[wordpress插件] DOM SEO ImageDOM此图片

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-21 00:40 661 0 全屏看文



DOM SEO Image is a WordPress SEO plugin which automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes.

DOM SEO Image是WordPress SEO插件,可以自动更新具有适当ALT和TITLE属性的所有图像以用于SEO。

If your images do not have ALT and TITLE already set, DOM SEO Image will add them according the options you set.

如果您的图像尚未设置ALT和TITLE,则DOM SEO图像将根据您设置的选项添加它们。

Additionally this makes the post W3C/xHTML valid as well.

此外,这也使得W3C / xHTML帖子也有效。

ALT attribute is important part of search engine optimization.


It describes your images to search engine and when a user searches for a certain image this is a key determining factor for a match.


TITLE attribute play lesser role but is important for visitors as this text will automatically appear in the tooltip when mouse is over the image.


Instruções de instalação e perguntas frequentem agora disponíveis em português!




This file is part of DOM SEO Image.

此文件是DOM SEO图像的一部分。

DOM SEO Image is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any

DOM SEO Image是免费软件:您可以根据自由软件基金会发布的GNU通用公共许可证的条款(许可证的版本3)或(根据您的选择)任意分发或修改它

later version.


DOM SEO Image is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;

DOM SEO Image的发布是希望它会有用,但没有任何担保;

without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


See the GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with DOM SEO Image.

您应该已经收到了GNU通用公共许可证以及DOM SEO映像的副本。

If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

如果没有,请参见 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/


    1. Upload the whole plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
    2. 将整个插件文件夹上载到您的/ wp-content / plugins /文件夹中。

    3. Go to the Plugins page and activate the plugin.
    4. 转到“插件”页面并激活插件。

    5. Use the Settings page to modify ALT and TITLE options.
    6. 使用“设置”页面修改ALT和TITLE选项。

    7. Note that DOM SEO Image works by modifying HTML output on the frontend of you site.
    8. 请注意,DOM SEO图像通过修改网站前端的HTML输出来工作。

    :: Instruções em Portugues ::


      1. Após fazer o donload, extrai todo o conteúdo do arquivo para o diretório /wp-content/plugins/ do seu WordPress.
      2. 下载后,将文件的全部内容提取到WordPress的/ wp-content / plugins /目录中。

      3. Acesse o painel de controle e no menu esquerdo clique em Plugins.

      4. 访问控制面板,然后在左侧菜单中单击“插件”。

        Procure por DOM SEO Image e clique em Ativar.

      5. 查找DOM SEO图像,然后单击激活。

      6. Após ativa-lo, no menu esquerdo do seu painel irá aparecer um link chamado DOM SEO Image, clique nele.
      7. 激活它后,将在面板的左侧菜单中显示一个名为DOM SEO Image的链接,然后单击它。

      8. Agora você poderá configurar como deseja que o atributo ALT e TITLE de suas imagens apareça.

      9. 现在,您可以配置希望图像的ALT和TITLE属性显示的方式。

        Apenas selecione as opções.

      10. 只需选择选项即可。

      EXTRA: Você não precisa selecionar todas as caixas de opções.


      Selecione quantas quiser para formar o ALT e TITLE do jeito que achar melhor






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