[wordpress插件] Do That Task做那个任务

wordpress 插件 文章 2020-04-20 14:40 812 0 全屏看文



Managing WordPress and improving your website to get more visits and sales is not so easy.


You usually need to optimize your images, updating your text, layout or adding a new exciting feature, improve your SEO;


add a form, add a lead generation funnel, fix any bug in your WordPress website, change your theme or modify a menu in your site.


Sometimes the worst things happen like a plugin conflict, internal server error, broken theme or a complex technical issue, our plugin service will restore your website in good order.


This plugin and our experts will solve it.


Do you need to transfer your website to a new server?


Migrating a website can be a daunting task, especially when changing domain names.


As soon as you install this plugin you have a simple solution from our experts.


You can solve all these tasks with DOThatTask plugin:


    • Infection removal·
    • 感染清除·

    • Speed your website
    • 加快网站访问速度

    • Fix Internal Server Error
    • 修复内部服务器错误

    • Fix Syntax Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的语法错误

    • Fix the Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress
    • 修复在WordPress中建立数据库连接的错误

    • Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death
    • 修复WordPress死亡白屏

    • Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error
    • 修复返回404错误的WordPress帖子

    • Fix the Sidebar Below Content Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中内容错误下方的侧边栏

    • Fix White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor
    • 在WordPress可视编辑器中修复白色文本和缺少的按钮

    • WordPress Memory Exhausted Error – Increase PHP Memory
    • WordPress内存耗尽错误–增加PHP内存

    • Locked Out of WordPress Admin
    • 锁定WordPress管理员

    • Fix WordPress Login Page Refreshing and Redirecting Issue
    • 修复WordPress登录页面刷新和重定向问题

    • Fix Image Upload Issue in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的图片上传问题

    • Fix “Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的“确定要这样做吗”错误

    • Fix Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance Error in WordPress
    • 暂时修复了WordPress中计划的维护错误

    • Fix WordPress Not Sending Email Issue
    • 修复WordPress不发送电子邮件问题

    • Fix WordPress RSS Feed Errors
    • 修复WordPress RSS Feed错误

    • Fix 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的403禁止错误

    • Fix Error Too Many Redirects Issue in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的重定向错误过多的问题

    • Fix “Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk” Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中的“上传:无法将文件写入磁盘”错误

    • Fix “This site ahead contains harmful programs” Error in WordPress
    • 修复“此站点前面包含有害程序”的WordPress错误

    • Fix the Missed Schedule Post Error in WordPress
    • 修复WordPress中错过的计划发布错误

    • and more
    • 更多

    You don’t need to learn how to use any plugin anymore or you don’t need to search for a freelancer anywhere to repair or improve your website.


    This plugin is all you need, you will be able to ask for an expert to do any task on your WordPress website.


    Features of DoThatTask! include, but are not limited to:


      • Assign new WordPress modification task to one of our experts
      • 将新的WordPress修改任务分配给我们的一位专家

      • Gather tasks
      • 收集任务

      • Capture screenshots of the WordPress admin to explain your task to the expert
      • 捕获WordPress管理员的屏幕截图以向专家解释您的任务

      • Post tasks ideas about any aspect.
      • 发布有关任何方面的任务构想。

      • Task review
      • 任务审查

      • Set redo or reopen a task
      • 设置重做或重新打开任务

      • Set task deadlines
      • 设置任务截止日期

      • Set task price estimation, payments of the development task
      • 设置任务价格估算,开发任务的付款

      • Upload file for a specific task
      • 上传特定任务的文件

      • Set private board for communication, send the invitation, news update
      • 设置私人董事会进行沟通,发送邀请,新闻更新

      • We have a 24/7 chat to answer any question
      • 我们有24/7聊天,可以回答任何问题

      • You will have a full report with every task done, it includes Date, task type, description and the amount of money charged.
      • 您将获得一份完整的报告,其中包含完成的每项任务,其中包括日期,任务类型,描述和所收取的费用。

      You can do everything from “ADMIN PANEL” .


      This is the All-In-one tool to manage your entire WordPress website tasks and hire the right expert for each task!


      DoThatTask adds a button on your site, visible to the website admin, to allow you to add tasks from anywhere on your website.

      DoThatTask 在网站上添加一个对网站管理员可见的按钮,以允许您从网站上的任何位置添加任务。

      When adding a task you can take a screenshot, crop the image, and add arrows, text, and frames directly on the image.


      On the admin panel menu, under DoThatTask, click task central – where you can view and manage all your tasks.

      在管理面板菜单上的 DoThatTask 下,单击任务中心–您可以在其中查看和管理所有任务。

      You can click on a task and view its details.


      All the newly added tasks are added as a draft.


      If you are ready to send a task for estimation – simply click on the “Ask for Estimation” button.


      There is also a notification system if someone sends any new messages to communicate with your WordPress expert By getting a new message expert can estimate price, deadlines.


      .When the task is completed successfully, you have a pay button and so you can immediately pay your task.


      There is no hidden charge.


      You can also hold payment and can release funds when a task is marked as successfully done.


      When an expert starts a task, it will change its status into “in-progress” when an expert finish he will change the status to “Review”, you need to make sure you got what you asked for if so – mark the task as




      If not – feel free to change the status back to “Reopen”.


      When you need any assistance, there is a 24/7 button to chat with us about any doubt or question.


      Ready to get started?


      Simply install the DoThatTask plugin from the WordPress marketplace…or contact us and we will do it for you for free.

      只需从WordPress市场安装 DoThatTask 插件…或与我们联系,我们将为您免费提供。

      Arbitrary section


      A brief Markdown Example


      Here's a link to [WordPress](https://dothattask.com/ “Your favorite plugin and one to Markdown's Syntax Documentation.

      解析器用来处理许多自述文件的方式” rel =“ nofollow”> Markdown的语法文档。

      Titles are optional, naturally.


      Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I’ve been told:



      & gt;

      Asterisks for emphasis.


      Double it up for strong.

      将其加倍以得到 strong

      <?php code();

       & amp; lt;?php code(); 

      // goes in backticks ?>

      //放在反引号中?& gt;




    1. Upload dothattask.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. dothattask.zip 上载到 / wp-content / plugins / 目录

    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
    4. 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活插件

    5. Select email address which you want to register on APP with this domain.
    6. 选择要在该域的APP上注册的电子邮件地址。





钻级赞助商 我要加入



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