[wordpress插件] Appsila WooQuote阿普西拉WooQuote

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-20 10:30 566 0 全屏看文



Appsila WooQuote plugin enables your customers send quote requests from your WooCommerce shop which will then be tracked in a full functional Appsila CRM backend provided with the plugin.

Appsila WooQuote插件使您的客户可以从WooCommerce商店发送报价请求,然后在该插件随附的功能齐全的Appsila CRM后端中进行跟踪。

When the plugin is activated, it simply adds a ‘Request a Quote’ button in single product and cart pages.


In WooQuote, the usual behavior of customers are not changed.


If customer wants to request a quote for more than one product, he can add the products into the cart as usual and simply click Request a Quote button.


After clicking the button, if user logged into your shop, membership account information is automatically gathered and populated to the request form.




the customer can fill in the form and writes the details of his request.


If customer wants to send a quote request for only one product, he can use the Request a Quote button in single product page in just as the same way in the cart page.


One of the main difference of the Appsila WooQuote plugin when compared to the other similar plugins is that it provides not only a simple quote management, but also a full functional low-code CRM backend to your WooCommerce.

与其他类似插件相比,Appsila WooQuote插件的主要区别之一是它不仅为您的WooCommerce提供了简单的报价管理,还提供了功能齐全的低代码CRM后端。

With this backend application, you can track all the phases of your sales pipeline (ie lead in, contact made, proposal made, converted or lost), insert notes and activities, attach documents, manage your product information, your customers, tasks, calendar


and reports.


When your potential customer makes a request on your shop, a new lead generated into your CRM, the requested products are transferred into CRM products module with its main data and finally a quote is automatically generated.


You notice the new quote request via an email sent to you from Appsila.


By clicking the link in the email, you can instantly log into the system and view the details of the quote.


You can see the message of your customer and make discounts if you wish.


When applied a discount, the system automatically connects to your WooCommerce site and creates a discount coupon.


You can send email to your customer with a predefined email template attached with a quote document generated automatically in your company’s document format and logo.


So all these issues occur just in a minute.


You customer can easily apply the coupon you sent in the cart page and continue to checkout.


The responsive design of Appsila CRM, enables you to check quote requests via your mobile phone or tablet and send quote documents to your customers while you are in mobile.

Appsila CRM的响应式设计使您可以通过手机或平板电脑检查报价请求,并在移动时将报价文档发送给客户。

The plugin also enables you to translate all the text labels displayed to your customers including the request a quote button text so that you can use it in any language you want.


The Appsila backend system is a magic software platform called hpaPaaS (high productivity application platform as a service) by Gartner.


It enables you create your data model and customize all the system and reports without writing code.


These systems are also called as low-code rapid application development platforms.


The main features of the platform are given below:


Drag-N-Drop Modelling: This feature allows application modules to be designed by drag and drop method, 1:1, 1:N and N:M relationships between modules to be established, and interdependencies among module fields to be adjusted



Microflows for Applications & Process Logic: This feature allows modelling business processes and enables to run the workflows according to specified business rules.


User Specific Views and Filters: This feature allows making searches among data available in the application according to numerous filtering criteria and compiling user specific list views.


Dynamic Dashboard and Reports: The dashboard on which basic statistical information and graphs related with the application are available.


It provides an overview of data available as soon as the user logs in to the system.


Responsive UI for Web & Mobile: This feature allows the application developed to be viewed as desired on devices with different screen sizes such as mobile phones, tablet computers and the web.


Template Processing Engine: This feature allows creating professional outputs in Word and PDF formats by using the data fields in the system dynamically.


Fine-Grained Application Security: This feature allows the entire infrastructure of the system to function securely, defining access control according to roles and profiles, and making domain based authorizations.


API Manager: The extension, which allows retrieving all modules of the system via RESTful APIs and performing CRUD operations.

API管理器:扩展,它允许通过RESTful API检索系统的所有模块并执行CRUD操作。

Official documentation of Appsila WooQuote Plugin

Appsila WooQuote插件的官方文档

For a more detailed description of options and features of Appsila WooQuote plugin, please visit http://wooquote.appsila.com/documentation

有关Appsila WooQuote插件的选项和功能的详细说明,请访问http://wooquote.appsila.com/documentation

3rd Party External Service


WooQuote uses our 3rd party middleware api located at woocrm.azurewebsites.net to connect with Appsila CRM backend.

WooQuote使用位于woocrm.azurewebsites.net的我们的第三方中间件api与Appsila CRM后端连接。

There is a 2 way interaction between WooQuote Plugin on your site and the Appsila CRM:

您网站上的WooQuote插件与Appsila CRM之间存在两种交互方式:

    • From your Plugin to Appsila: We send quote request details to Appsila including customer information, quote request message and details of the products requested.


