[wordpress插件] A2 Optimized WPA2优化的WP

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-23 07:40 622 0 全屏看文






This update fixes an important security issue.


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A2 Optimized is designed to make it quick and easy to speed up and secure your website by installing and configuring several well known, stable plugins with the click of a few

A2 Optimized旨在通过安装和配置几个众所周知的稳定插件,使其快速,轻松加速并保护网站安全。



Have you ever tried to configure W3 Total cache and got lost in the mess of configuration pages?

您是否曾经尝试配置 W3总缓存,并且迷失在配置页面中?

A2 Optimized has broken it down into the most valuable optimizations and will automatically configure W3 Total Cache for what works best in most shared hosting environments.

A2 Optimized已将其分解为最有价值的优化,并将自动配置W3 Total Cache,使其在大多数共享托管环境中最有效。

Free Optimizations


Caching with W3 Total Cache:


    • Enable Page, Object and Database caching with W3 Total cache in one click.
    • 一键式启用W3的页面,对象和数据库缓存。

    • Page Caching stores full copies of pages on the disk so that php code and database queries can be skipped by the web server.
    • 页面缓存将页面的完整副本存储在磁盘上,以便Web服务器可以跳过php代码和数据库查询。

    • Object Caching stores commonly used elements such as menus / widgets and forms on disk or in memory to speed up page rendering.
    • 对象缓存将常用的元素(例如菜单/小部件和表单)存储在磁盘或内存中,以加快页面渲染速度。

    • Database cache stores copies of common database queries on disk or in memcory to speed up page rendering.
    • 数据库缓存将常见数据库查询的副本存储在磁盘或内存中,以加快页面呈现速度。

    Minify HTML Pages:


      • Auto Configure W3 Total Cache to remove excess white space and comments from html pages to compress their size.
      • 自动配置W3总缓存以删除html页面中多余的空白和注释以压缩其大小。

      • This provides for minor imporvements in page load time.
      • 这会改善页面加载时间。

      Minify CSS Files:


        • Auto Configure W3 Total Cache to condense CSS files into non human-readable compressed files.
        • 自动配置W3总缓存以将CSS文件压缩为人类无法读取的压缩文件。

        • Combines multiple css files into a single download.
        • 将多个CSS文件组合到一个下载中。

        • Can provide significant speed imporvements for page loads.
        • 可以显着提高页面加载的速度。

        Minify JS Files:


          • Auto Configure W3 Total Cache to condense JavaScript files into non human-readable compressed files.
          • 自动配置W3总缓存以将JavaScript文件压缩为人类无法读取的压缩文件。

          • Combines multiple js files into a single download.
          • 将多个js文件组合到一个下载中。

          • Can provide significant speed imporvements for page loads.
          • 可以显着提高页面加载的速度。

          Gzip Compression:


            • Turns on gzip compression using W3 Total Cache.
            • 使用W3 Total Cache启用gzip压缩。

            • Ensures that files are compressed before transfering them.
            • 确保在传输文件之前先对其进行压缩。

            • Can provide significant speed imporvements for page loads.
            • 可以显着提高页面加载的速度。

            • Reduces bandwidth required to serve web pages.
            • 减少提供网页所需的带宽。

            Deny Direct Access to Configuration Files and Comment Form:


              • Enables WordPress hardening rules in .htaccess to prevent browser access to certain files.
              • 在.htaccess中启用WordPress强化规则,以防止浏览器访问某些文件。

              • Prevents bots from submitting to comment forms.
              • 防止机器人提交评论表单。

              • Note: Turn this off if you use systems that post to the comment form without visiting the page.
              • 注意:如果您使用发布到评论表单而不访问该页面的系统,请关闭此功能。

              Lock Editing of Plugins and Themes from the WP Admin:

              从WP Admin锁定插件和主题的编辑

                • Turns off the file editor in the wp-admin.
                • 关闭wp-admin中的文件编辑器。

                • Prevents plugins and themes from being tampered with from the wp-admin.
                • 防止插件和主题被wp-admin篡改。

                A2 Hosting Exclusive Optimizations


                These one-click optimizations are only available while hosted at A2 Hosting.

                这些一键优化仅在A2 Hosting上托管时可用。

                Login URL Change:


                  • Move the login page from the default wp-login.php to a random URL.
                  • 将登录页面从默认的wp-login.php移至随机URL。

                  • Prevents bots from automatically brute-force attacking wp-login.php
                  • 阻止机器人自动攻击wp-login.php

                  reCAPTCHA on comments and login:


                    • provides google reCAPTCHA on both the Login form and comments.
                    • 在“登录”表单和评论中提供google reCAPTCHA。

                    • Prevents bots from automatically brute-force attacking wp-login.php
                    • 阻止机器人自动攻击wp-login.php

                    • Prevents bots from automatically spamming comments.
                    • 防止漫游器自动发送垃圾评论。

                    Compress Images on Upload:


                      • Enables and configures EWWW Image Optimizer.
                      • 启用和配置EWWW Image Optimizer。

                      • Compresses images that are uploaded to save bandwidth.
                      • 压缩上传的图像以节省带宽。

                      • Improves page load times: especially on sites with many images.
                      • 缩短页面加载时间:尤其是在包含很多图片的网站上。

                      Turbo Web Hosting:

                      Turbo Web Hosting

                        • Take advantage of A2 Hosting’s Turbo Web Hosting platform.
                        • 利用A2 Hosting的Turbo Web Hosting平台。

                        • Faster serving of static files.
                        • 更快地提供静态文件。

                        • Pre-compiled .htaccess files on the web server for imporved performance.
                        • 在Web服务器上预编译的.htaccess文件,以提高性能。

                        • PHP OpCode cache enabled by default
                        • 默认情况下启用PHP OpCode缓存

                        • Custom php engine that is faster than Fast-CGI and FPM
                        • 比Fast-CGI和FPM更快的自定义php引擎

                        Memcached Database and Object Cache:


                          • Database and Object cache in memory instead of on disk.
                          • 数据库和对象缓存在内存中,而不是磁盘上。

                          • Secure and Faster Memcached using Unix socket files.
                          • 使用Unix套接字文件确保更快的Memcached安全。

                          • Significant improvement in page load times, especially on pages that can not use full page cache such as wp-admin.
                          • 页面加载时间显着改善,尤其是在无法使用完整页面缓存的页面(例如wp-admin)上。


    1. Upload a2-optimized into the wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. 将a2优化的文件上传到wp-content / plugins /目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Click ‘A2 Optimized’ in the admin menu
    6. 在管理菜单中点击“ A2优化”

    7. Click buttons to enable optimizations
    8. 单击按钮以启用优化

    9. Check out warnings that A2 Optimized has detected that may be slowing down your site
    10. 查看有关A2优化版已检测到可能会降低您网站速度的警告

    11. Check out Advanced Optimizations that may help you identify plugins that may be slowing down your site.
    12. 查看“高级优化”功能,这些功能可以帮助您确定可能会降低您网站速度的插件。








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