[wordpress插件] Affiliate Easel for Amazon亚马逊会员画架

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-10 04:00 653 0 全屏看文






Affiliate Easel for Amazon helps add affiliate links, images, prices and related data to your WordPress site.Affiliate Easel for Amazon is a tool to help you include affiliate links, images, prices and related data easily in your WordPress site.


In addition to inserting quickly within posts, you can install a search widget to search Amazon from any page.


You can create multi-page categories or featured product pages, with varying levels of details.


Verison 1 supports only the US Locale of the Product Advertising API.

Verison 1仅支持产品广告API的美国区域设置。

Future versions will add more Locales.


Join fellow Affiliate Easel users in funding this plug-in


Most Affiliate Easel users contribute affiliate links for a few minutes each hour to fund this plug-in.


(Thank you!)


It’s an effortless way to fund further development of this plug-in.




Affiliate Easel for Amazon uses shortcodes to insert data in posts.


At it’s simplest, simply type [az_easel item=”0789746344″] into a post where you want the amazon item to appear.

最简单的方法是,在要显示亚马逊商品的帖子中键入[az_easel item =” 0789746344”]。

(The item within quotes is the Amazon ASIN number found on the Amazon page or within the URL.) If you want to show more than one item, separate the item numbers with a “,’ and no spaces.

(引号中的项目是在Amazon页面上或URL中找到的Amazon ASIN号。)如果要显示多个项目,请用“,”分隔项目号,不要使用空格。

E.g.: [az_easel item=”B004A8ZRB0,B004A8ZRBA”]

例如:[az_easel item =” B004A8ZRB0,B004A8ZRBA”]

To show a page from a particular category with up to 10 items, the shortcode would look like this:


[az_easel node=”1000″ index=”Books”]

[az_easel node =“ 1000” index =“ Books”]

The node comes from an Amazon URL.

该节点来自Amazon URL。

The Category is also required.


See http://bookspree.com/easel/ for a complete list of categories.

有关类别的完整列表,请参见 http://bookspree.com/easel/

Shortcodes have a default appearance set in the the “Settings” / “Affiliate Easel for Amazon” menu in your dashboard.

在您的信息中心的“设置” /“亚马逊会员画架”菜单中,短代码具有默认外观。

You can customize the appearance and inclusion of various elements by using additional parameters in the shortcode.


See http://bookspree.com/easel/ for complete information and additional shortcodes.

有关完整的信息和其他短代码,请参见 http://bookspree.com/easel/


See the official widget site for more complete installation instructions.


    1. Upload the Affiliate Easel plugin to your WordPress site.

    2. 将会员画架插件上传到您的WordPress网站。

      (Use the “Plugins” – “Add New” in your WordPress dashboard or unzip it in your /wp-content/plugins/ folder)

    3. (使用WordPress信息中心中的“插件”-“添加新”或将其解压缩到/ wp-content / plugins /文件夹中)

    4. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
    5. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    6. Enter your Amazon affiliate ID and developer keys through the “Settings” / “Affiliate Easel for Amazon” menu in your dashboard.

    7. 通过仪表板中的“设置” /“亚马逊会员画架”菜单输入您的亚马逊会员ID和开发人员密钥。

    Now you are ready to use shortcodes to create links and categories.


    To add data about a single item:


      1. Open a post in your WordPress dashboard and choose the “HTML” tab.
      2. 在WordPress信息中心中打开帖子,然后选择“ HTML”标签。

      3. Where you want the item, type a shortcode like this: [az_easel item=”0789746344″] (The item number is the Amazon ASIN code from the item’s page on Amazon.)
      4. 在需要该物品的地方,输入以下简短代码:[az_easel item =” 0789746344”](物品编号是来自亚马逊商品页面上的Amazon ASIN代码。)

      Add the search widget to search Amazon from all pages.


        1. Create a new Page (not a post but a page) using your dashboard and add the shortcode: [az_easel node=”1000″ index=”Books”] (There are other categories/pages you can use but this is a

        2. 使用仪表板创建一个新页面(不是帖子,而是页面)并添加短代码:[az_easel node =” 1000” index =” Books”](您可以使用其他类别/页面,但这是一个

          good start.)

        3. 好的开始。)

        4. Go to the dashboard Appearance/Widgets screen.

        5. 转到仪表板的“外观/小部件”屏幕。

        6. Drag the “Affilaite Easel Search” Widget to a widget area and choose the name of the page you just created.

        7. 将“ Affilaite Easel搜索”窗口小部件拖动到窗口小部件区域,然后选择刚创建的页面的名称。

          Add a title if you wish.

        8. 如果需要,可以添加标题。

        9. Be sure to choose “Save” in the widget.

        10. 确保在小部件中选择“保存”。

          The search widget will now appear on every page and search results will display on the page you created and chose.

        11. 现在,搜索小部件将出现在每个页面上,搜索结果将显示在您创建和选择的页面上。

        Add a search form to any individual post or page.


          1. Create a new page (not post) in wordpress and and choose the “HTML” tab.
          2. 在wordpress中创建一个新页面(不发布),然后选择“ HTML”标签。

          3. Type [easel_search] where you want the search bar (usually the first thing in the page)
          4. 输入[easel_search]您想要搜索栏的位置(通常是页面中的第一件事)

          5. You can type a node-shortcode on the same page like [az_easel node=”1000″ index=”Books”] to provide a default results container.
          6. 您可以在同一页面上键入节点短代码,例如[az_easel node =” 1000” index =” Books”],以提供默认结果容器。

          7. Alternately, you can type [easel_search page=http://myblog.com/shop/] to show results on a different page.

          8. 或者,您可以键入[easel_search page = http://myblog.com/shop/]在其他页面上显示结果。

          9. You can optionally type [easel_search select=Books] to cause a specific category to be selected in the search bar.
          10. 您可以选择键入[easel_search select = Books]以在搜索栏中选择特定的类别。








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