[wordpress插件] Related Posts Widget with Thumbnails相关文章带有缩略图的小部件

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-02-07 01:00 774 0 全屏看文






Here is wonderful plugin for displaying links to related posts beneath each of your wordpress blog posts.


The related articles are chosen from other posts in that same tag.


With this plugin many of your readers will remain on your site for longer periods of time when they see related posts of interest.


Our plugin displaying related posts in a very great way as a sidebar widget to help visitors staying longer on your site.You can use this plugin to increasing the page rank of your internal posts to improve your SEO score and increase the internal links


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    • More than 12 attractive styles to to match your needs
    • 超过12种有吸引力的样式可以满足您的需求

    • Multiple instances of the same widget
    • 同一小部件​​的多个实例

    • Title, Excerpt & thumbnails
    • 标题,摘录和缩略图

    • Display related post titles
    • 显示相关帖子标题

    • Option to display the post thumbnails or not
    • 是否显示帖子缩略图的选项

    • Ability to control the size of post thumbnails
    • 能够控制帖子缩略图的大小

    • Option to show post text excerpts
    • 显示帖子摘录的选项

    • Option to control the length of the post excerpt
    • 用于控制文章摘录长度的选项

    • Option to choose the number of related posts to show
    • 选择要显示的相关帖子数量的选项

    • Option to control the shadow effect on images
    • 用于控制图像阴影效果的选项

    • Option to control the radius of the images
    • 用于控制图像半径的选项

    • Ability to set float & direction of post thumbnails and text too
    • 还可以设置帖子缩略图和文本的浮动方向和方向

    • Widget shown only on single post pages
    • 小部件仅显示在单个帖子页面上

    • Works with all custom post types!
    • 适用于所有自定义帖子类型!

    Message to the Reviewer: I know that you may said: this its a repeated plugin!.. we dont want it !!


    I just want you to know that my plugin has a new unique features not found in any other similar plugins


    Nothing to tell you except this.


    have a nice dayImprove your seo score in Google and Yahoo and other SE’s:Our plugin displaying related posts in a very great way to help visitors staying longer on your blog.


    You can use this plugin to increasing the page rank of your internal posts to improve your SEO scoreElegant, Beautiful Design:We try to make the best designd and you can shift between them as you like, and this


    design has options to match your site needs, you can change the image sizes or displaying modes, excerpt length, CSS3 effects, use custom image field, etc..Increase Page views, Keep Readers Engaged:There is


    no wordpress blog does not need this type of plugins because users interest viewing more posts related to the current post, this will increase your page views/day and also increase your revenueDon't Let Your Past Stories Go to Waste!<


    /strong>The plugin will only match the post title, meta keywords and post tags of the posts related to the current blog post.

    / strong>该插件将仅匹配与当前博客帖子相关的帖子的标题,元关键字和帖子标签。

    This will make the process faster and require a minimum amount of resources and the results will be close to the same postEasy to Install:Read the installation steps to find that this plugin does not need any coding or theme


    editing, just use your mouse== Screenshots ==1.

    编辑,只需使用鼠标==屏幕截图== 1。

    How to install the plugin2.


    activating the plugin3.


    Final result (related posts in action)== Installation ==For detailed description and installation details of the plugin visit plugin page at SEO Related Posts widget1.Download the package.2.Extract the contents of rpw-related-posts.zip to wp-content/plugins/ folder You should get a folder

    nofollow“>“ SEO相关帖子”小部件 1。下载软件包。 2。将rpw-related-posts.zip的内容提取到wp-content / plugins /文件夹中,您应该获得一个文件夹

    called rpw-related-posts3.Activate the Plugin in WP-Admin.4.Goto Settings > All In One Related Posts to configure options.5.You will find 3 modes, after

    3.调用激活WP-Admin中的插件。 4。转到“设置”>“多合一相关帖子”以配置选项。 5。之后,您会发现3种模式

    choosing your mode make changes to its own options to match your needs and save the changesThanks!== Frequently Asked Questions ==


    =I cant see any thing after activating my plugin ?




    You will not see any related posts because you must go to widets area into theme appearance tab and put our widget into any sidebar area









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