[wordpress插件] Aspose Cloud Email to Post设定要发布的Cloud Email

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-22 04:00 581 0 全屏看文



Aspose Cloud Email to Post Plugin for WordPress allows developers to getead contents of Windows Mail (eml) document without requiring Microsoft OutLook or Windows Mail.

使用WordPress的Cloud Email to Post插件,开发人员无需Microsoft OutLook或Windows Mail即可获取/读取Windows Mail(eml)文档的内容。

This module demonstrates very powerful features provided by Aspose.Email.


It adds a simple button above Editor in WordPress and asks for the EML file to be imported into the editor.


Once the EML file is provided, users get the document contents displayed on the editor immediately.


Aspose Cloud Email to


Post Plugin for WordPress allows developers to getead contents of (eml,mht,msg) Email File without requiring Microsoft OutLook, Windows Mail or any other software.

WordPress的Post Plugin允许开发人员获取/读取(eml,mht,msg)电子邮件文件的内容,而无需Microsoft OutLook,Windows Mail或任何其他软件。

This module demonstrates very powerful features provided by Aspose.Email.


It adds a simple button above Editor in WordPress and asks for the Email file to be imported into the editor.


Once the Email file is provided, users get the Email contents displayed on the editor immediately.


Email Subject is inserted as Post Title and Email attachments become part of the content and are inserted as link inside the editor.


Installing the Aspose Cloud Email To Post Plugin

安装Aspose Cloud电子邮件发布插件

You can download the Aspose Cloud Email To Post plugin from one of the following locations:

您可以从以下位置之一下载Aspose Cloud Email To Post插件:

    Once downloaded, please follow these steps to install the module to your WordPress website:


      1. Log into your site as either Admin or another Super user level account.
      2. 以管理员或其他超级用户级别帐户登录您的网站。

      3. Navigate to the Plugin menu and select Add New.
      4. 导航到插件菜单,然后选择添加新

      5. Type Aspose Cloud Email To Post in the search box and click Search Plugin button.

      6. 在搜索框中输入将云电子邮件发送给,然后单击搜索插件按钮。

        Or click the Upload menu and choose the ZIP folder you downloaded from the locations above.

      7. 或单击上传菜单,然后选择从上述位置下载的ZIP文件夹。

      8. Click Install Now.
      9. 点击立即安装

      10. After installation, click Settings to see the configuration page.
      11. 安装后,单击设置以查看配置页面。

      Using the Aspose Cloud Email To Post Plugin

      使用Aspose Cloud电子邮件发布插件

      After you have installed Aspose Cloud Email To Post Plugin it is really simple to start using it on your website.

      安装Aspose Cloud Email To Post插件后,在网站上开始使用它非常简单。

      Please follow these simple steps to get started.


        1. Make sure you are logged-in to a WordPress site as Admin level account.
        2. 确保您以管理员级别帐户登录WordPress网站。

        3. Make sure you have set up Aspose App Key & Id on the plugin configuration page.

        4. 确保在插件配置页面上设置了Aspose App Key和ID。

          For further details on how to get app keys, click here .

        5. nofollow“>单击此处。

        6. Navigate to the page or posts where you want to import contents from the Email using Aspose Email To Post Plugin.
        7. 导航到您要使用Aspose Email To Post插件从电子邮件中导入内容的页面或帖子。

        8. Click the Aspose Email Importer button.
        9. 点击设置电子邮件导入器按钮。

        10. Click Select Email File. It will show WordPress Media Gallery on popup.

        11. 点击选择电子邮件文件 ,它将在弹出窗口中显示WordPress Media Gallery。

          Either upload an Email file or choose from the Media Library.

        12. 上载电子邮件文件或从媒体库中选择。

        13. Click the Use this Email file for Importing button.

        14. 点击使用此电子邮件文件进行导入按钮。

        15. Click the Insert Email to Editor button.

        16. 点击向编辑器插入电子邮件按钮。

          It will insert the content from Email file to Editor.

        17. 它将内容从电子邮件文件插入到编辑器。



        Please check the video below to see it in action.<



        / p>



        Plugin Requirements


          • This Plugin works only with PHP version >=5.3
          • 此插件仅适用于PHP版本> = 5.3



            1. Functionality of reading text from the doc file.

            2. 从doc文件读取文本的功能。

              You can click on “Aspose Doc Importer” button, it will popup a box, which will display two tabs “Select Local Files” & “Select Aspose Cloud Storage File”.

              您可以单击“ Aspose Doc Importer”按钮,它将弹出一个框,其中将显示两个选项卡“ Select Local Files”和“ Select Aspose Cloud Storage File”。

              You can click on “Select Doc file” button and select a doc file from your local machine, after successful upload, you need to click on the “Insert DOC to editor” button.


              It will put the text from the selected doc file to the editor.

            3. 它将文本从选定的文档文件放到编辑器中。

            4. Functionality of reading text from the doc file located at Aspose Cloud Storage.
            5. 从位于Aspose Cloud Storage的doc文件中读取文本的功能。


    1. Creating an account at http://cloud.aspose.com is a prerequisite for adding Aspose Key & ID in the settings.

    2. 在http://cloud.aspose.com上创建帐户是在设置中添加Aspose Key和ID的先决条件。

      Please check the link to see how you can get app keys http://www.aspose.com/docs/displayest/Creating+a+New+App+and+Getting+App+Key

    3. 请查看链接以查看如何获取应用程序密钥http://www.aspose.com/docs/displayest/Creating+a+New+App+and+Getting+App+Key

    4. Download the plugin and extract it.
    5. 下载插件并解压缩。

    6. Upload the directory ‘/aspose-cloud-email-to-post/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    7. 将目录“ / aspose-cloud-email-to-post /”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    8. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    9. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    10. Click on ‘Aspose Cloud Email to Post’ link under Settings menu to access the admin section.
    11. 点击“设置”菜单下的“将云电子邮件发送给发布”链接以访问管理部分。





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