[wordpress插件] Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel by AuSoftAuSoft的Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-12 05:40 626 0 全屏看文






Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel hooks the [gallery] shortcode with attribute type="carousel" in order to show a Bootstrap Carousel based on the selected images and their titles and descriptions.

/ javascript /#carousel“ rel =” nofollow“> Bootstrap Carousel (基于所选图片及其标题和描述)。

This plugin assumes either your theme includes the necessary Bootstrap javascript and CSS files to display the carousel properly, or that you have included those files on your own.

此插件假定您的主题包含必要的Bootstrap javascript和CSS文件以正确显示轮播,或者您自己包含了这些文件。

It will not include the files for you, so if they are not present, the carousel will not work and you will only obtain its bare HTML.


Basic example:


[gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59"]

  [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59”]

Required attributes:


    • type: it needs to be type="carousel".
    • type :它必须为 type =“ carousel”

    • ids: you must provide a list of ids corresponding to attachments, like ids="1,2,3".

    • ids :您必须提供与附件相对应的 ids 列表,例如 ids =“ 1,2,3”



    Otherwise, the default [gallery] shortcode function will be processed instead of this plugin’s one.

    否则,将处理默认的 [gallery] 短代码功能,而不是此插件的功能。

    Optional attributes:


      • name: any name.

      • 名称:任意名称。

        String will be sanitize to be used as an HTML ID.

        字符串将被清理以用作HTML ID。

        Recommended when you want to have more than one carousel in the same page.


        Default: agnosia-bootstrap-carousel.

        默认值: agnosia-bootstrap-carousel

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" name="myCarousel"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” name =“ myCarousel”]

      • indicators: indicators position.

      • 指标:指标位置。

        Accepted values: before-inner, after-inner, after-control, false (hides indicators).

        接受的值:内在内在后控制 false (隐藏指示符)。

        Default: before-inner.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" indicators="after-inner"]

      • 例如: [画廊类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” indicator =“后内部”]

      • width: carousel container width, in px or %.

      • width :轮播容器宽度,以 px 为单位。

        Default: not set.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" width="800px"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” width =“ 800px”]

      • height: carousel item height, in px or %.

      • height :轮播项目的高度,以 px 为单位。

        Default: not set.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" height="400px"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” height =“ 400px”]

      • titletag: define HTML tag for image title.

      • titletag :定义图像标题的HTML标签。

        Default: h4.

        默认值: h4

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" titletag="h2"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” titletag =“ h2”]

      • wpautop: auto-format text.

      • wpautop :自动格式化文本。

        Default: true.

        默认值: true

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" wpautop="false"]

      • 示例: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” wpautop =“ false”]

      • title: show or hide image title.

      • title :显示或隐藏图像标题。

        Set false to hide.

        false 设置为隐藏。

        Default: true.

        默认值: true

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" title="false"]

      • 示例: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” title =“ false”]

      • text: show or hide image text.

      • 文本:显示或隐藏图像文本。

        Set false to hide.

        false 设置为隐藏。

        Default: true.

        默认值: true

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" text="false"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” text =“ false”]

      • containerclass: extra class for carousel container.

      • containerclass :轮播容器的额外类。

        Default: not set.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" containerclass="container"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” containerclass =“ container”]

      • itemclass: extra class for carousel item.

      • itemclass :轮播项目的额外类。

        Default: not set.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" itemclass="container"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” itemclass =“ container”]

      • captionclass: extra class for item caption.

      • captionclass :项目标题的额外类。

        Default: not set.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" captionclass="container"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” captionclass =“ container”]

      • control: control arrows display.

      • control :显示控制箭头。

        Accepted values: true (to show), false (to hide).

        接受的值: true (显示), false (隐藏)。

        Default: true.

        默认值: true

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" control="false"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” control =“ false”]

      • interval: the amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item.

      • interval :自动循环项目之间的延迟时间。

        If false, carousel will not automatically cycle.

        如果 false ,则轮播不会自动循环。

        Default: 5000.

        默认值: 5000

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" interval="2000"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” interval =“ 2000”]

      • pause: pauses the cycling of the carousel on mouseenter and resumes the cycling of the carousel on mouseleave.

      • pause :暂停在mouseenter上的轮播循环,并在mouseleave上恢复轮播的循环。

        Default: “hover”.


        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" interval="hover"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” interval =“ hover”]

      • size: size for image attachment.

      • size :图像附件的大小。

        Accepted values: thumbnail, medium, large, full.


        Default: full.


        See wp_get_attachment_image_src() for further reference.

        请参阅 wp_get_attachment_image_src()以获取更多参考。

        Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" size="full"]

      • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” size =“ full”]

      Native supported attributes:


        • orderby: Alternative order for your images.

        • orderby :图像的替代顺序。

          Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" orderby="rand"]

        • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” orderby =“ rand”]

        • link: where your image titles will link to.

        • 链接:图像标题将链接到的位置。

          Accepted values: file, none and empty.


          An empty value will link to your attachment’s page.


          Example: [gallery type="carousel" ids="61,60,59" link="file"]

        • 例如: [图库类型=“ carousel” ids =“ 61,60,59” link =“ file”]



        This plugin offers hooks for actions and filters, so you can modify its functionality or add your own.


        Action hooks:


          • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_before_init: Do something before the carousel is loaded.
          • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_before_init :在轮播加载之前执行一些操作。

          • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_init: Do something after the carousel is loaded.
          • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_init :在轮播加载后执行一些操作。

          Filter hooks:


            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_attributes: Modify the attributes passed to the shortcode.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_attributes :修改传递给短代码的属性。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_posts: Modify the $post objects that the shortcode is using.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_posts :修改简码正在使用的 $ post 对象。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_container_style: Modify the carousel container style.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_container_style :修改轮播容器样式。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_item_style: Modify the style of the carousel items.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_item_style :修改轮播项目的样式。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_output: Modify the full HTML output of the carousel.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_output :修改轮播的完整HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_container: Modify the HTML output of the carousel container tag.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_container :修改轮播容器标签的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_inner: Modify the HTML output of the carousel inner tag.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_inner :修改轮播内部标签的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_caption_container: Modify the HTML output of the caption container tag.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_caption_container :修改字幕容器标签的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_img_container: Modify the HTML output of the image container tag.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_img_container :修改图像容器标签的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_img: Modify the HTML output of the item image tag.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_img :修改商品图片标签的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_excerpt: Modify the HTML output of the image caption.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_excerpt :修改图像标题的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_indicators: Modify the HTML output of the indicators element.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_indicators :修改指标元素的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_control: Modify the HTML output of the control element.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_control :修改控件元素的HTML输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_javascript: Modify the output of the carousel Javascript.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_javascript :修改轮播Javascript的输出。

            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_make_array: Modify the list of $post IDs that the carousel is using.
            • agnosia_bootstrap_carousel_make_array :修改该轮播使用的 $ post ID列表。



            You can make suggestions and submit your own modifications to this plugin on Github.<

            您可以在 Github 上提出建议并提交对此插件的自己的修改。


            / p>

            For more information, visit our website.



    1. Unzip agnosia-bootstrap-carousel.zip and upload the agnosia-bootstrap-carousel folder to your /wp-content/plugins/

    2. 解压 agnosia-bootstrap-carousel.zip 并将其上传到您的 / wp-content / plugins / 文件夹中


    3. 目录。

    4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu into WordPress admin area.
    5. 通过“插件”菜单将插件激活到WordPress管理区域。

    6. Start using the [gallery] shortcode to show a Bootstrap

    7. 开始使用 [gallery] 短代码显示 Bootstrap


    8. 轮播。








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