[wordpress插件] AGP Font Awesome CollectionAGP字体超赞系列

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-12 06:40 594 0 全屏看文






The plugin allows to integrate the Font Awesome icons to Your WordPress website.

该插件允许将Font Awesome图标集成到您的WordPress网站。

With this plugin you can use various types of the Font Awesome based icons, buttons etc. using simple shortcodes with flexible parameters or the Visual Constructor for a lazy.

使用此插件,您可以使用各种类型的基于Font Awesome的图标,按钮等,并使用带有灵活参数的简单短代码或使用Visual Constructor进行懒惰。

WordPress Developers also can find with this plugin some useful features for usage within the code.


You can find Live Demo and 实时演示

//www.profosbox.com/agp-font-awesome-collection/documentation/" rel="nofollow">Documentation on the plugin site.

//www.profosbox.com/agp-font-awesome-collection/documentation/“ rel =” nofollow“>文档在插件站点上。

New Features


    • You can change the color of the icons, text and background on mouse hover with help of the additional parameters of visual constructor
    • 您可以借助可视构造函数的附加参数来更改鼠标悬停时图标,文本和背景的颜色

    • You can use the Font Awesome Icons in the WordPress menu.

    • 您可以在WordPress菜单中使用“真棒字体”图标。

      At first, You must enable “Menu Icons” module on the plugin settings page in the Admin Panel.


      Then go to the Appearance > Menus and select necessary menu.


      For each menu item you can find additional drop-down list with the FA icons.

    • 对于每个菜单项,您都可以找到带有FA图标的其他下拉列表。

    Plugin Features


      • Install and activate the plugin.

      • 安装并激活插件。

        That’s all you need to start using 675 Font Awesome 4.7.0 icons on Your website;

      • 这就是您开始在您的网站上开始使用 675 Font Awesome 4.7.0图标所需的全部;

      • Font Awesome icons can be used as simple HTML code or

      • Font Awesome图标可以用作简单的 HTML代码


      • “ https://wordpress.org/plugins/agp-font-awesome-collection/faq/”>短代码;

      • You can add any of the Font Awesome icons and use it as simple icon, icon with text, icon button, icon button with text and easy customize it for your needs;
      • 您可以添加任何“真棒字体”图标并将其用作简单图标,带文本的图标,图标按钮,带文本的图标按钮,并可以根据需要轻松自定义它; ​​

      • All shortcodes can be used via Administrator Panel in TinyMCE editor area and directly in code;
      • 所有短代码都可以通过TinyMCE编辑器区域中的“管理员面板”使用,也可以直接在代码中使用;

      • For buttons can be added URL attribute that can lead to a page, an external site or a social networks profile.

      • 可以为按钮添加URL属性,该属性可以指向页面,外部站点或社交网络配置文件。

        You can use this feature for a personal promotion, downloads link, donation etc.;

      • 您可以使用此功能进行个人宣传,下载链接,捐赠等;

      • The plugin has some additional features for advertise and promotion on Your website;
      • 该插件具有一些其他功能,可在您的网站上做广告和促销;

      • Minimum required PHP version is 5.3.0;
      • 所需的最低PHP版本为 5.3.0 ;

      Visual Constructor


      You can add icons and buttons just in few clicks with the visual shortcodes constructor in TinyMCE editor.


      Just push small button with “FA” icon at the top panel of editor and select needed parameters in popup window.

      只需按一下编辑器顶部面板上带有“ FA”图标的小按钮,然后在弹出窗口中选择所需的参数即可。

      Personal Shortcodes


      You can create you own shortcodes in the Administrator Panel on the “Shortcodes” page and use it within Visual Constructor for different pages or posts as many times as needed.

      您可以在“短代码”页面上的“管理员面板”中创建自己的短代码,并根据需要在Visual Constructor中将其用于不同的页面或帖子。

      Shortcode Container


      Shortcode Container can be used as a wrapper for a custom shortcode for alignment it on a page.


      Just create your own shortcode with any elements in the Administrator Panel on the “Shortcodes” page and select it in Visual Constructor as parameter for “Shortcode Container” element.

      只需在“ Shortcodes”页面上的“管理员面板”中使用任何元素创建您自己的简码,然后在Visual Constructor中将其选择为“ Shortcode Container”元素的参数。



      Slider – is a set of small animated information blocks with Font Awesome icon, headline, description and link to URL.

      滑块 –是一组带有Font Awesome图标,标题,描述和URL链接的小型动画信息块。

      You can create and configure own sliders in the Administrator Panel on the “Sliders” page.


      Each slider is attached to a personal shortcode and can be used via Administrator Panel in TinyMCE editor areas and directly in code.


      Also You can use Your slider in the “AGP Font Awesome Promotion Slider” widget.

      您也可以在“ AGP字体超赞促销滑块”小部件中使用“滑块”。

      The slider is supported for mobile devices!


      Promotion Widget


      You can use “AGP Font Awesome Promotion” widget for advertise and promotion.

      您可以使用“ AGP Font Awesome Promotion”小部件进行广告和促销。

      You can create and show small animated information block in sidebar, that contains Font Awesome icon, headline, description and link to URL.

      您可以在侧边栏中创建并显示小的动画信息块,其中包含Font Awesome图标,标题,描述和URL链接。

      Also You can setup colors for text and background of the widget content.


      The widget is supported for mobile devices!


      Promotion Slider Widget


      You can use “AGP Font Awesome Promotion Slider” widget for advertise and promotion.

      您可以使用“ AGP字体超赞促销滑块”小部件进行广告和促销。

      You can create and show small animated information block in sidebar, that contains Your personal slider with Font Awesome icons, headlines, descriptions and links to URL.


      The widget is supported for mobile devices!


      Features for Developers


        • Specific Font Awesome Version shortcode allows to show current Font Awesome version, e.g.

        • Specific Font Awesome Version简短代码允许显示当前的Font Awesome版本,例如

          for your own plugin.

        • 自己的插件。

        • As developer, you can add dropdown with the Font Awesome icons list and use it for your purpose.
        • 作为开发人员,您可以添加带有Font Awesome图标列表的下拉列表,并用于您的目的。

        • For developers are available some object and classes that implement convenient and flexible methods for access to Font Awesome icons properties.
        • 为开发人员提供了一些对象和类,它们实现了方便且灵活的方法来访问Font Awesome图标属性。

        • You can add the Font Awesome Icon and position of this icon for each terms of any taxonomy or category and use this parameters in PHP and HTML code.
        • 您可以为任何分类法或类别的每个术语添加Font Awesome图标和此图标的位置,并在PHP和HTML代码中使用此参数。

        Looking for more info?


        More info you can find on the screenshots and 屏幕截图

        //wordpress.org/plugins/agp-font-awesome-collection/faq/">FAQ tabs.

        //wordpress.org/plugins/agp-font-awesome-collection/faq /“>常见问题解答标签。

        Also You can find Live Demo and 实时演示

        ://www.profosbox.com/agp-font-awesome-collection/documentation/" rel="nofollow">Documentation on the plugin site.

        插件网站上的://www.profosbox.com/agp-font-awesome-collection/documentation/“ rel =” nofollow“>文档。

        How to use visual constructor


        "}]; jQuery(function(){ $("#article_content").find("a").each(function(){ var url = $(this).attr("href"); for(var i=0;i"+c+"

        "); } } }) })