[wordpress插件] DobsonDev ShortcodesDobsonDev简码

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 16:11 507 0 全屏看文



A collection of helpful shortcodes that I use in my own work that I wanted to share with the WordPress Community.


If you want to suggest any shortcodes please email me at alex@dobsondev.com.

如果您想建议任何简码,请通过 alex@dobsondev.com 给我发送电子邮件。

Please download from the Offical WordPress Repository for easiest installation.


If you would like to donate please click here.


As of version 2.0.0 DobsonDev Shortcodes includes a TinyMCE Plugin that provides a button and user interface for adding the shortcodes.


The button is the DobsonDev Shortcodes logo and if you click on it you will see a dropdown menu with all of the different shortcodes available to you.


Click on the shortcode you want and a popup will appear (for the most part – three of the shortcodes just appear in the editor and you can fill their content in) containing the different attributes for that shortcode.


The required attributes are marked with stars and you must fill them in. The other optional attributes can either be filled in to include them or left blank to leave them out.


Shortcodes Included


    • Embed PDFs – Embeds PDFs into pages rather than separate links.
    • 嵌入PDF –将PDF嵌入页面而不是单独的链接。

    • Embed GitHub Gists – Easily add GitHub gists to your site or blog.
    • 嵌入 GitHub Gists –轻松将GitHub gists添加到您的网站或博客。

    • Embed GitHub Repo Readme – Easily add the content from your GitHub repository README.md file.
    • 嵌入 GitHub Repo自述文件 –轻松添加GitHub存储库README.md文件中的内容。

    • Embed GitHub Repo File Contents – Easily add the content from a file from any GitHub repository.
    • 嵌入 GitHub Repo文件内容 –轻松从任何GitHub存储库中的文件添加内容。

    • Embed Twitch Stream – Embeds a Twitch Stream into the page.
    • 嵌入 Twitch Stream –将Twitch Stream嵌入页面。

    • Embed Twitch Stream Chat – Embeds the chat from a Twitch Stream into the page.
    • 嵌入 Twitch流聊天–将聊天从Twitch流嵌入页面。

    • Embed YouTube Video – Embeds a YouTube Video into the page.
    • 嵌入 YouTube视频 –将YouTube视频嵌入页面。

    • Embed Vimeo Video – Embeds a Vimeo Video into the page.
    • 嵌入 Vimeo视频 –将Vimeo视频嵌入页面。

    • Inline Code – Displays inline code snippets that are visually different than the body text.
    • 内联代码–显示在外观上与正文不同的内联代码段。

    • Code Block – Displays a simple code block for simple, small pieces of code.
    • 代码块–显示一个简单的代码块,用于显示简单的小段代码。

    • Button – Displays a purely CSS button with choice of color, text and link.
    • 按钮–显示一个纯CSS按钮,可以选择颜色,文本和链接。

    • User Interaction Messages – Displays a message with appropriate color that you can use to notify users of how their interaction is working.
    • 用户互动消息–用适当的颜色显示一条消息,您可以使用该消息来通知用户他们的互动方式。

    • Related Posts – Displays manually entered related posts on your post’s page that cycle through in a little slideshow.

    • 相关帖子–在您的帖子页面上显示手动输入的相关帖子,并以幻灯片的形式循环显示。

      Only for use with posts, NOT pages!

    • 仅用于帖子,不能用于页面!

    • Social Share – Displays a section for sharing your page on social media, shows links for Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Linkedin.
    • 社交共享–显示用于在社交媒体上共享页面的部分,并显示Twitter,Facebook,Google Plus和Linkedin的链接。

    Embed PDF


    [embedPDF source=”http://yoursite.com/path-to-the-pdf.pdf” width=”###” height=”###”]

    [embedPDF source =” http://yoursite.com/path-to-the-pdf.pdf” width =“ ###” height =“ ###”]

    This Shortcode will embed a PDF into the page rather than making it a seperate link that must be clicked to be viewed.


    It is displayed in the browsers default PDF reader since it is embedded as an application.


    The source attribute is the URL of the PDF and is required.


    The width and height attribute will set the size of the embedded application, and are both optional.


    If they are not entered then the width is set to 100% and the height to 600.


    Please note that setting the width to “auto” will not work.


    Rather, please set the width to “100%” to get the same effect.

    相反,请将宽度设置为“ 100%”以获得相同的效果。

    If you are looking to add your own custom CSS to the container around the PDF embed, the class is “div.dobdev-pdf-container”.

