[wordpress插件] AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam FilterAlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-16 18:40 605 0 全屏看文



The AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter provides interesting and unique captchas to enhance and secure your WordPress pages against spam and brute-force Admin logins.


The ANTI-SPAM FILTER containing customizable keywords and phrases blocks spam and filters posted user Comments for inappropriate content.

包含可自定义关键字和短语的 ANTI-SPAM FILTER (垃圾邮件过滤器)可阻止垃圾邮件并过滤发布的用户评论中的不当内容。

Additionally, the new SPAM COUNTER feature provides you with an indication of the nature and magnitude of the spamming activity directed against your WordPress pages.

此外,新的 SPAM COUNTER (垃圾邮件计数器)功能可为您指示针对WordPress页面的垃圾邮件活动的性质和严重程度。

This plugin can also thwart automated attacks against your WordPress Admin Log In area, thus safeguarding your WordPress site from nefarious Admin log-in attempts.

此插件还可以阻止针对您的WordPress 管理员登录区域的自动攻击,从而保护您的WordPress网站免遭恶意的管理员登录尝试。

Several Captcha Types are available, including:


    • Captcha Classica
    • Captcha Classica

    • Captcha Mathematica
    • Captcha Mathematica

    • Captcha Artistica
    • Captcha Artistica

    • Captcha Cinematica
    • Captcha Cinematica

    • Captcha Literacha
    • Captcha Literacha

    • Captcha Scientifica
    • Captcha Scientifica

    • Captcha Historica
    • 历史悠久的Captcha

    • Captcha Acronymica
    • Captcha Acronymica

    • Captcha Musica
    • 音乐验证码

    • Captcha Geographica
    • Captcha Geographica

    • Captcha Numerica
    • Captcha Numerica

    • Captcha Sportica
    • Captcha Sportica

    • Captcha Directa
    • Captcha Directa

    • Captcha Fashionica
    • Captcha Fashionica

    • Captcha Economica
    • Captcha Economica

    • Captcha Gastronomica
    • Captcha Gastronomica

    • Captcha Medica
    • Captcha Medica

    • Captcha Ecologica
    • Captcha Ecologica

    • Captcha Televisica
    • Captcha Televisica

    Additionally, when the Anti-Spam Filter of the plugin is active, all spam-related Comments and E-mails are blocked, and not sent to you.


    This saves you time by automatically stopping these annoying spam Comments and E-mails from cluttering your WordPress Dashboard, thus allowing you to devote your time to more important tasks.


    You can create your own Custom Anti-Spam Filter List to block all spam Comments from being sent to you.


    Enter as many spam-related keywords or phrases as you like.


    This gives you complete control over which Comments are blocked.


    Furthermore, you have the option of filtering any or all of the Comment Form elements for spam, including Name, E-mail,


    URL, and Comment / Message.

    URL 评论 / 消息



      • SPAM COUNTER to provide an indication of the spamming activity directed against your WordPress pages.


      • Captcha functionality can be placed on your WordPress Comment Form and WordPress Admin Log In area.

        验证码功能可以放在WordPress 注释表单和WordPress 管理员登录区域中。

      • Customizable Anti-Spam Filter allows you to completely block spam-related Comments.


      • Multiple captcha positions are possible on your WordPress Comment Form.

        您的WordPress 评论表上可以存在多个验证码位置。

      • Captcha images are clean, legible, visually appealing and interesting, thus enhancing the look of your WordPress posts.


      • A variety of captcha images are available for use, including:


      Captcha Classica

      Captcha Classica

      – A classic captcha that requires the user to enter various alphabetical and numerical characters.


      Captcha Mathematica

      Captcha Mathematica

      – A variation of the conventional captcha that requires the user to perform a simple mathematical task.


      Captcha Artistica

      Captcha Artistica

      – A creative captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the artist who created the work shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Cinematica

      Captcha Cinematica

      – A variant of the customary captcha that requires the user to enter the title of a well-known film.


      Captcha Literacha

      Captcha Literacha

      – A prosaic form of the traditional captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the writer responsible for the work shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Scientifica

      Captcha Scientifica

      – A mutation of the ubiquitous captcha that requires the user to enter an answer to a scientific question or quiz.


      Captcha Historica


      An alteration of the familiar captcha that requires the user to enter the name of a famous historical figure.


      Captcha Acronymica

      Captcha Acronymica

      – An instantiation of a captcha that requires the user to enter the words represented by a common acronym.


      Captcha Musica

      Captcha Musica

      – A harmonious captcha that requires the user to enter the musical term or instrument shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Geographica

      Captcha Geographica

      – A modification of the traditional captcha that requires the user to enter the name of a capital city or geographical place.


      Captcha Numerica

      Captcha Numerica

      – A unified rendering of an abstract captcha that requires the user to enter the number or numerical idea forming the basis of the word shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Sportica

      Captcha Sportica

      – A winning captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the sport practiced by the individual shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Directa

      Captcha Directa

      – The debut of a unique captcha genre that requires the user to enter the name of the film director responsible for the film shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Fashionica

      Captcha Fashionica

      – A stylish captcha that requires the user to enter the name of the fashion term or item depicted in the captcha.


