[wordpress插件] Altima Lookbook Free for WooCommerce适用于WooCommerce的Altima Lookbook免费

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 22:50 581 0 全屏看文



Altima LookBook Free provides your online store with “Shop the look” experience.

Altima LookBook Free为您的在线商店提供“购买外观”体验。

First of all it is intended for online retailers who use WooCommerce.


To view demo visit http://wplookbook.u2.com.ua/


Altima Lookbooks Free for WooCommerce provides the next functionality:

适用于WooCommerce的Altima Lookbooks Free提供了以下功能:

    1. One slider.
    2. 一个滑块。

    3. Product name, link to product page, price and stock status in hotspot, also any link with text supported
    4. 产品名称,指向产品页面的链接,热点中的价格和库存状态,以及任何支持文本的链接

    5. Up to five slides .
    6. 最多五张幻灯片。

    7. Up to three hotspots per slide.
    8. 每张幻灯片最多三个热点。

    9. 2 flip and 2 fade transition effects.
    10. 2个翻转和2个淡入淡出过渡效果。

    11. Default link from each slide allows to define an URL linked with the areas of the slide not related with any hotspots, so effectively you can use Altima Lookbook Free as a simple slider.

    12. 每张幻灯片的默认链接允许定义一个URL,该URL链接到与任何热点都不相关的幻灯片区域,因此您可以有效地将Altima Lookbook Free用作简单的滑块。

      That default link is also clickable when a slider degrades to a simple gallery mode on small screens

    13. 当滑块在小屏幕上降级为简单的画廊模式时,也可以单击该默认链接

    14. Support of responsiveness – lookbook sliders are adaptive and resize according screen resolution
    15. 支持响应能力– Lookbook滑块是自适应的,可以根据屏幕分辨率调整大小

    16. Mobile and touchscreens friendly – support of gestures to slide the slides
    17. 移动和触摸屏友好–支持滑动幻灯片的手势

    There is a more advanced version of the plug-in with unlimited number of slides and sliders and other additional features available at https://shop.altima.net.au/woocommerce-lookbook-professional.html

    该插件有一个更高级的版本,具有无限数量的幻灯片和滑块以及其他附加功能,可在https://shop.altima.net.au/woocommerce-lookbook-professional.html 获得



      1. Installed WordPress version 4.0 or higher
      2. 已安装WordPress 4.0或更高版本

      3. Installed WooCommerce 2.3.0 or higher (Tested up to 3.0.1)
      4. 已安装WooCommerce 2.3.0或更高版本(已测试3.0.1)

      WordPress Lookbook Free step by step guide

      WordPress Lookbook Free分步指南

        1. Tab “Settings”


          “Uploaded file max size (bytes)” – set limit for max file size for uploading files.

          “上传文件的最大大小(字节)” –设置上传文件的最大文件大小限制。

          For example if you interred 20 000 000 it means – you can upload files with maximum file size up to 20 MB (megabytes)

          例如,如果您中断了2亿,则意味着–您可以上传最大文件大小不超过20 MB(兆字节)的文件

          “Allowed extensions” – string with comma separated file extensions allowed to upload.

          “允许的扩展名” –允许上传带有逗号分隔的文件扩展名的字符串。

          Example: png,gif,jpg,jpeg


          “Disallow hotspots areas overlap” – If “Yes”, will disallow hotspots areas overlap.

          “禁止热点区域重叠” –如果选择“是”,将禁止热点区域重叠。

        2. Tab “Lookbook Sliders”

          标签“ Lookbook滑块”

            • 2.1 Edit slider


              “Slider Name” – it’s required field to identify slider.

              “滑块名称” –标识滑块的必填字段。

              “Slider Width (px)” / “Slider Height (px)” – dimensions in pixels for slider, it’s required fields.

              “滑块宽度(px)” /“滑块高度(px)” –滑块的像素尺寸,必填字段。

              “Slider Thumbnail Width (px)” / “Slider Thumbnail Height (px)” – dimensions in pixels for slider thumbnails, it’s required fields too.

              “滑块缩略图宽度(px)” /“滑块缩略图高度(px)” –滑块缩略图的尺寸(以像素为单位),也是必填字段。

              “Transition effect” – you can select one or multiple effects (keep CTRL pressed) from the list.

              “过渡效果” –您可以从列表中选择一种或多种效果(按住CTRL键)。

              “Show navigation” – this option activate navigation layer under the pictures – and right arrows and stop/play button.

              “显示导航” –此选项可激活图片下方的导航层–以及向右箭头和“停止/播放”按钮。

              “Navigation on hover state only” – if “Yes” than navigation appears only if mouse will be over the slider area.

