[wordpress插件] Amazon Link Engine亚马逊链接引擎

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-17 08:20 706 0 全屏看文



Boost sales and affiliate commissions by converting all your Amazon links into localized links that bring each shopper to the best Amazon store and product for their region in the world.


Amazon Link Engine is trusted by thousands of Amazon associates who have been using it to maximize their revenue for years.

数以千计的Amazon员工一直信任Amazon Link Engine,他们多年来一直在使用它来最大化其收入。

The Amazon Link Engine is a tool by Geniuslink.

Amazon Link Engine是Geniuslink的工具。

By signing up for Geniuslink and syncing the Amazon Link Engine to your Geniuslink account, you can also attach your Associates IDs to earn international affiliate commissions from your traffic.

通过注册Geniuslink并将Amazon Link Engine同步到您的Geniuslink帐户,您还可以附加您的同事ID,以从流量中赚取国际会员佣金。

Note: You are not required to have a Geniuslink account, to use this plugin.


However, if you would like to earn international affiliate commissions, you must sign up for a Geniuslink Account.


Try it out for free and check out pricing for the Geniuslink service on 免费试用,并在

social.geni.us/lZlZ8AY" rel="nofollow">our website.

social.geni.us/lZlZ8AY“ rel =” nofollow“>我们的网站。

How does the Amazon Link Engine plugin work?

Amazon Link Engine插件如何工作?

As soon as the plugin is installed, your Amazon links are instantly localized every time a user loads the page.


Even if you add new links to your WordPress site, each will be automatically converted without any additional work from you.


Nothing else is needed on your part.


How do I earn international commissions from my links?


To earn international affiliate commissions, you must create a Geniuslink account, and connect it to your plugin with


your API keys (detailed instructions can be found in the FAQ).


Once signed up, add and manage your Associates IDs for each of the Amazon affiliate programs you’ve signed up for within the Geniuslink Dashboard.


Once your IDs are added, the Amazon Link Engine will automatically add the correct Associates ID per country for each click.

添加您的ID后,Amazon Link Engine将为每个点击自动在每个国家/地区添加正确的员工ID。

    • Note: The Amazon Link Engine WordPress plugin is free to use and will always localize your links without a paid account.

    • 注意: Amazon Link Engine WordPress插件是免费使用的,并且始终会在没有付费帐户的情况下本地化您的链接。

      However, in order to earn international affiliate commissions and take advantage of the in-depth reporting, you must have a Geniuslink account.


      By default, Geniuslink’s Associates IDs will be used until you have connected your account and added your own via the Geniuslink Dashboard.

    • 默认情况下,在您连接帐户并通过Geniuslink仪表板添加自己的帐户之前,将一直使用Geniuslink的关联ID。

    How is Geniuslink different?


    Most link “localization” plugins only translate a link for an international click when the same product ID exists in both storefronts.


    However, oftentimes the same item in different storefronts has a completely different product ID, and even if the ID is the same, the product may be an overpriced “import” item or may never be in stock.


    The Amazon Link Engine and Geniuslink match on more than just the product ID to ensure every click gets to the best possible destination.

    Amazon Link Engine和Geniuslink不仅在产品ID上匹配,还可以确保每次点击都能到达最佳目的地。

    So instead of sending your users to blank search results, we guarantee the best possible user experience.


    In addition, connecting your Geniuslink account to the Amazon Link Engine, gives you access to comprehensive reporting on clicks and commissions that no other plugin can offer.

    此外,通过将Geniuslink帐户连接到Amazon Link Engine,您可以访问有关其他插件无法提供的点击和佣金的综合报告。

    These reports allow you to review your link’s performance across many metrics including product type, referrer, browser, device, operating system, destination storefront, and geography.


    Is it safe to use this plugin and Geniuslink with the Amazon Associates program?

    将此插件和Geniuslink与Amazon Associates程序一起使用是否安全?



    Geniuslink is safe to use with the Amazon Associate program, and has been trusted by thousands of Amazon associates for years.

    Geniuslink可以安全地与Amazon Associate程序一起使用,并且多年以来一直受到成千上万的Amazon员工的信任。

    Just be sure to follow the program guidelines


    a> and do not use your links to deceive your visitors.