    • From Appsila to your WooCommerce: When a discount is applied in Appsila, we automatically creates a discount coupon in your woocommerce site using the woocommerce secret and customer keys entered in Subscription Settings Page.


    Please check http://wooquote.appsila.com in order to get more information.



It is important to note that Appsila WooQuote is request a quote plugin for WooCommerce.

请务必注意,Appsila WooQuote是请求WooCommerce的报价插件。

So in order to be able to use the plugin, you should first install WooCommerce plugin.


If you have already installed WooCommerce, you can follow the below steps to activate the plugin:


– Download plugin zip file.


– Unzip the downloaded zip file.


– Upload the plugin folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress site.

–将plugin文件夹上载到WordPress网站的wp-content / plugins /目录。

– Activate Appsila WooQuote from Plugins page

–从“插件”页面激活Appsila WooQuote



    1. Once you installed the plugin, you will see WooQuote Menu Item in your WordPress admin menu.

    2. 安装插件后,您将在WordPress管理菜单中看到WooQuote菜单项。

      When you click it, you will see WooQuote Plugin Page.


    In WooQuote Plugin Page there are 5 tab pages:


    – WooQuote Offers: In this page, you can see information about the plugin and 4 buttons that links to Demo Request Page, Purchase WooQuote Page, Appsila WooQuote Main Site and Send E-mail Page if you want to get support.

    – WooQuote优惠:在此页面中,如果您希望获得支持,则可以查看有关插件的信息以及链接到演示请求页面,购买WooQuote页面,Appsila WooQuote主站点和发送电子邮件页面的4个按钮。

    – Subscription Settings Page: In this page, you can make the settings of your plugin in order to be able to use it with your Appsila Backend.


    – Coupon Settings Page: In this page, you can integrate your plugin with WooCommerce in order to be able to create coupons automatically in your WooCommerce whenever you make discounts in your Appsila CRM.

    –优惠券设置页面:在此页面中,您可以将插件与WooCommerce集成在一起,以便每当您在Appsila CRM中打折时都可以在WooCommerce中自动创建优惠券。

    This is an optional feature and is not required for WooQuote to work.




    if this is not configured, you should create discount coupons in your WooCommerce manually.


    – Label Translation: In this page, you can easily translate all the label fields displayed to your customers into your language.


    – Help and Installation: In this page you can have information about the configuration and usage of your plugin.


      1. In Subscription Settings Tab, you need to fill in the following credentials:


        Email: You should enter the email address you used during the purchase.


        Apikey of WooQuote: You should enter the APIKEY included in the e-mail sent to you after your purchase.


        Hostname: The site url of your wordpress including your shop.


        Please take into account that you can use only one hostname address with the given APIKEY.


        Unless the url is correct, the transactions will not be performed with your WooCommerce and Appsila Backend.


        WooQuote Enable Switch: This switch is used to enable and disable WooQuote easily.


      2. In Coupon Settings Tab, you need to fill in the following credentials:


        WooCommerce API Consumer Key and Secret: These fields are required in order to generate automatic discount coupons when you apply discount to the quote in your Appsila Backend.

        WooCommerce API使用者密钥和秘密:当您对Appsila后端中的报价应用折扣时,这些字段是必需的,以便生成自动折扣券。

        In order to be able to enter these keys, you should first generate them in your WooCommerce Settings.


          • Firstly click the Create Key and Secret button in this tab.

          • 首先在此选项卡中单击“创建密钥和机密”按钮。

            You will see a popup.


            Click Proceed to continue.

          • 单击继续以继续。

          • After clicking Proceed, creating key and secret page will come up.

          • 单击继续后,将显示创建密钥和秘密页面。

            You can enter a description, select the user and permissions.


            You should select Read/Write option in Permissions.


            Otherwise your Appsila Backend cannot generate coupons in your WooCommerce.


            After filling the form, click Generate API Key.

          • 填写表单后,单击“生成API密钥”。

          • Now you can use the generated Consumer Key and Secret in your Subscription Settings Page
          • 现在,您可以在“订阅设置”页面中使用生成的“使用者密钥和秘密”

          • Make sure REST API is enabled under the API settings of WooCommerce.
          • 确保在WooCommerce的API设置下启用了REST API。

        • Once you completed filling the form in Subscription Settings Page, click Save Changes button below and wait for success message.


        • If you have a failure message please check your email and API-Key again.


        • If you wish you can translate all labels displayed in your system in Labels Translation Tab.


        • Well done.


          The settings of your plugin completed.


          You can start using WooQuote with your WooCommerce site.


      Please check http://wooquote.appsila.com/documentation to reach the official installation and configuration guide with the screenshots.






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