[wordpress插件] Allpay AIO for WooCommerceWooCommerce的Allpay AIO

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WooCommerce / Green World All-round Gold Flow Plug-in

WooCommerce與在台灣最具規模的歐付寶第三方付款金流,只要一個外掛就輕鬆搞定! 豐富的設定選項、詳盡的資訊流程,讓您使用第三方收付更加的方便!

WooCommerce and Opel's largest third-party payment flow in Taiwan can be easily done with just one plug-in! Rich setting options and detailed information flow make it easier for you to use third-party payment!


Plug-in features

    • 支援綠界 您可選擇使用歐付寶金流或綠界金流收款
    • Support for the Green World You can choose to receive payments with Opel Gold Flow or Green World Flow

    • 免去繁複的安裝多個外掛,只要一個外掛就搞定! 支援信用卡、網路ATM、ATM自動櫃員機、超商代碼、超商條碼、支付寶、財付通、

    • No complicated installation of multiple plug-ins, just one plug-in! Supports credit cards, Internet ATMs, ATM ATMs, supermarket codes, supermarket barcodes, Alipay, TenPay,


    • Stored value consumption, family bar code save immediately

    • 自訂指示訊息 無論是已付款或未付款,您都可以自訂想要給顧客觀看的訊息,讓顧客了解您想要傳達的訊息,溝通沒煩惱!<

    • Custom instructions Whether you have paid or not, you can customize the message you want to show your customers, let them know what you want to communicate, and have no trouble communicating! <


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    • 商家電子郵件通知 顧客在下單後所送出的通知郵件,可顯示已付款或是未付款訊息
    • Merchant email notifications The notification email sent by the customer after placing an order can show the payment or non-payment message

    • 顧客電子郵件通知 顧客的電子郵件通知,可帶有ATM、超商代碼繳款訊息,方便顧客儲存紀錄,只要手機在手就可輕鬆付款
    • Customer email notifications Customers' email notifications can be accompanied by ATM and merchant code payment information, making it easy for customers to store records and make payments easily with their mobile phones

    • 顯示訂單資訊 在訂單資訊頁讓您了解顧客在金流下單後的基本資訊
    • Show order information The order information page allows you to understand the basic information of customers after placing an order in gold flow

    • 顧客下單完可觀看訂單資訊 顧客下單完後,可在到商店頁面看到當前的付款資訊,在成功付款後可即時顯示付款狀態,顧客大可不必

    • Customers can view the order information after placing an order. After the customer places an order, he can see the current payment information on the store page. After the successful payment, the payment status can be displayed immediately.


    • Check with the merchant to see if payment is received

    • 詳細的訂單紀錄 與金流來往的訊息皆會被紀錄下來,讓您了解當前訂單情形
    • Detailed order history All messages related to gold flow will be recorded to let you know the current order situation

    • 即時顯示訂單資訊 無論是時間、金額、已付款、未付款,您可以即時了解金流當前訂單狀態,不需到商家後台查詢訂單
    • Instant display of order information Whether it is time, amount, paid or unpaid, you can know the current order status of the gold flow in real time, without having to check the order at the merchant's back office

    • 可設定最低付款金額 擔心付款方式會增加成本嗎? 可設定最低付款金額,讓您增加整體收益
    • You can set a minimum payment amount Are you worried that the payment method will increase costs? You can set a minimum payment amount to increase your overall revenue

    • 自動更新付款方式標題 有別於只顯示金流主標題,您可以選擇是否要更新顧客所選擇的付款方式細項標題,讓您了解更詳細的付款方式<

    • Automatically update payment method title Instead of displaying only the main flow title, you can choose whether you want to update the customer ’s selected payment method title, so you know more detailed payment methods <


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    • 自動取消訂單 ATM付款、超商條碼、超商代收之訂單如果在期限內尚未付款,訂單自動取消,讓您不必煩惱是否需要時常檢查訂單期限

    • Automatic order cancellation If ATM payment, Super Business barcode, Super Business collection order has not been paid within the deadline, the order is automatically canceled, so you do not need to worry about whether you need to check the order deadline from time to time



    • 自訂繳費期限 可讓您找到跟顧客之間收付期限的平衡點
    • Custom payment deadlines allows you to find the balance between payment deadlines and customers

    • 排除付款方式 您可設定需要排除哪些付款方式,讓您的收款方式更加簡單
    • Exclude payment methods You can set which payment methods need to be excluded to make your payment method easier


    Watch more Featured introduction


    Version requirements

    WooCommerce 2.2 以上

    WooCommerce 2.2 +


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Automatic installation

    • 登入您的WordPress Admin
    • Sign in to your WordPress Admin

    • 點選左手邊選單的 “外掛 > 安裝外掛”
    • Click "Plugins> Install plugins" on the left-hand menu

    • 在搜尋框裡輸入 “Allpay AIO for WooCommerce”
    • Type "Allpay AIO for WooCommerce" in the search box

    • 在搜尋結果您可以看到 “Allpay AIO for WooCommerce” 按下 “立刻安裝” 來安裝外掛
    • You can see "Allpay AIO for WooCommerce" in the search results. Click "Install Now" to install the plugin.

    • 會跳出一個訊息框來讓您確認是否要安裝外掛
    • A message box will pop up to let you confirm whether you want to install the plugin

    • 按下”確定”來繼續安裝外掛,如果成功的話會顯示成功訊息,如果有問題的話也會通知您
    • Press "OK" to continue installing the plug-in. If successful, a success message will be displayed, and if there is a problem, you will be notified.

    • 如果成功安裝,按下”啟用”來啟用外掛
    • If the installation is successful, press "Enable" to enable the plugin

    • 到 WooCommerce->設定->結帳
    • Go to WooCommerce-> Settings-> Checkout

    • 按下子設定頁 “歐付寶/綠界全方位金流”
    • Click on the sub-setting page "Opelpay / Green World All-round Gold Flow"

    • 開始進行設定
    • Start setting

    Manual Installation

    Manual Installation

      1. 下載外掛壓縮檔
      2. Download the external zip file

      3. 登入您的WordPress Admin,點選左手邊選單的 “外掛 > 安裝外掛”
      4. Log in to your WordPress Admin, and click "Plugins> Install plugins" on the left-hand menu

      5. 按下上傳,然後選擇要上傳的壓縮檔案,按下 OK 然後 立即安裝
      6. Press upload, then select the compressed file to upload, press OK and install now

      7. 啟用外掛
      8. Enable plugins

      9. 到 WooCommerce->設定->結帳
      10. Go to WooCommerce-> Settings-> Checkout

      11. 按下子設定頁 “歐付寶/綠界全方位金流”
      12. Click on the sub-setting page "Opelpay / Green World All-round Gold Flow"

      13. 開始進行設定
      14. Start setting





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