    Note that you can also enable our “on-click” method in the plugin advanced settings, which preserves your raw Amazon links until the moment they are clicked.

    请注意,您还可以在插件高级设置中启用我们的“ on-click”方法,该方法会保留您的原始Amazon链接,直到它们被单击为止。

    Some users prefer this method because the Amazon Associates Program has additional guidelines for using “short links”, and by using this option your links are shown in their original form.

    一些用户更喜欢这种方法,因为Amazon Associates计划还有使用“短链接”的其他准则,并且通过使用此选项,您的链接以其原始形式显示。

    Key Features:


      What makes the Amazon Link Engine different from other Affiliate WP plugins?

      Amazon Link Engine与其他Affiliate WP插件有何不同?

        • Most plugins for Amazon links simply try to match based on ASIN (product ID) across foreign storefronts.

        • 大多数用于Amazon链接的插件只是尝试在国外店面中基于ASIN(产品ID)进行匹配。

          The Amazon Link Engine uses a patented algorithm to get your users to the best possible destination.

        • Amazon Link Engine使用获得专利的算法将您的用户带到最佳目的地。

        • This in turn helps to both increase conversions and commissions, as well as improve the user experience for your audience.
        • 这反过来有助于增加转化次数和佣金,并改善受众的用户体验。

        • Unrivaled support from the Geniuslink team.
        • Geniuslink团队提供的无与伦比的支持。

        • No need to build links manually with a special link format.

        • 无需使用特殊的链接格式手动构建链接。

          All of your Amazon links are automatically converted to localized links when the page loads.

        • 页面加载时,您所有的Amazon链接都会自动转换为本地化链接。


There are three easy steps to get the most value from the Amazon Link Engine.

通过三个简单的步骤即可从Amazon Link Engine获得最大价值。

To install the plugin:


    1. Install the Amazon Link Engine plugin using the WordPress Plugin Installer above.
    2. 使用上面的WordPress插件安装程序安装Amazon Link Engine插件。

    3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in your WordPress Dashboard.
    4. 通过WordPress信息中心中的“插件”菜单激活插件。

    5. That’s it!

    6. 就是这样!

      Once activated, your Amazon links will automatically be localized for your international audience.

    7. 激活后,您的Amazon链接将自动为国际用户本地化。

    To connect your Geniuslink account:


      1. If you don’t have an account already, create a Geniuslink account.
      2. 如果您还没有帐户,请创建Geniuslink帐户

      3. After signing in, navigate to the Account tab and create a new API token.
      4. 登录后,导航至“帐户”标签并创建一个新的API令牌。

      5. Access the Amazon Link Engine Settings through the “Settings” tab within your WordPress dashboard.
      6. 通过WordPress仪表板中的“设置”选项卡访问Amazon Link Engine设置。

      7. Copy the API Key and API Secret into your Amazon Link Engine plugin.
      8. 将API密钥和API密钥复制到您的Amazon Link Engine插件中。

      Note: You are not required to have a Geniuslink account, to use this plugin.


      However, if you would like to earn international commissions, you must sign up for a Geniuslink Account.


      Try it out for free and check out pricing for the Geniuslink service on 免费试用,并在

      social.geni.us/lZlZ8AY" rel="nofollow">our website.

      social.geni.us/lZlZ8AY“ rel =” nofollow“>我们的网站。

      To earn international commissions:


        1. If you have already added your Associates IDs to your Geniuslink account, you’re good to go.
        2. 如果您已经将您的同事ID添加到您的Geniuslink帐户中,那就很好了。

        3. If you haven't already, sign up for the Amazon Associates programs you'd like to earn commissions from

        4. 如果您尚未注册,请注册 Amazon Associates计划

          (instructions on how to sign up can be found on our site



        5. )。

        6. Once approved for the various Amazon Associates programs, jump into your Geniuslink dashboard and click on “Affiliate” tab.

        7. 一旦获得各种Amazon Associates计划的批准,请跳至Geniuslink仪表板,然后单击“会员”选项卡。

          Then, click “Connect an affiliate program” button and paste in your IDs.


          Select the appropriate country, then click save.

        8. 选择适当的国家,然后单击保存。

        Once saved into the dashboard your links will start using the appropriate Associates IDs with each click.






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