[wordpress插件] ArtistPressArtistPress

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-21 15:20 795 0 全屏看文



ArtistPress is a easy to use, flexible and free WordPress plugin for artists.


You can use the built-in shortcodes to create a professional artist bio page, show listing, and photo galleries without any code.


You can easily create an artist profile page including photo, bio and contact information.


You can create a list of upcoming events or shows that includes Google Maps integration to provide event locations and driving directions.

您可以创建包括Google Maps集成在内的即将发生的事件或节目的列表,以提供事件位置和行车路线。

You can also create photo galleries to show off your work or highlights photographs from your shows.




    • Shortcodes functionality for creating all of the ArtistPress pages.
    • 用于创建所有ArtistPress页面的短代码功能。

    • Built-in WordPress theme templates for advanced users.
    • 面向高级用户的内置WordPress主题模板。

    • Single artist profile including photo, bio and contact information
    • 单个艺术家个人资料,包括照片,个人简介和联系信息

    • Photos galleries and albums
    • 照片画廊和相册

    • Unlimited Venues
    • 无限场地

    • Unlimited Events on event listing
    • 事件列表中的无限事件

    • Google Maps API integration with Google [API key]
    • 将Google Maps API与Google [API密钥]集成

    • Driving directions to events when using Google Maps feature
    • 使用Google Maps功能时导航到事件的方向

    • Use the plugin settings to show as little or as much information as you want to your fans
    • 使用插件设置向粉丝们显示尽可能少的信息

    ArtistPress Pro and ArtistPress Community are premium upgrades that, when completed, will add the ability to add playlists,

    ArtistPress Pro和ArtistPress社区是高级升级,完成后将增加添加播放列表的功能,



      • Use [artistpress-artist id=”X”] to display the the Artist Profile.

      • 使用[artistpress-artist id =“ X”]显示艺术家个人资料。

        The “id” is the post ID for the Artist post.

      • “ id”是“艺术家”帖子的帖子ID。

      • Use [artistpress-show-list] to display the list of shows you have created.
      • 使用[artistpress-show-list]显示您创建的节目列表。

      • Use [artistpress-show id=”X”] to display an individual show.

      • 使用[artistpress-show id =“ X”]显示单个节目。

        The “id” is the post ID for the Show post.

      • “ id”是显示帖子的帖子ID。

      • Use [artistpress-gallery id=”X”] to display an individual gallery.

      • 使用[artistpress-gallery id =“ X”]显示单个画廊。

        The “id” is the post ID for the Gallery post.

      • “ id”是图库帖子的帖子ID。

      • Use [artistpress-gallery-album term=”X”] to display an album of galleries.

      • 使用[artistpress-gallery-album term =” X”]显示相册。

        The “term” is the Album slug.

      • “术语”是“专辑”子弹。

      ArtistPress Pro

      ArtistPress Pro

      When development is complete, ArtistPress Pro will add playlist functionality allowing you to publish up to 5 playlists on your site using a simple shortcode.

      开发完成后,ArtistPress Pro将添加播放列表功能,使您可以使用简单的短代码在您的网站上发布多达5个播放列表。

      It will also add a social sharing tool for the some of the leading social media services, including Facebook, Twitter, and Behance.


      ArtistPress Community


      When development is complete, ArtistPress Community will allow you add unlimited artists and unlimited playlists, making it the perfect tool for a club, band manager, or art gallery.





    1. Upload ‘artist-press’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
    2. 将“ artist-press”上传到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. Click on the new menu item “ArtistPress” to get started.
    6. 单击新菜单项“ ArtistPress”开始。

    7. Click on the “Settings” sub menu under “ArtistPress” to adjust settings.
    8. 单击“ ArtistPress”下的“设置”子菜单以调整设置。

    9. Start adding artist details, venues, and shows.
    10. 开始添加艺术家的详细信息,地点和表演。

    11. To use the Google Maps functionality, you will need to get a Google

    12. 要使用Google Maps功能,您需要获取 Google

      Maps API Key

    13. Maps API密钥

    14. Documentation to use ArtisPress is in the works at https://www.artistpress-plugin.com/documentation/.
    15. 使用ArtisPress的文档位于https://www.artistpress-plugin.com/documentation/。





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