              “仅在悬停状态下导航” –如果“是”,则仅当鼠标悬停在滑块区域上时才会出现导航。

              “Show thumbnails” – control to show or hide thumbnails under the slides.

              “显示缩略图” –控制在幻灯片下显示或隐藏缩略图。

              “Deny resize images” – if you select “Yes” pictures will not resize after upload, it's have reason if you uploaded already prepared pictures for slider dimensions, otherwise for good result select option “No” and thumbnails will be resized automatically

              “拒绝调整图像大小” –如果选择“是”,则上传后图片将不会重新调整大小,这是因为您上传了已经准备好滑块尺寸的图片的原因,否则,为获得良好效果,请选择选项“否”,缩略图将自动调整大小


              “Pause” – time in milliseconds (1000 – 1s) before pictures will change, required fields.

              “暂停” –图片更改之前的时间(以毫秒为单位)(1000 – 1s),必填字段。

              “Transition duration” – time in milliseconds, sets the duration of transition between the slides.

              “过渡时间” –时间(以毫秒为单位),设置幻灯片之间的过渡时间。

              “Content Before” – text before slider.

              “内容之前” –滑块之前的文本。

              “Content After” – text after slider.

              “之后的内容” –滑块后的文字。

              “Status” – enable/disable slider publication.


              “Show Slide Caption” – showing caption on the slide.

              “显示幻灯片标题” –在幻灯片上显示标题。

              Note: If you change slider or thumbnail dimensions it affects all already uploaded pictures(of course if “Deny resize images” – in “No” state).

              注意:如果更改滑块或缩略图的尺寸,则会影响所有已上传的图片(当然,如果“拒绝调整图像大小” –处于“否”状态)。

            • 2.2 Manage Slides


              On this page placed ordered list of all slides.


                • 2.2.1 Add slide


                  “Name” – arbitrary text field, but required.


                  “Caption” – text for slide caption

                  “标题” –幻灯片标题的文本

                  “Order” – numeric field to assign the order of slides, lower order means priority to display


                  “Link” – default url address, for situation when user clicks outside hotspot areas or when the slider degraded to simple gallery.

                  “链接” –默认的URL地址,用于用户在热点区域之外单击或滑块降级为简单图片库时的情况。

                  Must start with http://.


                “Status” – enable/disable slide in slider.


                “Upload file” – field for picture files.

                “上传文件” –图片文件字段。

            • Hotspot point


                1. After slide image is uploaded, “Add Hotspot” button appears below the image


                2. Click to “Add Hotspot” to open dialog popup window, where you can select one of 2 type hotspot


                  a – Product page

                  a –产品页面

                  b – External page

                  b –外部页面

                3. For type “Product page” – you should input id of post, page or product from woocommerce shop plugin.


                  If page/product/post with this id doesn not exist, you will see warning message.


                4. For type “External page” – you should input right url link for external page and title for this link.


                5. In edit mode hotpoint is draggable so you can place it on any places on picture.


                6. Also you can resize area around hotspot, it’s area that activates hotspot for your website visitors


              1. Inserting the Slider


                  • 4.1 Inserting the Slider into the Post or Page.


                    You should use shortcode.


                    The shortcodes takes the following form:


                    [slider_render slider_id=”1″]

                    [slider_render slide_id =“ 1”]

                  • 4.2 Inserting the Slider into the template.


                    The shortcode can be easily inserted into a template/theme which corresponds to the WordPress standards.


                    It can be done by inserting the following shorcode:


                      <?php echo do_shortcode('[[slider_render slide_id =“ 1” admin = true]'); 



                    For shortcode possible 1 additional boolean parameter admin=true|false,

                    对于简码,可能还有1个额外的布尔参数admin = true | false,

                    if true – in slider will output all slides outside of slide parameter “Status”.



First download the ZIP file,


    1. Log in to your website administrator panel.
    2. 登录到您的网站管理员面板。

    3. Go to Plugins page, and add new plugin.
    4. 转到“插件”页面,然后添加新插件。

    5. Upload ZIP file with Lookbook free
    6. 免费使用Lookbook上载ZIP文件

    7. Depends on php mode (apache module, cgi, fpm-cgi) yo may need to check write permissions for folder /wp-content/uploads
    8. 取决于php模式(apache模块,cgi,fpm-cgi),您可能需要检查/ wp-content / uploads文件夹的写入权限

    9. Click Activate Plugin button.
    10. 点击激活插件按钮。

    You’re done!






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