[wordpress插件] Advanced Reporting for WoocommerceWoocommerce的高级报告

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-08 20:40 745 0 全屏看文







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WooCommerce Advanced Sales Report plugin is a plugin which shows you a complete sales report of Total Summary, Recent Orders, Top Billing Country, State, Top Product Sellers, Coupons, Top Payment Gateway, Order Status, Shipping, and Tax.<



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Free Features:


    • The plugin is compatible with our Support Ticket System By Phoeniixx plugin.

    • 该插件与我们的 Phoeniixx支持票务系统插件兼容。

    • Displays Total Summary, Orders placed today and the total earnings.
    • 显示总摘要,今天下的订单和总收入。

    • Displays Top Products and Top Category.
    • 显示热门产品和热门类别。

    • Displays the list of Top Customers.
    • 显示主要客户列表。

    • Displays the list of Top Billing Country and Top States.
    • 显示“最计费国家和地区”列表。

    • Shows the list of Recent Orders.
    • 显示“最近订单”列表。

    • Shows the list of Top Coupons and Payment Gateway.
    • 显示“最优惠券和支付网关”的列表。


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    Take a look at how to set up Advanced Reporting plugin.



    Premium Features:



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    New:Sold Products Details


      • Displays the list of the sold products with the total cost of the products.
      • 显示已售产品清单以及产品总成本。

      • Option to download the CSV of the data
      • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

      • Option to search for a particular Product
      • 搜索特定产品的选项

      Unsold Products Details


        • Displays the list of the unsold products with the total cost of all the products.
        • 显示未售产品列表以及所有产品的总成本。

        • Option to download the CSV of the data
        • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

        • Option to search for a particular Product
        • 搜索特定产品的选项

        Today Summary


          • Displays todays total sales
          • 显示今天的总销售额

          • Displays todays average sale
          • 显示今天的平均销量

          • Displays todays total refund
          • 显示今天的总退款

          • Displays todays order tax
          • 显示今天的订单税

          • Displays todays order shipping tax
          • 显示今天的订单运输税

          • Displays todays total tax
          • 显示今天的总税金

          Month and Year Summary


            • Displays month sales
            • 显示月份销售额

            • Displays average sales / order
            • 显示平均销售/订单

            • Displays average sales / day
            • 显示每天的平均销售额

            • Displays year sales
            • 显示年销售额

            • Displays the year average sales / order
            • 显示年度平均销售/订单

            • Displays the year average sales / day
            • 显示年平均日销售量/天

            Total Summary


              • Displays total order tax
              • 显示订单总税

              • Displays the total order shipping tax
              • 显示订单总运费税金

              • Displays total amount of shipping order
              • 显示运输订单总额

              • Displays the last order date
              • 显示最后订购日期

              • Displays the total average gross monthly sales
              • 显示平均每月总销售总额

              • Displays the total average net monthly sales
              • 显示平均每月净销售总额

              • Total items purchased option is visible
              • “购买的商品总数”选项可见

              • Displays the total sales
              • 显示总销售额

              • Displays the total amount refunded
              • 显示退款总额

              • Displays the total number of guest customers
              • 显示来宾客户总数

              • Displays the total number of registered customers
              • 显示注册客户总数

              • Displays the amount of total coupons
              • 显示优惠券总数

              Product Summary


                • Displays the total number of Variable product stock
                • 显示可变产品库存的总数

                • Displays the total number of Variable product instock
                • 显示可变产品库存总数

                • Displays the total number of Simple product stock
                • 显示简单产品库存总数

                • Displays the total number of Simple product instock
                • 显示简单产品库存总数

                Summary of the Year


                  • Displays the data monthwise
                  • 按月显示数据

                  • Displays the total amount of sales in a month
                  • 显示一个月的销售总额

                  • Displays the total amount refunded in a month
                  • 显示一个月内退款的总数

                  • Displays the total amount of discount
                  • 显示折扣总额

                  • Displays the total amount of shipping order
                  • 显示运输订单总额

                  • Displays the total amount of order tax
                  • 显示订单税总额

                  • Displays the total amount of shipping tax
                  • 显示运费总额

                  • Displays the total amount of tax
                  • 显示税收总额

                  • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                  • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                  • Option to download the CSV of the data
                  • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                  Order Summary


                    • Option to expand the list
                    • 扩展列表的选项

                    • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                    • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                    • Option to download the CSV of the data
                    • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                    Sales Order Status


                      • Option to expand the list
                      • 扩展列表的选项

                      • Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
                      • 根据日历字段过滤数据的选项

