
小程序 文章 2020-09-05 23:01 752 0 全屏看文


这里是联系微信技术团队的地方吗?Is this the place to contact the WeChat technical team?




如果要发帖的话,该发在哪个区呢?是发在小程序区吗(跟这个帖子一样)?然后 发帖 → 提出问题 → 我要反馈Bug ?

我这个Bug是最近经常出现看视频或图片的时候闪退,直到昨天突然严重到无限重启,无法使用。所以应该不是可复现的Bug。但是我有保留 /data/data/com.tencent.mm/files/xlog 和 /storage/emulated/0/tencent/MicroMsg/xlog 两个目录的文件(这应该是日志文件吧?)。

现在我重装了微信,微信又可以用了,但是之前的聊天记录数据导不出来。据我所知,微信聊天记录在 /data/data/com.tencent.mm 目录,因此重装微信之前我就有备份。但是当我重装微信之后先恢复这个目录(/data/data/com.tencent.mm)的数据再打开微信的话,会让我登录,并且还没登进去就闪退。所以目前为止仍无法导出之前的聊天记录。


  1. 怎么样恢复之前的聊天记录
  2. 找到闪退的原因,相信找到原因也可以帮助微信完善你们的产品。我在网上找了些资料,也在这个论坛看了些相关的贴子。就我目前了解到的情况来看,我的这个闪退不是因为什么空间不足的原因,而应该可能是文件内容出错而导致的app出错。详细的内容下一个贴子里再说。

Yesterday, the wechat unlimited memory on my mobile phone skyrocketed, infinite flash back, unable to use. I would like to ask if this forum is the best place to solve this kind of technical problems. If so, I'll post another question. If you want to post, which area should be posted? Is it in the applet area (same as this post)? Then post → ask questions → I want feedback bug? My bug is that I often flash back when watching videos or pictures, until yesterday, it suddenly became so serious that I could not use it. So it should not be a recurring bug. But I have reservations / data / data/ com.tencent.mm/files/xlog And / storage / emulated / 0 / Tencent / micromsg / xlog. Now I have reinstalled wechat, and wechat can be used again, but the previous chat record data cannot be exported. As far as I know, wechat chat is recorded in / data / data/ com.tencent.mm Directory, so I have a backup before I reload wechat. But when I reload wechat, I first restore this directory (/ data / data)/ com.tencent.mm )If you open wechat again, it will let me log in, and I will flash back before I log in. Therefore, the previous chat records cannot be exported so far. So I come here with the following two objectives: how to restore the previous chat records and find out the reason for the flash back. I believe that finding the reason can also help wechat improve your products. I found some information on the Internet and read some related posts in this forum. As far as I know, my flash back is not due to lack of space, but it may be due to an error in the file content, resulting in an app error. The details will be discussed in the next post.






citizen four:


citizen four:会的,一篇文章写清楚问题就行,提BUG,其它即可

