[wordpress插件] Archive Post Tabs存档帖子标签

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 21:20 987 0 全屏看文



Archive Post Tabs plugin is used to show list and grid view of the archive posts with months and years tabs.

Archive Post Tabs插件用于显示带有月份和年份标签的存档帖子的列表和网格视图。

This plugin allows to created unlimited widget and shortcodes for the home and sup-pages.


It’s fully responsive and customizable archive posts list and grid view using ajax load more functionality.


Buy the Premium Version


    Premium Version Demo


      Free Version Features


        • Customizable and responsive list and grid view.
        • 可自定义的响应式列表和网格视图。

        • Load more option for next archive posts pagination.
        • 加载更多选项以用于下一个存档帖子分页。

        • Multiple widget creation.

        • 创建多个窗口小部件。

        • Custom settings to modify text and background color for the heading.

        • 自定义设置,用于修改标题的文本和背景颜色。

        • 3 responsive modern templates.
        • 3个响应式现代模板。

        • Supports posts grid view.

        • 支持帖子网格视图。

        Premium Version Features


          • Custom settings available to hide or show post title, cart button, price, animation over image, post image, pagination, post short content and read more link.
          • 可用于隐藏或显示帖子标题,购物车按钮,价格,图片动画,帖子图像,分页,发布简短内容和阅读更多链接的自定义设置。

          • Dynamic admin settings to change maximum width and height of the posts images.
          • 动态管理员设置,用于更改帖子图像的最大宽度和高度。

          • There are three type of ajax based pagination available like load more products, next-previous links and simple numeric pagination.

          • 有三种基于Ajax的分页,例如加载更多产品,下一个上一个链接和简单的数字分页。

          • Settings to choose any custom post type.

          • 用于选择任何自定义帖子类型的设置。

          • Search text field for the each tab.

          • 在每个标签中搜索文本字段。

          • Multiple shortcodes creation forms.

          • 多种简码创建形式。

          • Supports posts list/grid views.
          • 支持帖子列表/网格视图。

          • Admin settings for displaying post count with tabs.
          • 用于显示带有标签的帖子数的管理员设置。

          • Hide/show empty categories.
          • 隐藏/显示空类别。

          • Month or year shorting and ordering.
          • 月份或年份的短缺和排序。

          • Hide/Show certain category’s posts.
          • 隐藏/显示某些类别的帖子。

          • Open default month or year tab.
          • 打开默认的月份或年份标签。

          • 10+ responsive templates.
          • 10多个响应式模板。

          • 40+ beautiful posts mousehover animation effects.

          • 40多个精美的帖子将鼠标悬停在动画效果上。

          • Supports “All” label tab to load all tab’s posts.
          • 支持“全部”标签标签,以加载所有标签的帖子。

          • RTL Support.
          • RTL支持。

          • Allows to modify space between items in pixels.

          • 允许修改项目之间的间距(以像素为单位)。

          • Allows to hide/show author image and name.

          • 允许隐藏/显示作者图像和名称。

          • View posted date with post title.
          • 查看带有帖子标题的发布日期。

          • View comment count with post title.
          • 查看带有帖子标题的评论数。

          Other Recommended Amazing WordPress Tab Plugins


          You might like following recommended paid and free tabs plugins that supports wordress and woocommerce tab widget and shortcode creation using an amazing ajax load more functionality for the sidebar and content area.



    1. Upload and extract the zip file downloaded to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
    2. 上传并解压缩下载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录的zip文件

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Navigate to ‘AVPTAB’ page from dashboard and create new shortcode to add into any page content ( pro version only )
    6. 从仪表板导航到“ AVPTAB”页面并创建新的简码以添加到任何页面内容中(仅限专业版)

    7. Configure widgets from Appearance > Widgets and assign to page sidebar.
    8. 从“外观”>“窗口小部件”中配置窗口小部件并分配到页面侧边栏。





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