[wordpress插件] Areyoupop Playpops LiteAreyoupop Playpops Lite

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-21 01:50 594 0 全屏看文



Have you been struggling trying to grow your Facebook page audience?


You post in your Facebook page periodically but can’t get more people to “Like” your page.


If you are struggling with this task then you should use the power of YouTube videos in your blog to increase your Facebook audience.


Most people visit your website but won’t necessarily join your email list out of fear of being spammed.


A safer and more personal way to stay in touch with your content is by liking your Facebook page.


Unfortunately, most people don’t look for your Facebook icon in your website or feel compelled to become friends in Facebook just because you wrote a great blog post.


Now, with PlayPops for WordPress, you can ask them to like your page when they are visually engaged.


Re-target your Promotions and Products


Capture, re-target, promote and sell to your always growing audience and fans.


This plugin shows a popup box in front of your already engaging YouTube video asking readers to join your Facebook page whenever they pause the video.


Once the user has joined your Facebook Page then you can re-target them with promotions to your products or new blog posts or articles.


The perfect opportunity to make a “call to action” (ex. Like us Now) is when your users are iterating (play, pause) with your video.


Show them social proof that others have joined.


Take Advantage of Viral Effect


Combine the virality power of YouTube with the power of Facebook to grow your audience with the help of Facebook’s 900 million plus users with this Youtube/Facebook traffic plugin.

借助这个Youtube / Facebook流量插件,借助Facebook的9亿多用户,将YouTube的强大力量与Facebook的力量结合起来,以扩大受众群体。

Social PlayPops(c) for WordPress is a ‘popup’ that allows you to acquire more users to your facebook page with the help of YouTube Videos.

用于WordPress的Social PlayPops(c)是一个“弹出窗口”,可让您借助YouTube视频在您的Facebook页面上吸引更多用户。

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    1. Download your Playpops Plugin to your desktop.
    2. 将您的Playpops插件下载到桌面上。

    3. If downloaded as a zip archive, extract the Plugin folder to your desktop.
    4. 如果以zip存档的形式下载,请将Plugin文件夹解压缩到您的桌面。

    5. Read through the “readme” file thoroughly to ensure you follow the installation instructions.
    6. 通读“自述文件”,以确保您遵循安装说明。

    7. With your FTP program, upload the Plugin folder to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
    8. 使用您的FTP程序,在线将Plugin文件夹上传到WordPress目录中的wp-content / plugins文件夹。

    9. Go to Plugins screen and find the newly uploaded Plugin in the list.
    10. 转到“插件”屏幕,然后在列表中找到新上载的插件。

    11. Click Activate to activate it.
    12. 点击激活将其激活。

    13. Go back to the Desktop and Click on Settings Menu link on the left sidebar
    14. 返回桌面,然后单击左侧栏中的“设置菜单”链接

    15. Scroll down to find and click on PlayPops for WordPress menu item
    16. 向下滚动以查找并单击PlayPops for WordPress菜单项

    17. Register and get your API key in 3 easy steps at http://areyoupop.com/playpops/getkeys/
    18. 通过3个简单的步骤注册并获取您的API密钥:http://areyoupop.com/playpops/getkeys/

    19. The last step is enter your facebook page’s url in the following format.

    20. 最后一步是以以下格式输入您的Facebook页面的网址。

      (for example; https://www.facebook.com/areyoupop)

    21. (例如; https://www.facebook.com/areyoupop)

    22. Save and you’re done!
    23. 保存,您就完成了!

    24. Your visitors can now like and join your fb page and share your video content.
    25. 您的访问者现在可以喜欢并加入您的fb页面并共享您的视频内容。

    26. Encourages sharing and you get a ton of more free visitors.
    27. 鼓励共享,您将获得更多的免费访问者。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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