[wordpress插件] WordPress Reviews PluginWordPress评论插件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-09 21:00 612 0 全屏看文






WordPress Reviews Plugin that gives you total control over which reviews show on your website.


Goals of the project are…


1. Create nice looking testimonials from happy customers


2. If someone is unhappy, learn why, and work to make it right


3. Measure Net Advocate Scores similar to other systems of standardized customer satisfaction


4. Measure both micro (i.e. a single customer support session) or macro (your business as a whole) using tags


For now, this is free.


We will make this a paid product soon, but for now, we hope it helps.


Example Installs


– https://www.platinumfinancinggroup.comeviews

– https://www.platinumfinancinggroup.comeviews

– https://ocreverse.comeviews (TIP: Add a Feature Image and photo will show up)

– https://ocreverse.comeviews(提示:添加功能图片和照片将会显示)

– https://360realestategroup.comeviews

– https://360realestategroup.comeviews

More Details


1. Generates Reviews Forms (1-5 stars or 0-10 rating)


2. If the user is happy (good review) helps them spread the word, get referrals, cycle stories back into marketing, and pre-flood (firewall) good reviews to protect against online reputation attacks


3. If the user is unhappy (bad review), it opens a helpdesk ticket (on SwiftCloud) so you can try to make it right, hopefully before the user complains all over the web, damaging your reputation.


This will help you generate real reviews from your customer, because unhappy people are 800% (8x) more likely to talk online.


You can create microformats (little stars on google), get reviews in a variety of styles (0 to 10 rating, or 1-5 stars, etc.) in a variety of ways.


This plugin is 100% free, but some power-user and business features will eventually require a paid SwiftCloud account.


For now, it’s all free, and early users will get a discount when we do start charging.


This Reputation Management system will…


    1. Easily generate customer satisfaction surveys in a variety of styles
    2. 轻松生成各种样式的客户满意度调查

    3. For happy customers, easily add one-click sharing of that review to help word spread.

    4. 对于满意的客户,轻松添加该评论的一键式共享以帮助传播信息。

      The goal is make it easy to share on facebook, google, yelp, etc.

    5. 我们的目标是使其易于在Facebook,Google,Yelp等上共享。

    6. For unhappy customers, open a trouble ticket in SwiftTasks / SwiftHelpDesk so you can try to make it right.
    7. 对于不满意的客户,请在SwiftTasks / SwiftHelpDesk中打开故障单,以便您尝试解决问题。

    8. See some basic reporting and rolling averages, so you can track score.
    9. 查看一些基本的报告和滚动平均值,因此您可以跟踪得分。

    10. You can optionally create sub-categories and get reviews for just that category if you like – category could be a certain worker, product, business location… whatever you want to track individually.
    11. 您可以根据需要选择创建子类别并获得该类别的评论-类别可以是某个工人,产品,营业地点……您想单独跟踪的任何东西。

    Paid features…


      1. More options on everything – anonymous forms, more styles,
      2. 所有内容的更多选项-匿名表单,更多样式,

      3. Viral Marketing software.

      4. 病毒式营销软件。

        Each shared review has a tracking URL so you can see top influencers and ambassadors

      5. 每个共享的评论都有一个跟踪URL,因此您可以看到最有影响力的人和大使

      6. Referrals and automation to both referrer and referrals of sequences using SwiftCloud’s MAGNET autoresponders
      7. 使用SwiftCloud的MAGNET自动回复器对引荐来源和序列的引荐和自动化

      8. Optionally add a Photo / Video contest for users to, say, tag you in an instagram photo to win a prize, or upload a video testimonial which you can use in marketing
      9. (可选)为用户添加照片/视频比赛,例如,在instagram照片中为您添加标签以赢得奖赏,或上传可用于营销的视频推荐书

      10. More advanced options for publishing reviews i.e. certain categories only (i.e. for a specific help agent, specific franchise location, etc.)
      11. 用于发布评论的更高级的选项,即仅针对某些类别(即针对特定的帮助代理,特定的特许经营地点等)

      Enterprise Options


        1. Scheduled Purging (for site performance & large scale data, as well as medical HIPAA data handling rules)
        2. 计划的清除(用于站点性能和大规模数据以及医疗HIPAA数据处理规则)

        3. Variable Rolling Averages, or time-window based averages i.e. 90 day average or last 30 votes averages.
        4. 可变滚动平均值或基于时间窗口的平均值,即90天平均值或最近30票平均值。

        5. API to track nonresponders – a non-response score varies by organization but is usually somewhere “passive” or lower.

        6. 用于跟踪无响应者的API –无响应得分因组织而异,但通常在“被动”或更低的水平。

          By tracking non-responders with those who do, you’ll have more accurate insight into real-world stats.

        7. 通过与无反应者一起跟踪无反应者,您将可以更准确地了解现实情况。

        8. Scheduled Reporting – automatically receive a PDF, with recipient specific to category i.e. for multiple locations or varied stakeholders
        9. 预定报告–自动接收PDF,收件人特定于类别,即针对多个位置或不同的利益相关者

        10. Repeat-Reviewer Trend Tracking – auto-merging repeat reviewers to compare history
        11. 重复审阅者趋势跟踪–自动合并重复审阅者以比较历史记录

        12. SMS Conversational Reviews unified with your web and/or phone stats
        13. SMS会话评论与您的​​网络和/或电话统计信息统一

        14. Twilio Phone API for Voice-based reviewing unified with your web stats
        15. 用于基于语音的审阅的Twilio Phone API与您的网络统计信息统一


    1. Enable the plugin
    2. 启用插件

    3. Create an account
    4. 创建帐户








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