[wordpress插件] Amazon Machine Tags亚马逊机器标签

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 08:30 577 0 全屏看文



Simple inclusion of Amazon items through machine tags.


    1. Identifies any tag in the machine or triple tag form book:isbn

    2. 标识机器或三重标签形式 book:isbn的任何标签

      =1234567890 or amazon:asin=1234567890.

      = 1234567890 amazon:asin = 1234567890

      Works with native tags from WordPress 2.3 and later, Bunny’s Technorati Tags, and Jerome’s Keywords.

    3. 可与WordPress 2.3及更高版本中的本机标记,Bunny的Technorati标记和Jerome的关键字配合使用。

    4. Gets the item information and a thumbnail image from the Amazon Web Services API.
    5. Amazon Web Services API 获取商品信息和缩略图。

    6. Displays the item(s) in the sidebar or in a blog article with a link to the visitor's best match (if the ip2country plugin is installed) or a default Amazon shop of your choice.
    7. -ip-to-country-plugin /“ rel =” nofollow“> ip2country 插件已安装)或您选择的默认亚马逊商店。

    8. If you are an Amazon Associate for that locale, your Associate ID is included automatically.
    9. 如果您是该区域设置的Amazon Associate,则将自动包含您的Associate ID。

    You can edit the server-side, semantic and valid XHTML output via XSLT, change the CSS, or translate the admin interface through PO-files.



    1. Upload the whole amazon-machine-tags folder into the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将整个 amazon-machine-tags 文件夹上载到 wp-content / plugins / 目录中。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

      Make sure that you don’t run it on localhost as XML files on the server need to be reached from the outside.

    5. 确保不要在 localhost 上运行它,因为需要从外部访问服务器上的XML文件。

    6. Get your own Amazon Web Services

    7. 获取自己的Amazon Web Services

      Access Key Identifyers.

    8. 访问密钥标识符。

    9. Create a wp-content/cache/ directory with permissions set to 755, or 777 if you create the directory as root user.
    10. 创建一个权限设置为755的 wp-content / cache / 目录,如果以 root 用户身份创建目录,则将权限设置为777。

    11. Put

    12. 输入 <?php AMTAP :: get_items();

      ?> in your sidebar and start using machine tags.

    13. ?> ,然后开始使用机器标签。

    14. Edit amtap-blog.css if you like.
    15. 根据需要编辑 amtap-blog.css

    16. If you want to use tags in a blog article, write [amtap book:isbn=1234567890] or [amtap amazon:asin=1234567890].

    17. 如果要在博客文章中使用标签,请编写 [amtap book:isbn = 1234567890] [amtap amazon:asin = 1234567890]







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