[wordpress插件] Weblizar for Google Maps LiteGoogle Maps Lite的Weblizar

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-08 01:00 736 0 全屏看文






The easiest to use G-maps plugin!


Add a customized Google map to your WordPress posts and/or pages quickly and easily with the supplied shortcode.


No fuss.


No iFrames and super easy to use!


Perfect for contact page maps, routes, maps showing delivery areas and any other use you can think of!


While the free version of WP G-Maps allows you to create a Google map with as many markers as you like, the Pro version allows you to do so much more!

虽然WP G-Maps的免费版本允许您创建带有任意数量标记的Google地图,但Pro版本可以使您做更多的事情!

Lite Version (Free) Standard Features


    • Multi Location Maps
    • 多位置地图

    • Interactive Google map options
    • 交互式Google地图选项

    • Route Map Options
    • 路线图选项

    • Unlimited Maps
    • 无限地图

    • Responsive Maps
    • 响应式地图

    • Google Maps Autocomplete
    • Google地图自动填充

    • Support for localization ( google map language)
    • 支持本地化(谷歌地图语言)

    • Popular map themes to choose.
    • 热门地图主题可供选择。

    • Map widget functionality
    • 地图小部件功能

    • New Modern Infowindow
    • 新的现代信息窗口

    • Custom Markers
    • 自定义标记

    • Add animations to your map markers!
    • 将动画添加到地图标记中!

    • Full screen map functionality
    • 全屏地图功能

    • Choose from four Google maps types: roadmap, terrain, satellite and hybrid
    • 从四种Google地图类型中进行选择:路线图,地形,卫星图和混合图

    • Define your own width, height and zoom level for your map
    • 为地图定义自己的宽度,高度和缩放级别

    Weblizar for Google Maps Lite Features

    用于Google Maps Lite功能的Weblizar

      • Single Location Map – You can easily show your location by its address or latitude and longitude.

        单个位置地图 –您可以通过地址或经纬度轻松显示您的位置。

        Also you can customize it, from its backend as your needs.


      • Multi Location Map – You can display a number of locations in a single map at the same time.

        多位置地图 –您可以在单个地图中同时显示多个位置。

        You can show your all branches locations in a single map or you can customize it (Information to display in Info-window with your custom style).


      • Interactive Map – This allows you to embed a colorful Interactive map into your WordPress powered site by a few clicks!.

        交互式地图 –只需单击几下,便可以将彩色的交互式地图嵌入到WordPress支持的网站中!

        Whenever you need to give your visitors a simple yet effective way to navigate through regional sections of your site, or if you want to provide some geography-related information to your visitors.


      • Route Direction Maps – Help your users find the best way to get from A to Z with comprehensive data and real-time traffic.

        路线方向图 –使用全面的数据和实时流量,帮助您的用户找到从A到Z的最佳方式。

        You can display routes from one location to another on a map.


        Get directions for transit, driving, and walking.


        Calculate current or future travel times based on real-time traffic.


      • Custom Markers – You can change the ​icon of a Google maps default marker as you desire.

        自定义标记 –您可以根据需要更改Google地图默认标记的图标。

        Simply add/upload your marker image it will show as location marked on maps.


      • Multiple Map Theme – You can change the Map theme style while creating it from the options.

        多个地图主题样式 –您可以在通过选项创建地图主题样式时进行更改。

        Using a styled map, you can customize the presentation of the Google base maps, changing the visual display of such elements as roads, parks, and built-up areas.


      • Google Map Widget – By using this widget you can easily show your custom map in the sidebar or you can show it in footer widget section.

        Google Map窗口小部件 –使用此窗口小部件,您可以轻松地在边栏中显示自定义地图,也可以在页脚小部件部分中显示它。

      • Map Customization – User friendly option to customize your map.

        地图自定义 –用户友好选项,用于自定义地图。

        You can easily change its height, width, background color, region color, tool-tip font color etc.


      • Centralized Dashboard – Centralized dashboard to manage all short-codes.

        集中式仪表板 –集中式仪表板,用于管理所有短代码。

        You can add, delete, edit any short-code from here.


      • Multi Language Maps – You can show or change map language.

        多语言地图 –您可以显示或更改地图语言。

        Means you can show your map in your desired language on the posts or pages.


      • Translation Ready


      • Infowindow Card
      • 信息窗口卡

      Live Weblizar for Google Maps Lite Demos

      Live Weblizar for Google Maps Lite演示

        Professional Edition


        *Single Location Map.


        *Photo as Marker Icon.


        *Location Image.


        *Info window.




        *Multi Location Map.


        *Geolocation map.


        *Multiple Markers.


        *Interactive Map.


        *Tooltip Region Info display.


        *Display Extra info.


        *Customizable Colored Region.


        *MagnifyingGlass(when the user lingers over a cluttered marker, a magnifiying glass will be opened.).


        *Active Regions with custom color or labels, Individual colors for each active region.


        *Route Direction Maps.


        *WayPoints in directions.


        *Waypoints with Route directions, location address, Route Panels, Directions panel.


        *Custom markers (Custom Image as marker).


        *You can change default google map marker with your own marker for your location to deisplay.


        *Multiple map theme(Styles).


        *You can change default google map theme to predefined themes.

        *您可以将默认的Google Map主题更改为预定义的主题。

        to change its view.


        *Google Map Widget.

        * Google Map Widget。

        *To display google maps in sidebar or footer widget.


        *Map Customization .


        *Customizable CSS for maps, Height, Width, color.


        *Centerallize Dashbaord.


        *Multi Language Maps.


        *Translation ready.


        *Tooltip Action.


        *MagnifyingGlass(when the user lingers over a cluttered marker, a magnifiying glass will be opened.).


        *Responsive (The maps will adapt according to the space available to display.).


        You can learn more about Professional Edition here


        ^Language file needs to be updated



Watch this video of how the plugin works:



First time Weblizar for Google Maps Lite user

首次使用Weblizar的Google Maps Lite用户

Thank you for choosing Weblizar for Google Maps Lite!

感谢您为Google Maps Lite选择Weblizar!

In order to create your Google map, simply activate the plugin and click on “Advanced Google Maps Lite” in your left navigation menu.

为了创建您的Google地图,只需激活插件并在左侧导航菜单中单击“高级Google Maps Lite”。

Now Click on Settings and put the Google API key of your website.

现在,点击设置,然后将您网站的Google API密钥放入。

Add “Location Maps” , “Multiple Location Maps” , “Route Maps” & “Interactive Maps”


Copy and paste the shortcode into your post or page and Weblizar for Google Maps Lite will automatically create the map on your page using the settings you chose above.

将简码复制并粘贴到您的帖子或页面中,Weblizar for Google Maps Lite将使用您在上方选择的设置在您的页面上自动创建地图。








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