    如果要在PDF嵌入周围的容器中添加自己的自定义CSS,则该类为“ div.dobdev-pdf-container”。

    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Embed GitHub Gists

    嵌入GitHub Gists

    [embedGist source=”http://gist.github.com/your-account/gist-id”]

    [embedGist source =” http://gist.github.com/your-account/gist-id”]

    This Shortcode will embed a GitHub Gist into the page.

    此简码将在页面中嵌入GitHub Gist。

    The Gist will be embedded in a little box that makes it easy to share code samples with other developers (or whoever you want to share them with).


    The source attribute is the URL to the Gist and is required.


    If you are looking to add some custom CSS to the Gists, they are automatically put into “div.gist” by GitHub.

    如果您要向Gist添加一些自定义CSS,GitHub会将它们自动放入“ div.gist”中。

    Use that class when doing any CSS changes.


    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Embed GitHub Repo Readme

    嵌入GitHub Repo自述文件

    [embedGitHubReadme owner=”Owner_of_Repo” repo=”Repo_Name” cache_id=”id”]

    [embedGitHubReadme owner =” Owner_of_Repo” repo =“ Repo_Name” cache_id =” id“]

    This shortcode will display the contents of any GitHub repository’s README file.


    The markdown will displayed as HTML output onto the page.


    This shortcode uses GitHub API calls to ensure that as you update you README file the output from this shortcode will also update.

    该短代码使用GitHub API调用来确保在您更新自述文件时,该短代码的输出也将更新。

    The style will match that of your default page style, but if you want to change the style just wrap the shortcode inside of a div and then edit as much as the style as you want.


    If you want to take advantage of WordPress’ transient API for caching, simply enter an ID for the cache_id argument.


    Note that this ID can be anything other than “NULL”, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a number.

    请注意,此ID可以是“ NULL”以外的任何数字,不一定必须是数字。

    Once entered this will cause the shortcode to cache the results of the API call for 24 hours.


    This means the shortcode will use those cached results and speed up the load times for 24 hours, at which point it will then call the API again to get any updates and use those cached results for another 24 hours.


    If you’re receiving an error similar to “SSL certificate : unable to get local issuer certificate” then please add the attribute insecure=”true” to your shortcode.

    如果您收到类似于“ SSL证书:无法获取本地发行者证书”的错误,请在短代码中添加属性insecure =“ true”。

    This stops cURL from verifying the peer’s certificate which may be required in some cases depending on your server.


    If you would rather you can instead sdd the root CA (the CA signing the server certificate) to etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt which will allow secure connections to work.

    如果愿意,您可以将根CA(将服务器证书签名的CA)添加到etc / ssl / certs / ca-certificates.crt,这将使安全连接正常工作。

    By default the shortcode will use secure connections.


    Embed GitHub Repo File Contents

    嵌入GitHub Repo文件内容

    [embedGitHubContent owner=”Owner_of_Repo” repo=”Repo_Name” path=”Path_to_File” markdown=”Yes/No” cache_id=”id”]

    [embedGitHubContent owner =” Owner_of_Repo” repo =” Repo_Name” path =“ Path_to_File” markdown =“是/否” cache_id =” id“]

    This shortcode will display the contents of a file from any GitHub repository.


    You must include the Owner of the repository, the repository name and the path to the file.


    Optionally, if the file is a markdown file you can put markdown=”yes” and the plugin will output the markdown as HTML onto the page.

    (可选)如果文件是markdown文件,则可以将markdown =“ yes”放到插件中,该插件会将markdown以HTML格式输出到页面上。

    If you give the shortcode a path to a folder rather than to a file it will output an array of the folders contents.


    If you want to take advantage of WordPress’ transient API for caching, simply enter an ID for the cache_id argument.


    Note that this ID can be anything other than “NULL”, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a number.

    请注意,此ID可以是“ NULL”以外的任何数字,不一定必须是数字。

    Once entered this will cause the shortcode to cache the results of the API call for 24 hours.


    This means the shortcode will use those cached results and speed up the load times for 24 hours, at which point it will then call the API again to get any updates and use those cached results for another 24 hours.


    If you’re receiving an error similar to “SSL certificate : unable to get local issuer certificate” then please add the attribute insecure=”true” to your shortcode.

    如果您收到类似于“ SSL证书:无法获取本地发行者证书”的错误,请在短代码中添加属性insecure =“ true”。

    This stops cURL from verifying the peer’s certificate which may be required in some cases depending on your server.


    If you would rather you can instead sdd the root CA (the CA signing the server certificate) to etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt which will allow secure connections to work.

    如果愿意,您可以将根CA(将服务器证书签名的CA)添加到etc / ssl / certs / ca-certificates.crt,这将使安全连接正常工作。

    By default the shortcode will use secure connections.


