格式的更多信息,请此处

      • The showsubheader="no" attribute is used to display a subheader above the post output that says which category and year is being displayed.

      • showsubheader =“ no” 属性用于在帖子输出上方显示一个子标题,该标题显示要显示的类别和年份。

        it will read like this: Category: Example Category Name – Year: 20XX.


        This is an optional shortcode attribute.


        If left off the shortcode the subheader will be shown.


        Use showsubheader="no" to not output the subheader.

        使用 showsubheader =“ no” 不输出子标题。

        This attribute is optional and can be left off completely.

      • 此属性是可选的,可以完全省略。

      • Place this shortcode where you would like to display your archived posts.
      • 将此简码放在您要显示已存档帖子的位置。

      Additional Notes


        • The shortcodes can be used multiple times throughout the site as long as they are always used in pairs with each pair having the same cat="X" attribute.

        • 该短代码可以在整个站点中多次使用,只要它们始终成对使用且每对都具有相同的 cat =“ X” 属性即可。

          This is handy for displaying separate yearly category archives.


        • The plugin will query all custom post types as well as the main “Posts”.

        • 该插件将查询所有自定义帖子类型以及主要的“帖子”。

        • Currently the plugin will display Five (5) elements for each post, unless the admin chooses to write their own post structure on the settings page.

        • 当前,该插件将为每个帖子显示五(5)个元素,除非管理员选择在设置页面上编写自己的帖子结构。

          They are as follows and in order:


            1. Category: Example Category Name - Year: 20XX

            2. 类别:示例类别名称-年:20XX

            3. – (this wraps each post including all the elements below in this list)
            4. –(这会包装每篇文章,包括此列表中下面的所有元素)

          1. The Post's Title

          2. 帖子的标题

          3. Published on Aug 13th, 2013

          4. 发布于2013年8月13日

          5. The Post's First 25 Words...Read More

          6. 该帖子的前25个单词... 阅读更多


          7. p>

          8. The actual post elements have classes;

          9. 实际的post元素具有类;

            however they do not have styles.


            This is to allow you to style them how you choose.


            The only frontend style included is for the post divider




            This can be overriden if you so choose to.


          10. Currently there is also no pagination built into the display of yearly archived posts.

          11. 当前,每年归档帖子的显示中也没有内置分页功能。

            I do have plans for this in the future if time allows.


          12. Currently I will only be able to offer limited support for this plugin.

          13. 当前,我将只能对此插件提供有限的支持。

            This could change in the future, also if time allows.


          14. If you do not know how to find your category IDs, I recommend Reveal IDs

          15. 如果您不知道如何查找类别ID,建议您显示ID


          16. a>。

        Follow me on Twitter @iAmAndyWarren or find me at @iAmAndyWarren 或在

        .net" rel="nofollow">andy-warren.net.

        .net” rel =“ nofollow”> andy-warren.net 。

        Want to make the plugin better?


        Fork it or submit pull requests on GitHub at https://github.com/andywarren/aw-

        在GitHub上分叉它或提交拉取请求,网址为 https://github.com/andywarren/aw-




To install the plugin follow these instructions:


    1. Download the plugin and unzip it.

    2. 下载插件并解压缩。

    3. Upload the folder aw_yearly_category_archives to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

    4. 将文件夹aw_yearly_category_archives上载到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    5. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.

    6. 从WordPress管理面板中激活插件。

    7. Installation finished.
    8. 安装完成。

