[wordpress插件] ABA PayWay Payment Gateway for WooCommerceWooCommerce的ABA PayWay付款网关

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-24 04:00 1316 0 全屏看文






PayWay is Cambodia’s leading online payment gateway provided by Advanced Bank of Asia Ltd. (ABA Bank).

PayWay是由亚洲先进银行有限公司(ABA Bank)提供的柬埔寨领先的在线支付网关。

It offers multiple way of checkout options with credit/debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay) and ABA PAY QR code (ABA account, VISA QR, Mastercard QR) and more to come.

它提供了多种付款方式选择,包括信用卡/借记卡(Visa,万事达卡,银联)和ABA PAY QR码(ABA帐户,VISA QR,万事达卡QR)。

With this plugin you can easily integrate your website with PayWay just in a few clicks.


PayWay’s Feature


    • Payment Options: PayWay accepted ABA account to account payment, Visa card, Master card, and UPI.

    • 付款方式:PayWay接受了ABA帐户来进行帐户付款,Visa卡,万事达卡和UPI。

      Merchant Portals: Merchant be able to see all payment transaction which has been made from their customer and it’s detail, doing refund, customer management & invoicing tool, managing user and role, audit trail.

    • 商家门户网站:商家可以查看其客户进行的所有付款交易及其详细信息,退款,客户管理和发票工具,管理用户和角色,审核跟踪。

    • Invoicing tool: PayWay provide invoicing tool which is available in through the merchant portal.

    • 开票工具:PayWay提供开票工具,可通过商户门户使用。

      Merchant could manage their customer information and managing invoice information.


      The invoicing tool is suitable for business to business and also business to individual customer.


      Merchant quickly create an invoice, send the invoice thought the email or any other channel by just single click to copy the link and send to their customer.

    • 商家可以快速创建发票,只需单击一下即可复制该链接并将其发送给客户。通过电子邮件或其他任何渠道发送发票。

    • User & Role: Merchant could manage the access level of each user so that they are restricted to perform only the action that they are allow.
    • 用户和角色:商家可以管理每个用户的访问级别,这样他们就只能执行他们允许的操作。

    • Audit trail: every actions that user perform in the system are tracked properly so merchant can always see know who made change in the system.
    • 审计跟踪:正确跟踪了用户在系统中执行的每个动作,因此商家始终可以了解谁在系统中进行了更改。

    What you can do with this plugin?


      • Enable/disable payment options.
      • 启用/禁用付款选项。

      • Switching between staging environment and production environment.
      • 在暂存环境和生产环境之间切换。

      • Payment logo size configuration to make sure it’s will fit your website.
      • 付款徽标大小配置,以确保其适合您的网站。

      • The plugin will appear on the checkout page.
      • 该插件将显示在结帐页面上。

      Why ABA PayWay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce?

      为什么要使用WooCommerce的ABA PayWay付款网关?

        • Is plugin is officially developed by Advanced Bank of Asia, which mean you will be the first who get an update once the gateway has new features.
        • 该插件是由亚洲先进银行正式开发的,这意味着一旦网关具有新功能,您将成为第一个获得更新的人。

        • Saving time of integration.

        • 节省集成时间。

          Rapidly put your produce/service on sales within few click.

        • 几下单击即可快速将您的产品/服务投入销售。

        • Saving cost.

        • 节省成本。

          You don’t have to hire technical people to do the integration.


          With this plugin, you con just filling few fields, activate and ready to go.

        • 使用此插件,您只需填写几个字段,激活即可使用。

        A brief Markdown Example


        Payment options:


          1. ABA PAY
          2. ABA付款

          3. Mastercard/Visa/UnionPay
          4. 万事达卡/维萨卡/银联


    1. Compressed the extension and install in your wordpress project.

    2. 压缩扩展名并安装在您的wordpress项目中。

      We assume that your wordpress there is woocommerce exist.

    3. 我们假设您的wordpress存在woocommerce。

    4. Activate plugin.

    5. 激活插件。

      Then Setting it up.

    6. 然后进行设置。

    7. Fill in all the value which provided by us.

    8. 填写我们提供的所有价值。

      Such as: merchant_id, Key, API URL …etc.

    9. 例如:merchant_id,密钥,API URL…等。

    10. Refresh your homepage and try to checkout then you will our Payment Gateway is exist for your payment option.
    11. 刷新您的主页,然后尝试结帐,然后您便可以使用我们的Payment Gateway。








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