    Embed Twitch Stream


    [embedTwitch username=”your-username” width=”###” height=”###”]

    [embedTwitch用户名=“您的用户名” width =“ ###” height =” ###”]

    This Shortcode will embed a Twitch stream into the page.


    The username attribute is the Twitch Stream’s username, which can be found at the end of the URL of the stream.


    An example would be http://twitch.tv/day9tv.

    例如 http://twitch.tv/day9tv

    The username for this stream is “day9tv”, so that would be entered.

    该流的用户名是“ day9tv”,因此将被输入。

    The username is a required attribute.


    The width and height attributes will set the size of the embedded stream, and both are optional attributes.


    If they are not entered the width will default to 100% and the height will default to 378.


    Please note that setting the width to “auto” will not work.


    Rather, please set the width to “100%” to get the same effect.

    相反,请将宽度设置为“ 100%”以获得相同的效果。

    If you are looking to add your own custom CSS to the container around the Twitch Stream embed, the class is “div.dobdev-twitch-container”.

    如果您希望将自己的自定义CSS添加到Twitch Stream嵌入周围的容器中,则该类为“ div.dobdev-twitch-container”。

    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Embed Twitch Stream Chat


    [embedTwitchChat username=”your-username” width=”###” height=”###”]

    [embedTwitchChat用户名=“您的用户名” width =“ ###” height =“ ###”]

    This Shortcode will embed a Twitch stream’s chat into the page.


    The username attribute is the Twitch Stream’s username, which can be found at the end of the URL of the stream.


    An example would be http://twitch.tv/day9tv.

    例如 http://twitch.tv/day9tv

    The username for this stream is “day9tv”, so that would be entered.

    该流的用户名是“ day9tv”,因此将被输入。

    The username is a required attribute.


    The width and height attributes will set the size of the embedded chat, and both are optional attributes.


    If they are not entered the width will default to 350 and the height will default to 500.


    If you are looking to add your own custom CSS to the container around the Twitch Chat embed, the class is “div.dobdev-twitch-chat-container”.

    如果您想在Twitch聊天嵌入周围的容器中添加自己的自定义CSS,则该类为“ div.dobdev-twitch-chat-c​​ontainer”。

    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Embed YouTube Video


    [embedYouTube video=”video-id” width=”###” height=”###”]

    [embedYouTube video =” video-id” width =” ###” height =” ###”]

    This Shortcode will embed a YouTube video into the page.


    The video attribute is the YouTube video ID of the video you want to embed into the page.


    It can be found at the end of the URL on YouTube.


    For example, the video located at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCdfze1etec<

    例如,位于 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCdfze1etec <

    /a> has the video ID “uCdfze1etec”.

    / a>具有视频ID“ uCdfze1etec”。

    You will always find the video ID after the “watch?v=”.

    您将始终在“ watch?v =”之后找到视频ID。

    The video attribute is required.


    The width and height attributes will set the size of the embedded video, and both are optional attributes.


    If they are not entered the width will default to 560 and the height will default to 315.


    Please note that setting the width to “auto” will not work.


    Rather, please set the width to “100%” to get the same effect.

    相反,请将宽度设置为“ 100%”以获得相同的效果。

    If you are looking to add your own custom CSS to the container around the YouTube video embed, the class is “div.dobdev-youtube-container”.

    如果您希望将自己的自定义CSS添加到嵌入YouTube视频的容器中,则该类为“ div.dobdev-youtube-container”。

    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Embed Vimeo Video


    [embedVimeo video=”video-id” width=”###” height=”###”]

    [embedVimeo video =” video-id” width =” ###” height =” ###”]

    This Shortcode will embed a Vimeo video into the page.


    The video attribute is the Vimeo video ID of the video you want to embed into the page.


    It can be found at the end of the URL on Vimeo.


    For example, the video located at https://vimeo.com/14651522 has the video ID “14651522”.

    例如,位于 https://vimeo.com/14651522 的视频具有视频ID“ 14651522”。

    You will always find the video ID after the “/” in the Vimeo URL.

    您将始终在Vimeo URL中的“ /”之后找到视频ID。

    The video attribute is required.


    The width and height attributes will set the size of the embedded video, and both are optional attributes.


    If they are not entered the width will default to 560 and the height will default to 315.


    Please note that setting the width to “auto” will not work.


    Rather, please set the width to “100%” to get the same effect.

    相反,请将宽度设置为“ 100%”以获得相同的效果。

    If you are looking to add your own custom CSS to the container around the Vimeo video embed, the class is “div.dobdev-vimeo-container”.

