[wordpress插件] Ali2Woo LiteAli2Woo Lite

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-15 13:40 1570 0 全屏看文






Want to launch your dropshipping store easily?


Looking for the best application for this?


Ali2Woo Lite is the dropshipping WordPress plugin for WooCommerce stores.

Ali2Woo Lite是用于WooCommerce商店的WordPress插件。

With Ali2Woo Lite, you get a solid toolset that helps you aim for that number one spot in the dropshipping market.

使用Ali2Woo Lite,您可以获得可靠的工具集,可帮助您瞄准直销市场中的第一名。

Ali2Woo: Dropshipping for everyone.


Below you`ll find a small sampling of the powers of Ali2Woo Lite:

在下面,您会发现Ali2Woo Lite的功能的一小部分样本:

Automate and simplify routine tasks


    • Import any products from AliExpress – easily import products from AliExpress.com directly into your store.
    • 从AliExpress导入任何产品–轻松地从AliExpress.com直接将产品导入您的商店。

    • Filter AliExpress content – add lists of phrases you want to be replaced or removed completely from content imported from AliExpress.
    • 过滤AliExpress内容–添加要从AliExpress导入的内容中完全替换或删除的短语列表。

    • Product customization – edit your products as you wish: change titles, descriptions, images, anything!
    • 产品定制–根据需要编辑产品:更改标题,说明,图像等!

    • Inventory and price auto-updates – know that your inventory and prices are always up to date.
    • 库存和价格自动更新–知道您的库存和价格始终是最新的。

    • Built-In Image Editor – edit images before pushing them to your store from AliExpress, and make changes to product images directly from the WordPress admin panel.
    • 内置图像编辑器–在将图像从AliExpress推送到商店之前进行编辑,然后直接从WordPress管理面板中对产品图像进行更改。

    • Pricing automations – create pricing rules, and price your products in bulk.
    • 定价自动化–创建定价规则,并对产品进行批量定价。

    • Filter products with ePacket – with the ePacket filter, import only the products with the fastest delivery times.
    • 使用ePacket过滤产品–使用ePacket过滤器,仅导入交货时间最快的产品。

    • Chrome extension – import products while browsing AliExpress using the free Chrome extension (it’s often updated, you can download it using this link)
    • Chrome扩展程序–在使用免费的Chrome扩展程序浏览AliExpress时导入产品(它经常更新,您可以使用此链接下载它)

    • Multi-currency pricing – import AliExpress prices in different currencies (USD, RUB, GBP, BRL, CAD, AUD, EUR, INR, UAH, JPY, MXN, IDR, TRY, SEK)
    • 多币种定价–以不同的货币(USD,RUB,GBP,BRL,CAD,AUD,EUR,INR,UAH,JPY,MXN,IDR,TRY,SEK)导入AliExpress价格

    • [Premium] Fulfill and track orders automatically – have your orders shipped directly to your customers in just a few clicks and sync the tracking codes automatically.
    • [高级] 自动执行和跟踪订单–只需单击几下即可将您的订单直接发送给客户,并自动同步跟踪代码。

    • [Premium] Order fulfillment in the bulk mode
    • [高级] 以批量模式执行订单

    • [Premium] Product variations – offer different variations of your products, such as multiple sizes, colors, materials, and more.
    • [Premium] 产品变体–提供产品的不同变体,例如多种尺寸,颜色,材料等。

    • [Premium] Splitting product variations into separate simple products.
    • [高级] 将产品变体分为单独的简单产品。

    • [Premium] AliExpress shipping methods and shipping price markups – easily load product shipping methods from AliExpress, show them on your website frontend and set your markups if needed
    • [Premium] AliExpress运送方式和运送价格标记–轻松从AliExpress加载产品运送方式,在网站前端显示它们,并在需要时设置标记

    • [Premium] Product reviews – engage your customers and encourage sales with the option to import reviews in your site directly from AliExpress.

    • [高级] 产品评论–吸引您的客户并鼓励销售,并可以选择直接从AliExpress导入您网站中的评论。

      Translate option – import products and reviews in different AliExpress languages (English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Indonesian, Turkish, Vietnamese)

    • 翻译选项–以不同的速卖通语言(英语,阿拉伯语,德语,西班牙语,法语,意大利语,波兰语,日语,韩语,荷兰语,葡萄牙语,俄语,泰语,印尼语,土耳其语,越南语)导入产品和评论

    • [Premium] Aliexpress dropshipping business & affiliate marketing – with Ali2Woo (AliExpress dropshipping plugin) you can sell products as dropshipper and/or using AliExpress (Admitad) Affiliate Key.
    • [高级] Aliexpress代销业务和会员营销–借助Ali2Woo(AliExpress代销插件),您可以将产品作为代销商和/或使用AliExpress(Admitad)会员密钥销售。

    • [Premium] Cash-Back system – earn an additional affiliate commission to your main dropshipping source of income using AliExpress Portal or Admitad Network
    • [Premium] 现金返还系统–使用AliExpress Portal或Admitad Network为您的主要直销收入来源赚取额外的会员佣金

    Big advantages of Ali2Woo Lite plugin

    Ali2Woo Lite插件的巨大优势








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