[wordpress插件] AB Press OptimizerAB Press Optimizer

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-23 23:40 858 0 全屏看文






A/B testing integrated directly into your WordPress site.

A / B测试直接集成到您的WordPress网站中。

Quickly and easily create dozens of different versions of your buttons and headlines.


Know the status of your experiments in real time as customers are visiting your site.


Independently track conversions and visitors for each version, keeping an eye which one is converting best.


Start A/B testing minutes without any HTML knowledge required.

无需任何HTML知识即可开始A / B测试分钟。

You’re not given a script to embed;


simply adding a Shortcode to your post, page or custom post type and you’re ready to go.


Quickly setup your experiment by filling in a few simple text inputs.


We have taken out all the guest work and made the interface straight forward.


With A/B Testing integrated into WordPress you have complete access and control of your data.

借助集成到WordPress中的A / B测试,您可以完全访问和控制您的数据。

AB Press Optimizer Plugin Features:

AB Press Optimizer插件功能:

    • Run unlimited experiments
    • 进行无限实验

    • Test any text element on any page, post, or custom post type
    • 测试任何页面,帖子或自定义帖子类型上的任何文本元素

    • Real time metrics on the status of an experiment
    • 关于实验状态的实时指标

    • Works with any WordPress theme
    • 适用于任何WordPress主题

    • PHP function for embedding experiment directly into your theme
    • 用于直接将实验嵌入主题的PHP函数

    • Schedule out your experiments
    • 安排实验

    • Embed your experiment with our Shortcode interface
    • 通过我们的Shortcode界面嵌入您的实验

    • No Script to embed in your page
    • 没有脚本可嵌入您的页面

    More Features Available in Pro Version:


      • Unlimited experiment variations
      • 无限的实验变体

      • Additional variation type for testing complete content blocks and images
      • 用于测试完整内容块和图像的其他变体类型

      • Export your experiments to CSV
      • 将实验导出为CSV

      • Test page and post titles
      • 测试页和帖子标题

      • Additional conversion triggers like form submission and click interactions
      • 其他转化触发器,例如表单提交和点击互动

      • Run same experiment across multiple pages
      • 在多个页面上运行相同的实验

      • Javascript loading option so you can run tests on heavily cached websites
      • JavaScript加载选项,因此您可以在高速缓存的网站上运行测试

      • More detailed metrics and charts about your users
      • 有关您的用户的更详细的指标和图表

      • Full support and regular updates
      • 全面支持和定期更新

      Click Here to Upgrade to AB Press Optimizer Pro!

      点击此处升级到AB Press Optimizer Pro!



      =“ 0” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>

      Click Here to Upgrade to AB Press Optimizer Pro!

      点击此处升级到AB Press Optimizer Pro!




Installation through WordPress admin from plugin repository:


    1. Login to your WordPress admin.
    2. 登录到WordPress管理员。

    3. Click on the plugins tab.
    4. 单击“插件”标签。

    5. Click the Add New button.
    6. 点击添加新按钮。

    7. Search for AB Press Optimizer or AB Testing
    8. 搜索 AB Press Optimizer AB Testing

    9. Click “Install Now”, then Activate, then head to the new menu item on the left labeled “AB Press”.
    10. 单击“立即安装”,然后单击“激活”,然后转到左侧标有“ AB Press”的新菜单项。

    Alternative installation methods:


      1. Download this plugin.
      2. 下载此插件。

      3. Login to your WordPress admin.
      4. 登录到WordPress管理员。

      5. Click on the plugins tab.
      6. 单击“插件”标签。

      7. Click the Add New button.
      8. 点击添加新按钮。

      9. Click the Upload button.
      10. 点击“上传”按钮。

      11. Click “Install Now”, then Activate, then head to the new menu item on the left labeled “AB Press”.
      12. 单击“立即安装”,然后单击“激活”,然后转到左侧标有“ AB Press”的新菜单项。








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