[wordpress插件] AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area TabsAffiliateWP –会员区域标签

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-10 21:40 590 0 全屏看文






This plugin requires AffiliateWP in order to function.

此插件需要 AffiliateWP 才能起作用。

Affiliate Area Tabs allows you to add custom tabs to AffiliateWP’s Affiliate Area.


Each tab is linked to a WordPress page making it exceptionally easy to add and manage the tab’s content.


Pages assigned to a tab are only viewable to affiliates.


Affiliate Area Tabs allows you to:


    1. Add new custom tabs to your Affiliate Area
    2. 将新的自定义标签添加到您的会员区域

    3. Reorder any tab via drag and drop
    4. 通过拖放对任何标签重新排序

    5. Hide tabs from appearing on the front-end Affiliate Area
    6. 隐藏选项卡,使其不显示在前端会员区域

    7. Manage tabs added by other AffiliateWP add-ons (Direct Link Tracking, Show Affiliate Coupons, Order Details For Affiliates)
    8. 管理其他AffiliateWP插件添加的标签(直接链接跟踪,显示会员优惠券,会员的订单明细)

    Here are just some of the things you could do:


      1. Add a “Request Payout” tab and then insert a form.

      2. 添加“请求付款”标签,然后插入表格。

        Your affiliates can now request that they be paid at any time.

      3. 您的会员现在可以随时要求他们付款。

      4. Add a “Contact” tab and insert a contact form.

      5. 添加“联系方式”标签并插入联系表格。

        Your affiliates can now contact you from the Affiliate Area.

      6. 您的会员现在可以从会员区域与您联系。

      7. Add a “FAQs” tab and insert some common questions and answers for your affiliates.
      8. 添加“常见问题”标签,并为您的会员插入一些常见问题和答案。

      9. Add an “Important Dates” tab and list some special dates and promotions for your affiliates to remember.
      10. 添加“重要日期”标签,并列出一些特殊的日期和促销活动,以便您的会员记住。

      11. Add a “URLs” tab and list some special URLs (landing pages or product pages) for your affiliates.

      12. 添加一个“ URL”标签,并为您的会员列出一些特殊的URL(登录页面或产品页面)。

        You can even show their own referral URL using AffiliateWP’s [affiliate_referral_url] shortcode.

      13. 您甚至可以使用AffiliateWP的[affiliate_referral_url]简码显示他们自己的推荐网址。

      14. Add a “Leaderboard” tab and insert an affiliate leaderboard, using the AffiliateWP Leaderboard

      15. 使用“ AffiliateWP排行榜,添加“排行榜”标签并插入会员排行榜


      16. 插件。

      17. Add a “News” tab and share important news with your affiliates (or link to other blog posts).
      18. 添加“新闻”标签,并与您的会员共享重要新闻(或链接到其他博客文章)。

      19. Add an “Affiliate Brand Assets” or “Downloadables” tab, and add documents or images from your WordPress Media Library that don’t suit the existing Creatives tab.
      20. 添加“会员品牌资产”或“可下载内容”标签,然后从WordPress媒体库中添加不适合现有“广告素材”标签的文档或图像。

      What is AffiliateWP?


      AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress

      AffiliateWP 为您的WordPress网站提供了完整的会员管理系统,该系统可与所有主要WordPress无缝集成

      e-commerce and membership platforms.


      It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.



    1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
    2. 将此插件zip文件的全部内容解压缩到本地的 wp-content / plugins / 文件夹中

    3. Upload to your site
    4. 上传到您的网站

    5. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP Admin plugin page)
    6. 导航到您网站上的 wp-admin / plugins.php (您的WP Admin插件页面)

    7. Activate this plugin
    8. 激活此插件

    9. Go to Affiliates → Settings → Affiliate Area Tabs to configure the tabs (or removing the existing ones)
    10. 转到“会员”→“设置”→“会员区域标签”以配置标签(或删除现有标签)

    11. View the new tabs by visiting the Affiliate Area page on the front-end of your website.

    12. 通过访问网站前端的“会员专区”页面查看新标签。

      This is the page defined as the “Affiliate Area” at Affiliates → Settings → General

    13. 这是在会员→设置→常规下定义为“会员区域”的页面

    OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and type this plugin’s name

    或者您可以直接通过WordPress >> Add New >>并输入此插件的名称来将其安装在WordPress中








钻级赞助商 我要加入



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