JSSDK 在 MAC 客户端与 iOS 客户端均初始化失败 (昨天开发时是正常的,未修改任何参数)
问题类型 | API/组件名称 | 终端类型 | 微信版本 | 基础库版本 |
Bug | JSSDK | 微信iOS客户端 | 3.0.25 | jweixin-1.2.0.js |
如题,昨天开发时没有问题,今天未修改任何代码的情况下,初始化 JSSDK (通过agentConfig注入应用的权限) 出现如下错误:
{ "errMsg": "agentConfig:fail_ticket no available more info at", "err_msg": "agentConfig:fail_ticket no available more info at"}
iOS 企业微信版本: 3.0.25
JSSDK 版本: jweixin-1.2.0.js
Mac 企业微信版本:
企业 ID: ww80a86e58dace30a9
应用ID: 1000011
代码 (使用 Easywechat 第三方库生成 signature):
wx.config(<?php echo $config ?>);wx.ready(() => { wx.agentConfig({ corpid: 'ww80a86e58dace30a9', agentid: 1000011, timestamp: "{{$arr_config['timestamp']}}", nonceStr: "{{$arr_config['nonceStr']}}", signature: "{{$sign}}", jsApiList: ['getCurExternalContact'], success: (res) => { wx.invoke('getCurExternalContact', {}, (res) => { if (res.err_msg == "getCurExternalContact:ok") { userId = res.userId alert(userId) } else { alert(JSON.stringify(res)) } }); }, fail: function (res) { alert(JSON.stringify(res)); } });});
Problem type API / component name terminal type wechat version basic library version bug jssdk wechat IOS client 3.0.25 jweixin-1.2.0.js is the problem. There was no problem in the development yesterday. Without modifying any code today, the following error occurs in initializing jssdk (injecting application permissions through agentconfig): {"errmsg": "Ag" entConfig:fail_ ticket no available more info at ", "err_ msg": "ag entConfig:fail_ ticket no available more info at "} IOS enterprise wechat version: 3.0.25 jssdk version: jweixin-1.2.0.js MAC enterprise wechat version: enterprise ID: ww80a86e58dace30a9 application ID: 1000011 code (using easywechat third-party library to generate signature):" wx.config (); wx.ready (() => { wx.agentConfig ({Corpid: 'ww80a86e58dace30a9', / / required, the Corpid of enterprise wechat must be the same as the currently logged in enterprise, AgentID: 1000011, / / required, application ID (e.g. 1000247) timestamp of enterprise wechat: "err_ Config ['timestamp ']}} ", / / required. The timestamp for generating the signature: noncestr:" {{$arr_ Config ['noncestr ']}} ", / / required. The random string signature is" {{$sign}} "/ / required. For signature, see appendix - js-sdk permission signature algorithm jsapilist: ['getcurexternalcontact'], / / required success: (RES) = >{ wx.invoke ('getCurExternalContact', {}, (res) => { if ( res.err_ msg == "getCurExtern alContact:ok ") { userId = res.userId alert(userId) } else { alert( JSON.stringify (res)) } }); }, fail: function (res) { alert( JSON.stringify (res)); } });});
您好,看日志报错是提示js_ticket_empty ticket为空,检查下是否没有将ticket传入参数进行签名计算