    如果要在Vimeo视频嵌入周围的容器中添加自己的自定义CSS,则该类为“ div.dobdev-vimeo-container”。

    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Inline Code Snippets




    This shortcode will create the start tags for an inline code snippet which will then be ended using the [endCode] shortcode.


    If you use these two together you can create small inline code samples that look great, are easy to copy, and distinguish themselves from the rest of your text content in appearance.


    These make it easy to include code snippets without having to switch to the HTML editor in WordPress.




    This shortcode will create the end tags for the inline code snippet started by [startCode].


    If you use these two together you can create small inline code samples that look great, are esay to copy, and distinguish themselves from the rest of your text content in appearance.


    These make it easy to include code snippets without having to switch to the HTML editor in WordPress.


    If you want to change any of the styling for the inline code snippets, please use the CSS class “code.dobdev-code-inline”.

    如果要更改内联代码段的任何样式,请使用CSS类“ code.dobdev-code-inline”。

    From here you can change font size, font family, and even colour using your theme’s (hopefully child theme’s) stylesheet.


    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.


    Code Blocks




    This shortcode will create the start tags for a code block which will then be ended using the [endCodeBlock] shortcode.


    If you use these two together you can create small, simple code blocks that have a black background with white text, which is the common convention for code blocks.


    This is great for showing Terminal commands or very small code snippets (I recommend using the embed GitHub Gists shortcode for longer code samples).

    这对于显示终端命令或非常小的代码片段非常有用(对于更长的代码示例,我建议使用embed GitHub Gists短代码)。



    This shortcode will create the end tags for the code snippet started by [startCode].


    If you use these two together you can create small, simple code blocks that have a black background with white text, which is the common convention.


    This is great for showing Terminal commands or very small code snippets (I recommend using the embed GitHub Gists shortcode for longer code samples).

    这对于显示终端命令或非常小的代码片段非常有用(对于更长的代码示例,我建议使用embed GitHub Gists短代码)。

    If you want to change any of the styling for the code blocks, please use the CSS class “pre.dobdev-code-block”.

    如果要更改代码块的任何样式,请使用CSS类“ pre.dobdev-code-block”。

    From here you can change font size, font family, background color, padding and even the actual text color using your theme’s (hopefully child theme’s) stylesheet.


    This should only be done by someone experienced using CSS, otherwise the results could cause harm to the layout of your site.




    [button text=”buttonText” color=”color” link=”#”]

    [button text =” buttonText” color =“ color” link =“#”]

    This shortcode will create a purely CSS button where ever you place it.


    The text attribute is the text that will appear within the button.


    The color atrribute defines what color will show – the choices for color are red, blue, green, orange, purple, and turquoise.


    The link attribute is what link the user wants to redirect to when the button is clicked.


    If you do not want a redirect on the button click, just use a “#” and the button will do nothing when clicked.


    User Interaction Messages


    [infoMessage text=”your-message”]

    [infoMessage text =“您的消息”]

    [successMessage text=”your-message”]

    [successMessage text =“您的消息”]

    [warningMessage text=”your-message”]

    [warningMessage text =“您的消息”]

    [errorMessage text=”your-message”]

    [errorMessage text =“您的消息”]

    These shortcodes will display a message with an appropriate color that will notify users of how their interaction is working.


    The color scheme follows that of many other websites – blue is for information, green is for success, yellow is a warning and red signifies an error.


    Related Posts


    [relatedPosts posts=”1stPostID;

    [relatedPosts posts =” 1stPostID;







    [relatedPosts post=”1;

    [relatedPosts post =” 1;







    This shortcode will create a small slideshow of related posts wherever you put it.


    Note that you must enter the post ID’s yourself, as this shortcode will not automatically index and display related posts for you.


    Although this is more work it has a significantly smaller load time than plugins which do automatically index them for you.


    I would recommend this to people who run their own personal blogs with fewer articles.


    The slideshow is made using only CSS and jQuery.


    Please note that this shortcode should only be used on posts, NOT pages.


    It will cause pages to hang.


    Social Share




    This shortcode will create a section with links for sharing your page or post to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and Linkedin.

    此简码将创建一个带有链接的部分,用于共享您的页面或发布到Twitter,Facebook,Google Plus和Linkedin。

    The links are color coded to match the colors of each of their respective websites.


    You can use this like a normal shortcode in your page/post’s content or you can add it to your template files by using “echo do_shortcode(‘[socialShare]’);”.

    您可以在页面/帖子的内容中像普通的简码一样使用此代码,也可以使用“ echo do_shortcode('[socialShare]');”将其添加到模板文件中。


    1. Upload the entire dobsondev-shortcodes folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    2. 将整个dobsondev-shortcodes文件夹上载到/ wp-content / plugins /目录。

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件。





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