[wordpress插件] 2BC Form Security2BC表格安全

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-01-21 02:40 705 0 全屏看文






The 2BC Form Security WordPress plugin will increase security and reduce spam by using tools

2BC表单安全性 WordPress插件将通过使用工具来提高安全性并减少垃圾邮件

like the Google reCAPTCHA V2 widget (noCAPTCHA CAPTCHA) and a honeypot field.

例如Google reCAPTCHA V2小部件(noCAPTCHA CAPTCHA)和蜜罐字段。

While simple, these can be very effective at keeping spam bots and scripts out of your site.




2BC Form Security can now add the reCAPTCHA widget to BuddyPress!

2BC Form Security现在可以将reCAPTCHA小部件添加到BuddyPress!

Simply fill in the API keys, enable reCAPTCHA, and check the Registration Form under the Where To Display section.


2BC Form Security will automatically activate a honeypot on the log in form, registration form, and comment form.

2BC Form Security将在登录表单,注册表单和评论表单上自动激活蜜罐。

With a few minutes of setup, it can also display the Google reCAPTCHA v2 widget in any of the same locations

经过几分钟的设置,它也可以在任意相同位置显示 Google reCAPTCHA v2 小部件


The reason captcha and honeypots work is because spam bots and scripts have a hard time reading CSS and Javascript when they are trying to fill out a form.


The honeypot is hidden from a normal user, but a bot will try to fill in the field with some information.


If anything is detected in a honeypot field, 2BC Form Security will return an error and prevent the action from happening.

如果在蜜罐字段中检测到任何内容,则2BC Form Security将返回错误并阻止执行该操作。

Google reCAPTCHA has historically been difficult because Google used warped pictures that were hard for bots AND humans to fill out.

Google reCAPTCHA历来很困难,因为Google使用了变形的图片,这些图片对于机器人和人类来说很难填写。

Now it has been condensed into a Javascript widget, otherwise known as the new noCAPTCHA CAPTCHA.

现在,它已被压缩为一个Javascript小部件,也称为新的noCAPTCHA CAPTCHA。

No more letters and numbers that are hard to read, simply click the widget to proceed.


This is the first level of defense: bots have a hard time detecting or clicking Javascript elements in a web page.


However humans have a very easy time, even on mobile devices.


If spam bots are able to figure out a way around this, Google has added many additional layers of defense and have prepared extra questions.


Some of the new challenges will be incredibly hard for a bot to work out, but are still easy on humans and actually fun to complete!


In addition to adding the honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA tools, 2BC Form Security has the following features:

2BC Form Security除了添加蜜罐和Google reCAPTCHA工具外,还具有以下功能:

    • Statistics page in the admin section – make sure to enable this on the options page
    • “管理”部分的“统计信息”页面-确保在选项页面上启用此功能

    • Optional login error rewrite – prevents hackers from figuring out valid user names
    • 可选的登录错误重写–防止黑客找出有效的用户名

    • Mark failed comments as Spam, or put into the Moderation Queue
    • 将失败的评论标记为垃圾邮件,或放入审核队列

    • Dashboard widget
    • 仪表板小部件

    • Style the Google reCAPTCHA widget in either of the current themes: Light or Dark
    • 使用当前主题之一(浅色或深色)设置Google reCAPTCHA小部件的样式

    • Compatible with BuddyPress 1.6+
    • 与BuddyPress 1.6+兼容

    Future updates include integration with bbPress, Contact Form 7, and a shortcode for custom forms.

    未来的更新包括与 bbPress 联系表7 的集成以及自定义表单的简码。



    The 2BC Form Security documentation page contains


    an explanation of all the settings, as well as how to setup and run the plugin.


    * Requires WordPress 3.6, and PHP 5.2+

    *需要WordPress 3.6和PHP 5.2 +


The 2BC Form Security can be installed via the WordPress plugin repository (automatic), or by uploading the files directly to the web server (manual).

2BC Form Security 可以通过WordPress插件存储库(自动)安装,也可以通过将文件直接上传到Web服务器(手动)进行安装。



    1. Log in to the WordPress administration panel with an administrator account
    2. 使用管理员帐户登录WordPress管理面板

    3. Click Plugins > Add New
    4. 点击插件> 添加新

    5. Search for 2BC Form Security
    6. 搜索 2BC表格安全性

    7. Find the plugin in the list of results and click the Install Now button
    8. 在结果列表中找到插件,然后单击立即安装按钮

    9. Click OK to confirm the plugin installation.

    10. 点击确定以确认插件安装。

      If there are any file permission issues, WordPress may ask for a valid FTP account to continue.


      Either enter the FTP credentials, or proceed to the Manual installation instructions.

    11. 输入FTP凭据,或继续执行手动安装说明。

    12. Click the Activate Plugin link after the installation is complete
    13. 安装完成后,点击激活插件链接



      1. Download a copy of the plugin and save it to the local computer.

      2. 下载插件的副本并将其保存到本地计算机。

        Make sure that the folder has been unzipped.

      3. 确保文件夹已解压缩。

      4. Using an FTP program or cPanel, connect to the server that is hosting the website
      5. 使用FTP程序或cPanel ,连接到托管网站的服务器

      6. Find the root folder for the site and browse to the following directories: wp-content > plugins
      7. 找到该站点的根文件夹并浏览到以下目录: wp-content > 插件

      8. Upload the un-compressed 2bc-form-security folder in to the plugins folder on the server
      9. 将未压缩的 2bc-form-security 文件夹上载到服务器上的 plugins 文件夹中

      10. Log in to the WordPress administration panel with an administrator account
      11. 使用管理员帐户登录WordPress管理面板

      12. Click Plugins > Installed Plugins
      13. 点击插件> 已安装的插件

      14. Find the 2BC Form Security plugin in the list and click the Activate link
      15. 在列表中找到 2BC Form Security 插件,然后点击激活链接








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