      Captcha Economica

      Captcha Economica

      – A foreign exchange captcha that requires the user to name the country associated with the currency shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Gastronomica

      Captcha Gastronomica

      – A delectable captcha that requires the user to name the country of origin of the food item shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Medica

      Captcha Medica

      – A healthy and informative captcha that requires the user to enter the medical word or term shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Ecologica

      Captcha Ecologica

      – A geo-friendly and sustainable captcha that requires the user to enter the ecological word or term shown in the captcha.


      Captcha Televisica

      Captcha Televisica

      – A captcha for couch potatoes that requires the user to enter the name of the well-known TV program shown in the captcha.


      These captcha functions not only provide your WordPress posts with enhanced security, but have been thoughtfully designed to increase the overall appeal of your content to those viewing your posts.




        • Tested with WordPress 3.4 ~ 4.6.1

          经过WordPress 3.4〜4.6.1测试

        • Tested with a variety of WordPress Themes available from the WordPress Themes Repository, including:


            • Accent
            • 口音

            • Ameno
            • Ameno

            • Annotum Base
            • Annotum Base

            • Asokay
            • 好的

            • Avenue
            • 大道

            • Black with Orange
            • 黑色与橙色

            • Business Gure
            • 业务准则

            • Buttercream
            • 黄油奶油

            • Camp Maine
            • 缅因州营地

            • Comic Press
            • 漫画出版社

            • Coral Light
            • 珊瑚光

            • Corporate Prime
            • 企业Prime

            • Cloudpress
            • Cloudpress

            • Easel
            • 画架

            • Elicit
            • 引诱

            • Encase
            • 包装

            • Esquire
            • 时尚先生

            • Fluida
            • 佛罗里达

            • Frame Lite
            • Frame Lite

            • Hatch
            • 舱口盖

            • Hero
            • 英雄

            • Jomsom
            • Jomsom

            • Lagom
            • 拉各姆

            • Montezuma
            • 蒙特祖玛

            • News
            • 新闻

            • PageLines
            • PageLines

            • Panorama
            • 全景

            • Photolab
            • Photolab

            • Photoline Lite
            • Photoline Lite

            • Pinboard
            • Pinboard

            • Preferential Lite
            • 特惠精简版

            • Responsive
            • 响应式

            • Skylark
            • 云雀

            • Sliding Door
            • 移门

            • Sneak Lite
            • Sneak Lite

            • Suffusion
            • 充实

            • Toolbox
            • 工具箱

            • Twenty Eleven
            • 二十一

            • Twenty Fifteen
            • 二十五岁

            • Twenty Fourteen
            • 二十四岁

            • Twenty Sixteen
            • 二十六岁

            • Twenty Ten
            • 二十十

            • Vogue
            • 时尚

            • zBench
            • zBench

            • Zinnias Lite
            • 百日草精简版

            • and many more …
            • 还有更多……

          Configuration / Settings


          To configure the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin, click the ‘Settings’ item located beneath the ‘AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter’ plugin name in your list of plugins.

          要配置AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器插件,请在插件列表中单击“ AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器”插件名称下方的“设置”项。

          Alternatively, click the ‘AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter Settings’ item located below the WordPress ‘Plugins’ menu item.

          或者,点击位于WordPress“插件”菜单项下方的“ AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器设置”项。

          The ‘Plugins’ menu item is located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard.



    1. Install automatically by first clicking the WordPress ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’ menu item.


      The ‘Plugins’ and ‘Add New’ menu items are located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard.


      Then type ‘AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter’ as a search, and select to install the AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter plugin.

      然后输入“ AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器”作为搜索,然后选择安装AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器插件。

      Alternatively, you can manually download the 'alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam.zip' file from the WordPress AlphaOmega

      或者,您可以从WordPress AlphaOmega手动下载“ alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam.zip”文件。

      Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter site.


      Unpack the downloaded zip file, and install the plugin manually by uploading the ‘alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam’ folder into your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.

      解压缩下载的zip文件,然后通过将“ alphaomega-captcha-anti-spam”文件夹上载到“ / wp-content / plugins /”目录中来手动安装插件。

    2. Activate the plugin by clicking the WordPress 'Plugins' menu item (located on the left column of the WordPress Dashboard), and then clicking the 'Activate' link located below the 'AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter' item.<

      通过单击WordPress“插件”菜单项(位于WordPress仪表板的左列),然后单击位于“ AlphaOmega验证码和反垃圾邮件过滤器”项下方的“激活”链接来激活插件。


      / p>

    3. Installing Upgrades: To upgrade from versions 2.0 or below, you must first 'Deactivate' and then 'Delete' your current plugin prior to installing the latest version as described above in Step 1. For other versions, when you receive automatic notification


      by WordPress of an upgrade, select to install the upgrade when prompted.






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