                      • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                      • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                      • Option to download the CSV of the data
                      • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                      Top Products


                        • Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
                        • 显示产品的总数量和总数量

                        • Option to search for a particular product
                        • 搜索特定产品的选项

                        • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of products at once
                        • 一次显示最小或最大产品数量的选项

                        • Option to download the CSV of the data
                        • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                        Top Category


                          • Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
                          • 显示产品的总数量和总数量

                          • Option to search for a particular category
                          • 搜索特定类别的选项

                          • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of categories of products at once
                          • 可以一次显示产品类别的最小或最大数量的选项

                          • Option to download the CSV of the data
                          • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                          Top Customer


                            • Displays the customers data on the basis of Billing name , Billing email id , Payment Method used by them, Total number of orders placed by them and the total amount
                            • 根据帐单名称,帐单电子邮件ID,他们使用的付款方式,他们下的订单总数和总金额显示客户数据

                            • Option to search for a particular customer
                            • 搜索特定客户的选项

                            • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of customers list at once
                            • 选项以一次显示最少或最大数量的客户列表

                            • Option to download the CSV of the data
                            • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                            • Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
                            • 根据日历字段过滤数据的选项

                            Top Billing Country


                              • Displays the list of top billing country based on the total orders and on the total amount
                              • 根据订单总数和总金额显示计费最高的国家/地区列表

                              • Option to expand the list
                              • 扩展列表的选项

                              • Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
                              • 根据日历字段过滤数据的选项

                              • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                              • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                              • Option to download the CSV of the data
                              • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                              • Option to search for a particular Country
                              • 搜索特定国家/地区的选项

                              • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing country at once
                              • 选项,一次显示最小或最大计费国家/地区

                              Top billing State


                                • Displays the list of top billing state based on the total orders and on the total amount
                                • 根据订单总数和总金额显示最热门计费状态列表

                                • Option to expand the list
                                • 扩展列表的选项

                                • Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
                                • 根据日历字段过滤数据的选项

                                • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                                • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                                • Option to download the CSV of the data
                                • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                                • Option to search for a particular State
                                • 搜索特定州的选项

                                • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
                                • 该选项可一次显示最小或最大计费状态

                                Recent Orders


                                  • Displays the total quantity and the total amount of the products
                                  • 显示产品的总数量和总数量

                                  • Option to search for a particular order
                                  • 搜索特定订单的选项

                                  • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of orders at once
                                  • 选项以一次显示最小或最大订单数

                                  • Option to download the CSV of the data
                                  • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                                  • Option to filter the data by using the Date filtering option
                                  • 使用日期过滤选项过滤数据的选项

                                  Top Coupon


                                    • Displays the list of all the coupon codes with the total amount and the total coupon count
                                    • 显示所有优惠券代码的列表,以及总额和优惠券总数

                                    • Option to expand the list
                                    • 扩展列表的选项

                                    • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                                    • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                                    • Option to download the CSV of the data
                                    • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                                    • Option to search for a particular State
                                    • 搜索特定州的选项

                                    • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
                                    • 该选项可一次显示最小或最大计费状态

                                    Top Payment Gateway


                                      • Displays the list of top billing state based on the total orders and on the total amount
                                      • 根据订单总数和总金额显示最热门计费状态列表

                                      • Option to expand the list
                                      • 扩展列表的选项

                                      • Option to filter the data on the basis of Calender field
                                      • 根据日历字段过滤数据的选项

                                      • Option to display the data either as a tabular form or in a chart form
                                      • 选项以表格形式或图表形式显示数据

                                      • Option to download the CSV of the data
                                      • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                                      • Option to search for a particular State
                                      • 搜索特定州的选项

                                      • Option to show the minimum or maximum number of billing state at once
                                      • 该选项可一次显示最小或最大计费状态

                                      Simple Instock


                                        • Displays the list of the simple products available in the stock
                                        • 显示库存中可用的简单产品列表

                                        • Option to download the CSV of the data
                                        • 用于下载数据CSV的选项

                                        • Option to search for a particular Product
                                        • 搜索特定产品的选项

                                        • Option to show the product less than the number you want
                                        • 显示的商品少于您想要的数量的选项

                                        Simple Out of Stock



    1. Install WordPress
    2. 安装 WordPress

    3. Go to your WordPress admin panel, and then to Plugins.

    4. 转到您的WordPress管理面板,然后转到“插件”。

      Click on “Add New” and then upload the zip file of the plugin using the “Upload Plugin” button you can find on top of the screen.

    5. 单击“添加新”,然后使用您可以在屏幕顶部找到的“上传插件”按钮上传该插件的zip文件。








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