[wordpress插件] Pricing Table Plugin定价表插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-21 06:10 700 0 全屏看文



ARPrice Lite- Pricing Tables & Team Showcase

ARPrice Lite-定价表和团队展示

ARPrice – WordPress pricing table plugin that lets you create responsive pricing tables & plan comparison tables in no time.

ARPrice – WordPress定价表插件,可让您立即创建响应式定价表和计划比较表。

No hassle, no fuss, just a powerful, flexible, real-time editor with multiple pricing table templates that lets you design pricing tables for various WordPress themes.


You can also create team showcase using ARPrice so, its two in one plugin.


Create appealing pricing offer tables which loads fast & includes css/javascript resources only on the page where Shortcode is placed.

创建具有吸引力的报价表,这些表可以快速加载并仅在放置简码的页面上包含css / javascript资源。

Click to view pricing tables built with ARPrice.


ARPrice – WordPress Pricing Table Features

ARPrice – WordPress定价表功能

    • Responsive Pricing Tables
    • 响应式定价表

    • Realtime Pricing Table Editor
    • 实时定价表编辑器

    • Template to create Team Showcase so its two in one not just Pricing table plugin.
    • 用于创建Team Showcase的模板,因此其二合一不仅仅是定价表插件。

    • Unlimited color options to customize colors for price table templates.
    • 无限的颜色选项可为价格表模板自定义颜色。

    • Live Preview for Desktop/Tablet/Mobile Version
    • 台式机/平板电脑/移动版的实时预览

    • Multiple Pricing table templates
    • 多个定价表模板

    • Multiple Pre-configured color schemes for all price tables
    • 所有价格表都有多种预配置的配色方案

    • Use Drag & Drop To change order or price table Columns and its rows.
    • 使用拖放操作来更改订单或价格表的列及其行。

    • Ready color schemes to create beautiful price comparison tables.
    • 就绪的配色方案可创建漂亮的价格比较表。

    • Set Featured Column on pricing table for WordPress
    • 在WordPress定价表上设置“特色栏”

    • Different Shadow Styles to give better look to columns of price table.
    • 不同的阴影样式可更好地查看价格表的列。

    • Support of Browser’s Default Fonts and Google Fonts
    • 支持浏览器的默认字体和Google字体

    • Option to Hide Blank Rows from bottom of pricing table
    • 从定价表底部隐藏空白行的选项

    • Translation Ready
    • 已准备好翻译

    • Widget Supported
    • 支持的小工具

    • Multi Site Compatible
    • 兼容多站点

    • Lightweight & Resource saving(Loads js/css Only When Option Is Used)
    • 轻量级和节省资源(仅在使用选项时加载js / css)

    • Compatible with Gutenberg Editor
    • 与Gutenberg编辑器兼容


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